Hii i've flashed ICS (AOKP) today.. now i'm unable to move apps to sd card.. it displays an error "couldn't move app" ... any suggestion to solve this problem?
Hii i've flashed ICS (AOKP) today.. now i'm unable to move apps to sd card.. it displays an error "couldn't move app" ... any suggestion to solve this problem?
You mean till now you didn't knew about how the recent apps are rendered in ICS ?Like the recent apps list! Full previews!
@Vyom do you have p500 or other mobile
I want a custom rom and that's final. Plz help
I want to know a-z process of installing a custom rom by apps you successfully used. How is Cyanogen? is it ok to run ics on optimus one
I didn't hear the word "backup" in above post
Also use AmonRa as the recovery, not any other like CWM, which is risky.
I have some questions about
Step 1. Is there any app on market that can root my phone or I had to use Gingerbreak?
Step 2. Are you talking about app named 'Rom manager'?
Step 4. So I need not install any recovery like AmonRa recovery, Team Win Recovery Project (TWRP), ClockworkMod (CWM) recovery etc ? Rom manager has inbuilt recovery?
Step 6. Please provide links to the custom roms you metion(also to your present rom)
step 10. is there any option in custom recovery to do the nandroid backup?
step 11&12. How to do that partition?
step 14. how to do that?
is there any process to recover my old factory rom
Can you post the method of flashing the latest Amonra on Optimus One?
# mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock1 /system
# cat /sdcard/flash_image > /system/bin/flash_image
# chmod 755 /system/bin/flash_image
# mv /system/etc/ /system/etc/
# mount -o remount,ro -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock1 /system
# flash_image recovery /sdcard/original_recovery.img
I also believe AmonRA is better. I use it. But for new users, flashing Amonra can be tough. Can you post the method of flashing the latest Amonra on Optimus One?