Sarabjit Singh dead


Cyborg Agent
"Not everything needs to lead to nuclear war. Several things below that which send a strong message to Pakistan." - Lt Gen Shankar Prasad


Super Moderator
Staff member
Lt.Gen Shankar Prasad does not run the country.there is a reason why a prospering/good country always keep a clear distinction between military & politics.a good diplomat is always a better choice than a good general.


Ambassador of Buzz
"Not everything needs to lead to nuclear war. Several things below that which send a strong message to Pakistan." - Lt Gen Shankar Prasad

Thats why i used the term "full scale war" and when you(i don't mean 'you' particularly) are talking about capturing a nation don't you think it's going to resort to desperate measures(like nuclear war) to avoid that?


Wise Old Owl
trust me guys pray to god tat no real war happens or else u will know how useless our armaments are dont even think of underestimating pak after it got support from us ( i m talking abt the fighter and bomber planes) also u guys are talking abt taking over pak the reverse is happening while we all r sitting and enjoying read the news paper !!
china already moving inside our border from east pak from north they hav almost half of kashmir dude we cant ( and will not) do anything abt it.....

and also ya no countries would dare to use warheads if they do all other countries will get chance to what do we say gank them........

no one wants to be the first it will always be the last means of desperation for any country even for N korea

the unthinkable power of destruction of nuclear warheads cant be taken lightly every country fears of it (except some u guys know whom i m talking abt) ........


Sigh. Next twitter trend detected.

cold war ii. Indo - pak nuclear warfare can destroy the world. Dialogue is the only way out. Will help if politicians on both sides stop fuelling the fire for the sake of vote banks.
Well in that case I gotta get my @ss to somewhere in south :D
~In Rajasthan ATM :D

R.I.P Sarabjit Singh


Not everything's gonna lead to a Nuclear war. We've been engaged in dialogue with them for the past 10 years and see whats the result today? Hell they attacked us in kargil when their PM was on visit to India‚ now what do you make of that? You make dialogue with people who have an ounce of common sense and understanding..not with them paks.


Ambassador of Buzz
^^ I never opposed strong retaliation. Infact, I believe it has become necessary. I was replying to the suggestion of "capturing pakistan" .


^It was not directed towards any particular person. Since many people were saying dailogue is the only way out‚ I thought of giving my view on it. :)


Wise Old Owl
since dialogue can't be a way out as we can see, violence is the only way these mother****ers are going to understand. So the message is clear. wipe them off...


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
since dialogue can't be a way out as we can see, violence is the only way these mother****ers are going to understand. So the message is clear. wipe them off...

You cannot wipe them off without collateral damage. A nuclear war would be the end of everything you know and love.


since dialogue can't be a way out as we can see, violence is the only way these mother****ers are going to understand. So the message is clear. wipe them off...

Again asking you the same, Do you think this as some Pocket Tank Game ??


Lastly read about Newton's Third Law. If we are going to wipe them off with a Nuclear Warhead, then they ain't so dumb not to reply us back. Whatever gonna happen next is called Collateral damage.


Wise Old Owl
violence produced bangladesh, even u were born violently

Again asking you the same, Do you think this as some Pocket Tank Game ??


Lastly read about Newton's Third Law. If we are going to wipe them off with a Nuclear Warhead, then they ain't so dumb not to reply us back. Whatever gonna happen next is called Collateral damage.

pocket tank game is a game that you love playing ,not me...i like real action dont b oversmart n project me as some kid..
and dere's always going to be collateral damage in any war like situation. but u loose some to get some


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
violence produced bangladesh, even u were born violently

pocket tank game is a game that you love playing ,not me...i like real action dont b oversmart n project me as some kid..
and dere's always going to be collateral damage in any war like situation. but u loose some to get some

Holy crap dude, you are just as sadistic as the people referred to in the Fight Thread.


violence produced bangladesh, even u were born violently

pocket tank game is a game that you love playing ,not me...i like real action dont b oversmart n project me as some kid..
and dere's always going to be collateral damage in any war like situation. but u loose some to get some

This helps me & few more here to Project you & your view childish....

Pak don't have anything to loose. Do they ??? but India has lot to loose other than Gain.

What will India gain, after capturing Pak ?? May be vanish pakis from Pak.

What will india loose during this situation ?? Few Metropolitian cities, NCR, Business Corresponding in the areas infected, Innocent lives & lot more.....

If that you called as Gain, then many here will call that as Loss.
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Wise Old Owl
This helps me & few more here to Project you & your view childish....

:facepalm: wen will u get out of ur imaginary world and feel the heat that is coming out of ur neighbour... it was you who started talking about pocket tank , not better talk sensibly

Holy crap dude, you are just as sadistic as the people referred to in the Fight Thread.

there's no terrorist attack in america since 9/11 (except this boston one)... they violently kill their enemies , take osama for example... we shud learn


:facepalm: wen will u get out of ur imaginary world and feel the heat that is coming out of ur neighbour... it was you who started talking about pocket tank , not better talk sensibly

What you want me to do ?? throw a hand grenade, coz the heat is coming from the Neighbour.


Wise Old Owl
This helps me & few more here to Project you & your view childish....
collateral damage has always been there when its a war like situation... cant understand why ur laughing at this fact

What you want me to do ?? throw a hand grenade, coz the heat is coming from the Neighbour.

take some action , not play pocket tank :nanananana:

This helps me & few more here to Project you & your view childish....

Pak don't have anything to loose. Do they ??? but India has lot to loose other than Gain.

What will India gain, after capturing Pak ?? May be vanish pakis from Pak.

What will india loose during this situation ?? Few Metropolitian cities, NCR, Business Corresponding in the areas infected, Innocent lives & lot more.....

If that you called as Gain, then many here will call that as Loss.

ur being too much defensive.. nd not sensible :p


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
there's no terrorist attack in america since 9/11 (except this boston one)... they violently kill their enemies , take osama for example... we shud learn

There is a theory that Osama doesn't exist and he was an excuse created by Bush to invade Afghanistan.

Also, India will never become an offensive civilization, at least not under democracy.

collateral damage has always been there when its a war like situation... cant understand why ur laughing at this fact

Collateral damage in Nuclear war is destruction of everything. Nuclear war between India and Pakistan alone can end the world.
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