Suggestion Box

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Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
I think the separator of the sticky thread and normal thread isn't good.

Plz remove this and get back to the previous view..


Broken In
April DVD worked for very few people. I think DIGIT people very well know before hand that DVDs are faulty but they choose to deliver these avoiding cost & schedule overrun. Shame on DIGIT.


Ballack Junior
the major reason i see of the dvd's not working is the plastic case..mostly the cd's(and dvd's too) are usually displaced of their holders(leads to scratching) it would be better to use the simple paper and plastic covers..
i havent actually had problems with the dvd's usually (only twice in the last 20 or so issues..)
and i saw a post from another person regarding the linux distros..saying that most of the people reading used windows and only 2 distros should be given annually..PLEASE do not take this suggestion..
evrything else paper quality,ads etc..are fine with me..fasttrack too need to improve the paper quality..its meant to read..and it server the purpose quite well..


In the zone
please give us linux distribution in every issue..
better to give it as iso format of dvd of that linux distro..
also the digit archive is not working
so tell me how can i see ur previous issues..

Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
please create an electronic version of your mag and offer it for a lower price. many of us already have internet connections and can download the software and games anyway. but please dont stop the paper version. wat im saying is u shud run an e-version of ur mag alongside the paper version. ppl like me could subscribe to the e-version for a lesser price.


i bought the june digit today its available on stands


Hello Friends,
I think my and some active members views about digit magazine has made many many tech hunger members to rethink about buying this months special edition. Its true and there r many facts to support this thinking about think-digit.
1. This months edition is late. I am not sure when will it reach in hills of Uttarakhand. So to satisfy our hunger we had to buy the Chip.
2. This special edition is not worth Rs.200.00 (Dvd seems useless). Only the magazine content seems appealing(but I am not sure). While this month's chip is at Rs. 150 mark. With 3 useful DVD's and a great magazine content.
3. Digit's content/page ratio is much lower then chip.
4. Chip's cost content/page is much less.
5. Chip is now available in my city.

So I had to make a hard decision to leave out this months digit edition or not and buy the Chip.

And buy the graphic card comparison edition or the digital camera edition and then buy the December/2008 edition and then there I can read the missed digit issues.

If any one bought the magazine and finished reading it please Inform how is the magazine content. Thats to quickly.

Don't You all think that this useless, late "latif", staff of Digit should be fired.

Vimal Joshi



Debian Gnu/Linux User
  • Fast Track to Assembling a Home, Workstation, Game PC
  • Whitepapers on Linux
  • Instead of paper review, provide a Video review for latest Games
  • Change Mag font. and Decrease it as readable. It will have new look and make more space
  • Dont add ads on Fast Tract. continue with current design and quality.
  • Ads are useful to get the information of retailers and suppliers. But it may be separated as PCs, Memory, Hardisk, Printers, etc..
  • Tips and Tricks should become more creatable. now its being an general help.
  • Digit is becoming a student magazine. pl provide a separate section for Tech Experts.
  • Reduce the cluttering designs
  • If you dont concentrate paper quality, pl dont use Dark Colours.
  • Provide a region wise sellers , distributers, suppliers of common hardware and software as seperate book by quarterly or bimonthly
  • QnA should have serious and genuine problems
this list may rise.......



Right off the assembly line
It will be really appreciable if you reserves a 5 or more pages for Linux and Open/Free Software reviews and Only


Cyborg Agent

In Jan 08 issue DVD cover........

January was printed Januay....Just a mistake....not take it positive ...don;t repeat.......

heres proof:


Hello readers,

There is a thought in my mind. I had seen that most of you ask the team digit to increase the paper quality of the magazine and fast track.and many of you criticize them also. But I think that this is not fare.

1. We should look at the quality of matter they provide not the paper.

2. By decreasing the quality of paper they can increase the page nos. in magazine/fast track.(Decrease in paper quality should result in increase of the page no. in magazine/fast track.)

3. Decrease in quality may help them to control the price of magazine. (But this is not the case with them.) Decrease the paper quality and decrease the magazine price also specially your anniversary issues because their price don't justify the content of the magazine.

4. It will certainly save the environment.

So guys come with your views to justify the decrease the paper quality in the magazine.

Vimal Joshi
Save Environment.


Broken In
Please pack the mag in a smaller cover.

When I walk with Digit on the streets, it looks like I'm a carpenter carrying a plywood!


Cyborg Agent
^LOL. But thats something I too have experienced, though I bought only 3 issues the whole of last year. And I didnot even buy the 7th Aniv Issue just because it was bloody red. I hate red.

Vishal Gupta

Microsoft MVP
Forum Guidelines need to be updated. It still contains description of old forum sections which have been changed since a long time.

Also it contains reputation info which was disabled long time back.


left this forum longback
title Open Source Section can be changed to Open Source and Linux to attract many n00b's who cannot differ between FOSS and GNU/Linux :p

raboo -I hope you look into this problem :|


 Macboy
Please offer the option of packing the magazine and CDs in paper rather than plastic. Also reduce the amount of packaging material to save on resources and transportation.

And yeah, update those forum guidelines.
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