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The new MacBook!

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Aspiring Novelist
OK. So, finally I am on MacUser. My first two posts have been published and I am on their "dedicated team of bloggers".

A few people had asked me to post links to my first post(s), so check 'em out if you want:

Leopard users on older Macs facing a colorful problem
USA Today’s Ed Baig on why Macs are special

Let me know (either here or - preferably - there) if they are any good.

Thanks to everyone for the support and encouragement! I really appreciate it. :)

My Internet connection has been acting up for the past three days and I am posting this right now from a cyber cafe with a crappy connection, CRT monitors (which are killing my eyes) and Windows XP (I did install Safari though). So pardon me for not taking the time to reply to the previous posts. I hope to be back in full form by tomorrow if those TATA guys can get their butts in gear and fix things up for me. I have two jobs depending on their connection. :(
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I draw every day
and yeah, I think that article is lame! i have 'applications' in my dock, which is the folder where speed download automatically puts files that it thinks are applications. I do plan on getting the beta dock that had the ability to drag a bunch of objects to the dock and make stacks.


I draw every day
"what! you think macs are NOT the reason for global warming?! LIAR! INCOMPETENT NINCUMPOOP!" "and who says I enjoy using iphoto and 'managing' my music with itunes?!" LOL!

goobi, read this. *
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 Macboy
Does that mean you don't intend to either ?
No dude. I was really sad when I couldn't make it to the Digit Mumbai meet that was organised two years back. And that was when I didn't know many members on a personal level. But I will make it a point to meet all your guys (if and) when I'm doing my tour de India...:)

@yash: Wasn't I the one who posted that link here in the first place? Anyway, I thought there is an app named BETA dock which gives back that functionality...
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I draw every day
is that a rhetorical question? if not, lemme just clarify, I wouldn't know if you were the one who posted that link and I'm too lazy to go back and check.

people are making all kinds of stupid lists. look at this *
they say leopard has killed the need for software like adium, quicksilver, firefox and chicken of the vnc.


 Macboy
Seriously aayush. You could be the only reason the mac is worth it. That plugin for Indesign documents (SneakPeek Pro) is so important to me. I'm buying it tonight when I get my hands on my credit card... (I guess I'll buy it for you guys as well, for those of you who need it)


Aspiring Novelist
goobimama said:
Seriously aayush. You could be the only reason the mac is worth it.
LOL! Thanks! :)

Scouring the net for any and all sorts of Apple related news is not only fun, it gets me paid now. So why not let my friends benefit from it! :)

Check out the text clipping and picture clipping plugin too. Pretty handy.


 Macboy
Yep. That BetterZip plugin is much better than the previous ZipLook plugin. It can search through RAR, ISO among many other formats...


I draw every day
goobimama said:
Seriously aayush. You could be the only reason the mac is worth it. That plugin for Indesign documents (SneakPeek Pro) is so important to me. I'm buying it tonight when I get my hands on my credit card... (I guess I'll buy it for you guys as well, for those of you who need it)

there are free plugins available for eps and illustrator files.

ex3n1us m4x1mus
Hey fellas,
How big a external HDD for TimeMachine is fine for my mini with an 80GB internal, 40% filled ?

I'm gonna buy a pocket HDD for "on the move". Can I use it for Time Machine ?


 Macboy
Usually you would want something that's 120% the size of your internal drive. Of course, this can reduce considerably if you have lots of movies on your internal which you want to exclude from the backups...

Yes, you can use a Pocket HD. Only thing it has to be formatted to HFS+ which will pose a problem while using on a PC.

@yash: again, I was the one who posted that EPS plugin out here ;). Still, I need an indesign one and I'm gonna get it.
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