Superhuman Spambot
Pleasetell me how to use the msi afterburner safely as I am noob
in that. Also please tell me from where to download the same.
Pleasetell me how to use the msi afterburner safely as I am noob
in that. Also please tell me from where to download the same.
My internal HDD (the ones that came pre-installed) of my DV6-6165tx just crashed without any reasons today. File errors, sometime hdd just disappears, copying errors etc. It was just fine, then after putting this hdd to the 2nd hdd caddy, this problem arose today. I don't know, i had to put some pressures when fitting and testing the HDD, maybe that caused it, accidentally I put pressure on the top of the HDD or whatever. So, here I am going to empty my pocket again(Its not even a month I just purchased the SSD and the caddy).
The caddy is just a connector right? So it should not be the reason, i think.
Also just to share a strange story-
I use alliance broadband, there was an electrostatic issue with the MC, I connect through ethernet and I started feeling a little vibration with mild electricity when I touch the laptop.
After some days, the finger scan device just failed, didn't accept ant driver at all. I then had to hard reset the laptop (pressing the power switch of the laptop for 10 seconds after taking out the battery and pulling the power adaptop off, ie with no power supply), and that solved the issue. I then opened the MC my alliance provider provided and made manual earthing to ground, and the issue was solved.
Thinking about the future- I finally bought the "TP-Link 150 Mbps Wireless N Router (TL-WR740N)" and I'm using it now.
Pardon me, but I really like to share my tech-stories and my tech-emotions to you, thoughtful people
For how much you sold 6121tx?
Hello everybody I am in a big trouble so please help me out of this problem. I have HP DV6-6165tx and On playing Metal Gear Rising Revengeance the game crashes ( even the settings were on very low mode ) , it happened thrice and once a notification also came that the video driver has recovered from an unexpected error. I am really worried because my friends have laptops with lower configuration than mine but all modern games like NFS THE RUN, MGR Revengeance , COD Ghosts , Thief play on their laptops without producing much heat and run very smoothly. I do not know what is the exact problem with my laptop. Once I tried to update the graphics card driver and hp support but later on I came to know that Coolsense has been uninstalled and is not supported by the new AMD drivers. Please tell me about stable version of AMD Catalyst and which supports coolsense so that we can manually choose coolest mode etc. Thanks.
Is the problem is only with MGS:Revengeance? Other games are running fine? And you have not mentioned, but is your laptop overheating?
Hello everybody I am in a big trouble so please help me out of this problem. I have HP DV6-6165tx and On playing Metal Gear Rising Revengeance the game crashes ( even the settings were on very low mode ) , it happened thrice and once a notification also came that the video driver has recovered from an unexpected error. I am really worried because my friends have laptops with lower configuration than mine but all modern games like NFS THE RUN, MGR Revengeance , COD Ghosts , Thief play on their laptops without producing much heat and run very smoothly. I do not know what is the exact problem with my laptop. Once I tried to update the graphics card driver and hp support but later on I came to know that Coolsense has been uninstalled and is not supported by the new AMD drivers. Please tell me about stable version of AMD Catalyst and which supports coolsense so that we can manually choose coolest mode etc. Thanks.