i agree.....btw, valve is planning on a source update...read it on polycount forum.
thanx for the update.!
too much GORE but the lighting effects are good. this means "stay away from the dark"
Absolutely correct. Their engine is so well optimized that you never feel like playing cause you never have to force something. Portal 2 behaves exactly the way one wants to.
Portal 2 was a one such game in which i never even tired to notice the texture res or details or lightning...all there was the fun..wheately..best game character..and now when i try to recall my experience ..all i remember is a never forgettable fun ride.!!!
Valve's source engine has its own way of getting things done.
Its more like a medium to achieve higher game values, rather than show-off stuff.
Take team fotress 2 for instance...the comic style rigid colour texture models and basic lightning is hardly anything to talk about yet when you are in ,
it can be so good that you might be willing to give up on your BFBC:2 MP eye candy experience(not bf3 though