The Guitar Lounge

j1n M@tt

Cyborg Agent
hi guitarists, hw u all doing? :)

so as I hav said earlier in this thread, my xams and all are over decided to become a electric guitarist now :)

As u all hav suggested, I'm going to start with acoustic guitar now. Any new suggestions on which model I should buy. I hav a budget for abt 5k for acoustic guitar now. Psychosocial hav suggest earlier the following :

Acoustic :-

Granada PRD-4 Dreadnought Acoustic (4.2k)
some strap (100-200 bucks)
a pack of picks (60 bucks at most)

... thats all

more options :-

Ibanez Jam Pack Starter Ed. Guitar... (5.5k)
Hoffner acoustic guitar [dunno exact model] ...(6k)
Pluto starter Acoustic [exact model unknown :D] ...(3.5k)

Electric :-

guitars :-

Fender Squier Affinity Stratocaster (11K)
Yamaha Pacifica 012 (12k)
ESP M50 (13k)
Ibanez GRX20 (14k)
BC Rich Warlock Bronze (13k)

..I would pick either the Yamaha or the Ibanez.

amps :-

Kustom Sound Cube 20 (2.8k)
Marshall MG10CD (3.3k)

...go for Marshall

get some good strap for around 300 bucks... or you could get the one which I have.
A decent set of picks and also a nice bag for the guitar.

hw abt Yamaha APX500?? is it bad to start playing on an acoustic electic guitar?? btw do u guys know hw much it costs?


Ambassador of Buzz
APX500 is the best one can go for...its very nice...other good ones are
Fender CD60 Dreadnought
Fender GC12
Washburn D11

Its not bad starting with any guitar. Its just better if u get to start with acoustic. Acoustic guitar give u an edge in Pull offs, hammer ons, slides, vibrato if practiced well.
Noob question ....!

How are entry level accoustic guitars labelled under the name "Givson" perform for beginners ??? (budget -- max 2.5k )


Violent serenity.
^They are nice for learning... a girl in my guitar class has an el cheapo Givson guitar which sounds good... so for learning, they are great.

@j1n m@tt :-
electric guitars are easier to play but are costly and require a little more maintainence than acoustics... you need less effort to play it.
I've an SX SEG1-STD Guitar now. SX is one of those imitation companies which makes great Ibanez superstrat clones. An uncle got it from the US.

Problem is, the tremulo arm is missing and so is the strap. I'm looking around in bangalore for cheap spares. Any idea where I can get them ?

And I need to adjust the bridge a little and also fix the single coil middle pickup, which is slightly inclined due to which I get a hum from the low-E.

Any idea where to proceed to get work done nice and cheap ?

This guitar has a great sound btw. Really brilliant for its ~7.5k price in INR. I guess with the right effects it can be made godly.

I'm working with a friend trying to assemble my own distortion/overdrive unit due to lack of funds to buy one. Looking online through RAT clones, DS-1 clones, Big Muff Pi clones, etc as well as some custom circuits to zero in on something suited to my style...


Violent serenity.
I've an SX SEG1-STD Guitar now. SX is one of those imitation companies which makes great Ibanez superstrat clones. An uncle got it from the US.

Problem is, the tremulo arm is missing and so is the strap. I'm looking around in bangalore for cheap spares. Any idea where I can get them ?

And I need to adjust the bridge a little and also fix the single coil middle pickup, which is slightly inclined due to which I get a hum from the low-E.

Any idea where to proceed to get work done nice and cheap ?

This guitar has a great sound btw. Really brilliant for its ~7.5k price in INR. I guess with the right effects it can be made godly.

I'm working with a friend trying to assemble my own distortion/overdrive unit due to lack of funds to buy one. Looking online through RAT clones, DS-1 clones, Big Muff Pi clones, etc as well as some custom circuits to zero in on something suited to my style...

I dunno about Bangalore but when I was going to buy my electric guitar, I was searching for stores in the major cities of India and I stumbled upon this store called 'Musician's Palace' in Bangalore. I suggest you check it out. And don't try and fix anything on your own or you might end up breaking it completely.
I dunno about Bangalore but when I was going to buy my electric guitar, I was searching for stores in the major cities of India and I stumbled upon this store called 'Musician's Palace' in Bangalore. I suggest you check it out. And don't try and fix anything on your own or you might end up breaking it completely.
Actually I DO know a few stores here. Soundglitz is one of the best but they charge a premium.

Anyway, I could try doing work myself since I'm good with such stuff but the reason I'm not is that I don't know how to handle superstrats. Don't even know how to tune them.


Always in Dreams... too a beginner guitarist :)
Purchased a Yahama F310 Acoustic Guitar from delhi recently. Priced Rs. 6210/-

Believe me guys this is one of the best acoustic guitars for learners and even for mastered players. You can search google or youtube for it's videos.

And if someone wants to buy guitars in delhi, I'd suggest bhargava musical store in daryaganj. I bought from there and really satisfied with the guitar and service warranty (3 years)


Violent serenity. too a beginner guitarist :)
Purchased a Yahama F310 Acoustic Guitar from delhi recently. Priced Rs. 6210/-

Believe me guys this is one of the best acoustic guitars for learners and even for mastered players. You can search google or youtube for it's videos.

And if someone wants to buy guitars in delhi, I'd suggest bhargava musical store in daryaganj. I bought from there and really satisfied with the guitar and service warranty (3 years)

Yup. My guitar tutor owns it. I have played. Amazing for <10k :). Yamaha makes great acoustics. And electrics too!
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