The LG Optimus One Thread


Broken In
I upgraded from LASTKISS to GenetICS + youtubefix + 99power... Phone is smooth... Battery life almost doubled... Earlier, my phone would be empty in 8 hours... yesterday, it lasted 14 hours on a single charge... Same usage pattern....

Which governor r u using? Wht's the min. & max frequency u set, friend?


right here
thanks :)

will djnoked kernel will work with this script ???????
because with maximum usage and wifi on all time last kiss lasted for 9hrs....and also some cm9 theme were applied at that time which drained battery like hell


Broken In
Some scripts to speed up performance... It smoothed out the phone performance... Phone is smoother than it was on stock GenetICS...

See [minimum] [script] | 99power | for an Untweaked ROM | - xda-developers

Can i just flash the from cwm? or do i need to do some additional steps like mounting etcetc...?


Right off the assembly line
genet ICS vs oxy ICS anyone?..

batterylife etc..

does titanium backup work on genet restore apps..?

how much mb free on genetICS after rom install...


Broken In
really strange...
quickpic only shows blackscreen for pics from camera folder under DCIM.
i forget to mentioned, before quickpic, few days bck 'sbi freedom' started behaving strangly. after opening da app, its flashes with a black screen. i put loginid to enter da main screen, then wherever i click its shows a complete black screen. clicking hard menu button shows specific options. but no actual screen, all black.
i think RGV'S ghost accidentally followed nokia maps n returned to my phone. :-(

any idea guys...

Try quickpic 2.6 (old version) without hardware rendering... it works for me 99% times.

not possible in any ICS rom AFAIK. When a call is received the sound will have to be redirected to external audio. This will require core changes.

Is it possible to make the call/notification tones or alarms to be heard through both phone speaker & headphone? I won't mind tht kinda fix...


Retired Forum Mod
Is it possible to make the call/notification tones or alarms to be heard through both phone speaker & headphone? I won't mind tht kinda fix...

no idea :( actually what you are asking is a bug. And if this had existed, was probably fixed long back.


Broken In
h/w rendering is disabled in settings. so dont think dats da problem.

use version 2.6. I also found the new versions fc/screen blank... if u still got issues with 2.6, then clear the cache & thumbnail from within the app.


in the kaya
use version 2.6. I also found the new versions fc/screen blank... if u still got issues with 2.6, then clear the cache & thumbnail from within the app.

ok. will try 2.6 n let u know.... thx.

wat abt the sbi freedom app? do u guys facing any prob with that?


Retired Forum Mod
too much info can spoil ones brain. i think same happened to hephappy. check this post. Don't know if he was being funny or trying some jokes :p


The Power of x480
Staff member
too much info can spoil ones brain. i think same happened to hephappy. check this post. Don't know if he was being funny or trying some jokes :p

I think he meant it.
There he is, trying to learn from user's experiences after hours of development. But all he gets in return is vague messages, that is for absolute no use. Like he said, "rubbish". :|


right here
djnoxed kernel and used I used my phone very less with few calls and messages and little data....
Also the keys lights were always switched off :)
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Peak Oil is real!


Broken In
I upgraded from LASTKISS to GenetICS + youtubefix + 99power... Phone is smooth... Battery life almost doubled... Earlier, my phone would be empty in 8 hours... yesterday, it lasted 14 hours on a single charge... Same usage pattern....

can u explain how to install that 99power...I'm on GenetICS now....
nd is GenetIcs an untweaked from?

Also can the reboots after wifi tethering eliminated by flashing diffrnt kernel...if so which is bettr kernel... nw using the stock thing in hephappy's rom..
waiting for ur reply guys....


Tried Hep's release - Genetics, and TBH, i was using Adfad's CM10 before that.
And no offense but Hep's ROM seemed like a tortoise, in fact every ROM seems so now :/


I am on Oxygen ICS ROM and was getting random blackot that phone used to work but no matter what you press screen remained black and only way to resolve it was removing battery and turning it on again so on someody's suggestion I flashed CAF kernel (latest - [KERNEL][18/11/2012][TESTING]CAF-ICS Kernel for ICS --- Just play around - xda-developers). After flashing the problem wasnt there for a day or two and now it has started coming again. Any idea how to resolve it?

Offtopic - Caf Kernel is awesome especially battery life :D


Broken In
I am on Oxygen ICS ROM and was getting random blackot that phone used to work but no matter what you press screen remained black and only way to resolve it was removing battery and turning it on again so on someody's suggestion I flashed CAF kernel (latest - [KERNEL][18/11/2012][TESTING]CAF-ICS Kernel for ICS --- Just play around - xda-developers). After flashing the problem wasnt there for a day or two and now it has started coming again. Any idea how to resolve it?

Offtopic - Caf Kernel is awesome especially battery life :D

Hey, i think theres something wrong with ur flashing....
I was using oxygen ics for many days and used the last two updates...
I wud say oxygen is the most stable rom by now...theres no problem of blackscreens nd random reboots...but as u guys may know,its a rom with minimal customization s for daily normal use its perfect...omx nd hephappys youtube fix working great on oxygen too...but for hard use,its nt great...i faced reboots on overclock above 700mhz...but ok at 691 interactive...

im nw using GenetIcs bcz i wnted sme on stock kernel frm hep nd im getting gud battry too...i wud say GenetIcs is really bettr thn Oxygen in case of battry life...oxygen absorbs much battry on sleep too...In GenetIcs i m at 729 Interactive nd the fone is nt gtting randm reboots.. but the wifi tethering reboot is annoying thing for me in Genetics...
Nw waiting for adfad's stable JB update...
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