in the kaya
Guys I have LG Optimus Net how much can I have external memory max that is SD Card. 32 GB should work or 16gb?
all hav max 32gb max as external mem.
Guys I have LG Optimus Net how much can I have external memory max that is SD Card. 32 GB should work or 16gb?
Hi guys,
Recently I flashed TinyStream(TS) rom but noticed a very unusual stuff, after flashing Titanium Backup was already present. So I tried to back up apps it gives error and force close. After that error when I look in apps it is installed I can play it too. Whats up with this?
Also, Battery backup is not good compaing with CHARGEME. It hardly get to 22hrs whereas CHARGEME was giving upto 2-3 days...
hows Arjen's CM9 Nightlies compared to TinyStream?
Maybe, Titanium backup was successful and already backed up apps before it forced closed!Simple.
And are you kidding? 2-3 days backup on CHARGEME!? Did you not used the phone at all in those 2-3 days period?
Nightlies feel faster... smoother...
hav anyone facing this?
after watching 2-3 vids on youtube app (no hq), the phone reboots. this is happening frm da day i first install cm9-tinylight. fr some other reason, flashed this rom thrice. bt still same freaking problem...
so annoying man... i thought yt would work on our ics smoothly without hq enabled...
480/600 on smartassv2..
will flash arjen's ROM then....
I have a only few apps on internal memory yet its only 50mb cache cleaner shows around 20mb of cache but on cleaning it says 3mb freed1. my /cache/download is almost getting full. only aprox 9mb left. is it normal?
tried to clean cache frm recovery. no use.
used to happen years back with my Airtel Sim2. today got another strange prob. fr last two days was not getting any sms. bt i can send sms. called cc of airtel. suggestd me to delete some msg from inbox. though i knew inbox n stuffs r ok. but deleted 100 msg frm inbox. again tried sending SMS ftm my sister's vodafone no to my no. still same prob.
then fr some reason was trying to take a screenshot, suddenly phones rebooted. after dat i rebooted again, bt in recovery, clean cache. and rebooted. now getting those failed sms. sms working alright.
anyone faced similer kind of prob.
in cm9-tinylight.
Just downloaded gingersnap will try to stick with that .. downloading GingerBlurB now..3. really confused wat cm9 should use. heyhappy stopped. tinystream has bad battery life. arjen has blocked his thread which he was continuing heps work. picolo nt getting dat good responce.
n nw cm10 started fr p500. in alpha stage nw. miui v4 2.8.3 ported.
end of da day conclusion. if u want the most stable rom with longest battery life fr our p500, u should switch back to official froyo. bt dat fr reguler user, nt fr freaking testers like us..wish i hav another android
Messages not receiving is a direct consequence of low memory.
Use link2SD to transfer apps to second partition of SD card. I have installed over 200mb of apps and still my internal memory is 150mb left.
As far as ROMs of our phone is concerned, this is indeed a bad time.![]()
I have a only few apps on internal memory yet its only 50mb cache cleaner shows around 20mb of cache but on cleaning it says 3mb freed
used to happen years back with my Airtel Sim
Just downloaded gingersnap will try to stick with that .. downloading GingerBlurB now..
why dont guys here try aokp m6..its says wifi and tethering not working but actually works for me![]()
i use history cleaner frm froyo. still using it in ics. u should try dat. and /cache/download is differnt i guess.
with me too on da same sim. bt dats just because of my inbox overload. this time its different story as far as i guess.
u should try oxygen. very stable n strong battery life. very less bug. perfect gb rom fr daily use.
m6 also has some issues.