there aren't devices fast enough to utilize the full speed of even usb 2.0(480mbps). so i guess we cant know the speed of usb 3.0..u will get 64mbps even in usb 2.0
hey pranav
hv u tried uninstalling IDT drivers like anikent cain suggested for our dv4?
Well we have the lansing speakers, dont we??
Any improvements if
plz post...
N 1 more thng headed ur way??
HAve u tried overclocking the 6750 GPU??
at 0.955V speeds upto 800/950 can be achieved without significant rise in temp.
Our GPU runs at stock volt 1.00..
That could bring our GPU at par with a radeon 4850.
Witcher 2 would be flawless if u consider the overclocking..
Our speakers are good. But that Beats Audio is doing too much post-processing and ruining the audio. It is applicable to the inbuilt speakers as well as any earphone that you plug in. The difference, or rather the improvement, after uninstalling Beats is too obvious to ignore. Still, if you dont like it, you can always install back your IDT drivers from C:\SWSetup\Drivers\Audio.
i have the lansing speakers with the IDT preinstalled. i dont have the quad speakers as u do in dv6 series. what the heck, i'd give it a try??
Hey aniket can i ask u abt the overclocking capabilites of ur gPU??
UR stock speeds are 725/800 @ 1.00 V. How far have u overclocked ur GPU??
A little help here wud be nice.
I used MSI Afterburner and overclocked it to 850/950. I think it was at 1.05V but I am not sure about this. It was running very stable without overheating and the performance boost was as much as 15-20% in some games, but not all. For eg. Resident Evil 5 went up from 55 fps to 63 fps in Ultra settings. CS:Source scored 176 fps compared to the earlier 153. I dont remember the others.
Games started crashing when I set it to 900/1000, and I didn't try any settings in between.
However, from what I have read online, most people have found 850/950 to be the most stable.
I have used Sapphire Trixx to overclock my 6770. Yes, it is simple and good.
I changed the fan speed from default 30% to custom - 100% and I could not see any difference though. I don't think fan speed is changed at all for me.
anyone who has tried deus ex human revolution?
Hey Guys I purchased 6121tx in july Awesome machine..
But i m having a problem i recently updated my graphics card driver it was showing in the optional update but after that i m getting lower fps previously i was getting around 60 fps in black ops but now i m getting only 20-22 fps i do not know what to do i even tried to uninstall and reinstall graphics driver but it didn't help..
pls help..
has anyone tried latest DEUS EX human revolution game on this 6121tx?how well does it run if anyone could throw some light on this as i heard it having problem on core i5/i7 machines.i tried it on my desktop machine which run it on 1280x1024 with AA and SSAO off.
BTW is there any possibility of making custom resolution say 1600x900 on 6121tx? wats the resolution limit of this machine?