The player controls Nilin (voiced by Kezia Burrows ), an amnesiac 'memory hunter', through the streets of Neo-Paris in the year 2084 . This dystopian future features a surveillance state . Nilin's former employer, Memorise, erases her memories to neutralize her and she must discover why and how to restore them. The game opens with Nilin in Bastille Prison .
Remember Me features exploration, platforming, and melee combat. The game introduces the mechanic of 'memory remixing': entering and rearranging a target's memories to manipulate them. Players accomplish this by replaying a memory and modifying details to change the target's recollection ofthe outcome. Combat
The game will allow players to create and customize their own combos in the Combo Lab, which uses four families of fighting moves called Pressens that playerscan reorganize by creating chains.To create a chain, players choose Pressens from one of four families to build a combo that suits their needs. There are 24 Pressens in all, and they’re earnedby gaining Procedural Mastering Power (PMP), which comes from performing combos and defeating enemies. By performingenough combos, players will earn a small amount of Focus. After earning a certain amount of Focus, players can perform specialmoves known as S-Pressens. S-Pressens can be unlocked at keypoints throughout Remember Me’s story, and there are five overall. S-Pressens are selected from the Senwheel, which is an interface that displays the amountof Focus a player has in addition to allowing them to select an S-Pressen. During combat, the screen will "glitch" when Nilin is low on health, or when the move she's using isn't effective, indicating the player should switch to a different combo. Players will be able to create up tofour active combos, which they can use to adapt to specific combat situations they encounter.According to Capcom, there are over 50,000 combinations that can be formed using the Combo Lab. Pressen types can be combined into single combos called multi-usage combos. A Pressen’s efficiency is determined by its position within the combo—the later a Pressen appears, the more powerful it willbe. Players will also see a Dynamic Combo Display on screen that gives real-time feedback indicating the input players have chosen (kick or punch) and the Pressen family the move belongs to.
The player controls Nilin (voiced by Kezia Burrows ), an amnesiac 'memory hunter', through the streets of Neo-Paris in the year 2084 . This dystopian future features a surveillance state . Nilin's former employer, Memorise, erases her memories to neutralize her and she must discover why and how to restore them. The game opens with Nilin in Bastille Prison .
Remember Me features exploration, platforming, and melee combat. The game introduces the mechanic of 'memory remixing': entering and rearranging a target's memories to manipulate them. Players accomplish this by replaying a memory and modifying details to change the target's recollection ofthe outcome. Combat
The game will allow players to create and customize their own combos in the Combo Lab, which uses four families of fighting moves called Pressens that playerscan reorganize by creating chains.To create a chain, players choose Pressens from one of four families to build a combo that suits their needs. There are 24 Pressens in all, and they’re earnedby gaining Procedural Mastering Power (PMP), which comes from performing combos and defeating enemies. By performingenough combos, players will earn a small amount of Focus. After earning a certain amount of Focus, players can perform specialmoves known as S-Pressens. S-Pressens can be unlocked at keypoints throughout Remember Me’s story, and there are five overall. S-Pressens are selected from the Senwheel, which is an interface that displays the amountof Focus a player has in addition to allowing them to select an S-Pressen. During combat, the screen will "glitch" when Nilin is low on health, or when the move she's using isn't effective, indicating the player should switch to a different combo. Players will be able to create up tofour active combos, which they can use to adapt to specific combat situations they encounter.According to Capcom, there are over 50,000 combinations that can be formed using the Combo Lab. Pressen types can be combined into single combos called multi-usage combos. A Pressen’s efficiency is determined by its position within the combo—the later a Pressen appears, the more powerful it willbe. Players will also see a Dynamic Combo Display on screen that gives real-time feedback indicating the input players have chosen (kick or punch) and the Pressen family the move belongs to.
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