STALKER:Clear Sky -->> Highly under-rated

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Staff member
I just played the game, updated to its latest version 1.505 and my impression for this game was awesome but slowly turned into ugly. Why:
2. Crashes due to Bugs, in first level I took a dead guy's SMG and as soon as I equipped it, squeezed trigger to lit it rip, Fataaashh GAME CRASH
3. Poor Physics, I'm pumping guys will 12 gauge slugs from less than a meter's distance and they are still standing after taking direct 5 bodyshots.

Well more criticism will come as I play it....
1. Yup there are depending upon your system config it may vary from 1 to many
2. I havent played it now so will not comment much here.
3. Probably its the animation when hit by bullet that prevents the physics and further damage when you hit the guy. It was annoying in first game too when the guy was in hit animation you cant hurt him till the animation completes. Am yet to see if its in this game too.

Overall this game should've been rated more than it was given. :eek:

Same with Silent Hill 5, dumb reviews and dumb rating.

Indeed it looks like a new refreshing one. These two games are on my list :p
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Aspiring Novelist
Just got the game.Won't be able to complete it so will rather just test it with all the mods & patch I have got.Have to save up for Far Cry 2 & Dead Space.:D

Will report back if the game is interesting or not.;)


Staff member
mods will make it a child's play and break the real feel. Better play other games than wasting time.


Staff member
yeah but play it when you have absolutely no other temptation. May be when you are done with all other games, may be in your 30s or 40s :). If you rush you will surely make a thumb down.


Aspiring Novelist
I'm sorry but I somehow fail to comprehend what your trying to say to me.I know a lot of time & patience is required to be invested in this game but we have to get started somewhere atleast.I tried the initial level & am slowly getting a gist of playing it.Not completely into it though but gradually learning it.


Cyborg Agent
This is an awesome game. I played Stalker: Shadows of Chernobyl with the lost oblivion mod. But this game is tooooo long. Before I could finish the game I had to format my comp :-( and so lost all my save games.

mods will make it a child's play and break the real feel. Better play other games than wasting time.
Have you tried the Lost Oblivion mod? They turned this STALKER: SOC into what it was meant to be like.
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Staff member
nope...I was exploring the zone for more than 6 months and later shifted to full time linux after reformatting xp, after that i havent played it. I have heard that Lost Oblivion mod is good, if i get time i will play it.
@T159,is the free roam so vast?6 months?I got both originals,STALKER SOC and Clear Sky.Should try em out.Both sound very interesting.Got SOC free with my Mobo:D BTW what is Oblivion mod?


Staff member
Actually the game was named S.T.A.L.K.E.R:Oblivion Lost intially but later got changed, many locations were removed and others added. You can check in their website, some old fan art and screenshots. I first read about it in SKOAR...lolz

Free roam is vast when you actually explore every corner, and its quite surprising that how unpredictable it is when you visit the same area after some time or a major event. Last time I had almost all the armors except one important exo suit, but then i reformatted XP (some troubles). Lost my saves too...lulz. Tried some glitches and tricks to enter restricted areas...freedom armory :p and blowing Freedom guards without becoming their enemy :D It was fun. Getting artifacts at locations you could never thought of reaching. The path to them is not straight. Looting dead many modified weapons by this way. It was indeed great fun...except for when you are in underground labs, its damn scary and you will never try to enter them again.

Let me tell you about some monster and their abilities:
Bloodsucker: It can accelerate fast enough to reach you in seconds and it remains invisible except for glowing eyes when it sees his enemy. Only when he claw attack is the time it will become visible. Its damn hard to kill it, the trick is to aim the head.

Poltergeist: These are in lab and you cannot see them but just a faint spark. They can levitate objects and throw at you, it was real spooky when I first thought wtf was lifting crates and throwing at me. It took some time to show some courage and find out that there was something bad with the air floating light sparks. Used shotgun and zapped them all.

Pyrogeist: This is fire monster. It is invisible too except for a when it starts making fire streaks in air out of nowhere and then you know that you are a burned chicken.

Human: Bandits, duty, freedom, military, stalker and monoliths are damn intelligent. If you stop at one place you have absolutely no chance of survival. Key is to move and take them strategically. Infact at later levels the difficulty increases with great weapons and armors.

Snorks: you will know what they are. Pretty annoying freaks.

Zombified stalkers: whats the reason for zombies in this game ? You will know and the reason is quite scientific. You can spend thousand of bullets to kill them but they wont down until you shoot their head. Or better a single swipe of knife can take down in one try...ironically. But dont take them as dumb slow zombies as they know how to play with gun.

Pseudogiant: Am afraid I never had one on one close quarter combat with it. It can crush you and make seismic waves in grounds.

Controller: Probably the most intriguing villain. It can control your mind. I wont spoil what it does. Better see for yourself the uneasiness and high pitched brain melting sound.

Othe mutants: yeah more are there but alone they are pussy. If they are in pack they will attack you to make a meal. If they are alone they will fled away.

I guess its enough to make it interesting.


Staff member
Thanks T159,will try it tomorrow.Which one should I start with?SOC or CS?
try SOC but then remember there are many mods to jazz it up. Keep them for when you complete it vanilla. Update to latest patch before playing.

CS is still not sanitized completely. Let it take some time to pick out all the bugs.
STALKER: SOC should be played with the Lost Oblivion mod.
isnt it slightly diverted than what devs intended. I know there are plenty of mods to keep you playing this game for whole year but then vanilla should be given a try before.


Cyborg Agent
Actually from what I have read, initially developers wanted to put all the things in Lost Oblivion mod in the game but couldn't do so due to time constraint and bugs. This mod gives a completely open ended environment along with drivable vehicles and much more.


still find time for games
Started STALKER : CS . It's awesome. Simply awesome!

I've updated till 1.5.04 patch. No crashes, lock-ups.

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