I AM THE BEST Gamer!! oh yeah!! played all of them without the strategy ones.they are not games.lol
you missed some Great games:-
1)No one liveS forever 2[goty]
2)James bond nightfire 007
3)James bond blood stone 007
4)Turok (great graphics even though relesed in 2008 or 2009
5)final fantasy crisis core and dirge of cerbus
6)alpha protocol
7)alone in the dark (2011)
10)Driver San francisco(2011)
11)zelda skyword sword(Goty 2011 of g4tv)
12)HALO 1 & HALO 2
13)NINJA BLADE(AWESOMEEEE!!!!) dont forget to check it out.till now the best sword game i played.and i played all sword games so its the best anyway.believe me.
14)Devil may cry 3 & 4 [dmc 5 upcoming]
15)Ninja gaiden
16)Red Faction gurrela
17)Red faction armageddon
18)Operation flashpoint Dragon rising
19)Operation flashpoint Red River
20)Call of juarez the cartel(2011)
wow! thats a lot for you to add mate.will tell more when remember.
Thanks for the list.it will help a lot of gamers.
dont forget to play turok and ninja blade.you wont regret it.well better to say play all of them if u didnt.you will never regret it.