PS3 buying decision!

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I would advice you to go for the 40 gb version, and later, if you need more disc space, just buy yourself a laptop hdd. The money saved (11k) can easily get you a 500 GB hdd. So why stick with 60 ?


One last thing. As we all know power cuts are part and parcel of Indian life, so will the console be affected if power goes off while its in operation? Coz my PS2 braved the power cuts flawlessly and continued to perform till date.:cool:


Aspiring Novelist
Can't say for sure as this time round it has a HDD to maintain.Shouldn't affect the console too much unless the power cuts are too often.


is so paranoid..get a ups.....
I already have a UPS of 1000VA rating and it supports my LCD,Speakers and the CPU itself. How would you feel like living in a jungle of batteries with wires all around you?:mad:
My point here is that my room is small so another UPS is not a viable option as the place to keep it is not available.:mad:


Aspiring Novelist
How often do you have power cuts in your area? Are they very frequent? If 2-3 in a month then it would be able to sustain it.


Caballero de Real Madrid
Well thats ur pblm..not mine...u said jungle..mine is more like a maze...still i tie it all up and no pblms for me...

arrey u asked question....u gt the answer...wat u do with it..its upto u...
and u only need to worry if only ur juice is very crappy...if u have constant fluctuations..u may wanna atleast a stab...better ups.....if ur home have any previous record of devices busting up then only go for on the pblms.....i use my ps2 and xbox for 5 years without anything at all..and using my 360 also like that....

my ps3 tenure for 4 months was also like that..hell my gf is using that without ups no worries on


Power cuts were very frequent but since we had a power plant built in our city last year, power cuts till now have been almost nil but as summers approach things are getting jumpy. Power Cut is not the actual problem its their erratic timing i.e. its not fixed but then none of us can do anything about it.;-) Power to almost all the appliances in my house is routed through Inverter and no, none of our appliance got phucked up coz of voltage variations or surge as there have been none.:cool:


Aspiring Novelist
Power cuts were very frequent but since we had a power plant built in our city last year, power cuts till now have been almost nil but as summers approach things are getting jumpy. Power Cut is not the actual problem its their erratic timing i.e. its not fixed but then none of us can do anything about it.;-) Power to almost all the appliances in my house is routed through Inverter and no, none of our appliance got phucked up coz of voltage variations or surge as there have been none.:cool:
Well in that case then it shouldn't pose a huge issue.The hardware is well built to survive power black outs but won't sustain much of overheating conditions so make sure that is sorted out.Plus you'll have your standard one year warranty within which it can be replaced.;)


Well as far as cooling is concerned, I'm not at all concerned coz of 2 reasons. 1 is PS3 cooling solutions has been cited very good as compared to XBOX360's and Second is that in my room I've got 1.5 ton Samsung A.C so passive cooling is available :cool:

Though I'm fully prepared to buy the PS3 but sometimes I think that I've got a PC fully capable of running Crysis at 1080i and can enjoy the XBOX360 feel with its controller, for future I would have to just change my GPU and in worst case scenario Mobo and RAM and Processor too but combined cost would be less compared to PS3's running cost if we look at the current pricing of Blu-Ray whilst in case of PC, "Pirate Bay Zindabad".
So please say something that would re-affirm my trust in console gaming a bit.:(


Caballero de Real Madrid
u are wrong in ur conclusion.....

actually if u are replacing ur mobo ram GPU combo with respect to ps3 abilities..u would be spending faar too much...whos saying u have to buy ps3 exclusives u like...and others play on PC..piracy zindabad......

u gt a pc that could run crysis at 1080..please do give details of ur PC..

anyways..if u think u r a gamer..u want hassle free high end gaming..ps3 all way...
dont think..just play..provided u gt money..if u r a hardcore PC addict then think...


Eureka! I just got it! I t was the same reason for which I earlier bought PS2 and now going for PS3. Sorry I forgot it myself and Thanx for reminding it to me. I bought my PC way back in Feb 2007 so nothing fancy here just overclocked the GPU and CPU a bit:D
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6300 @ 1.86GHz (2 CPUs)
Memory: 2048MB RAM (DDR2 667MHz Kingston)
Page File: 691MB used, 3251MB available
Card name: NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT
Manufacturer: NVIDIA
Chip type: GeForce 7600 GT
DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC
Display Memory: 256.0 MB
Current Mode: 1360 x 768 (32 bit) (60Hz) {that's 1080i}:D
Total HDD space 560GB(400Gb+160GB)
Motherboard:Asus P5LD2-VM SE (945G chipset)
Logitech Keyboard Mouse Combo
XBOX 360 Wired Controller
Creative T6060 5.1 speakers
Samsung Bordeaux 26" LCD TV:D

My TV supports this res so I normally play every game in this res. Crysis gave my system cramps when I used to get in firefights while being invisible. Overall game ran satisfatorily on my system but I lost the taste in mindless alien bashing so uninstalled the game after the level where Aliens freeze the island and we have rescue that nigga:mad:
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Aspiring Novelist
Current Mode: 1360 x 768 (32 bit) (60Hz) {that's 1080i}:D
Nope.That's 720p.And sorry to disappoint your current card isn't capable of handling Crysis anywhere close to 1080i.One more clarification I need from your side is what is the model number of your Samsung HTDV? By the looks of it this seems to be one of those Brodeaux models.If it's the 32 inch or below model then it won't support full HD (1080p) which means a true HD game will be downscaled to 720p resolution.But then again that will look really sweet.:D

Consoles have a lot longer life & have a given set of hardware.So you won't have the hassle of upgrading it from time to time.It's a one time investment.There are a lot of games being focussed particularly on the consoles & they either get delayed or late ported to PC.Some exclusive titles don't even have the liberty to make it to PC(read:Sony exclusives).Get the PS3 if you have the dough right now.;)


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
Wait for 80gb one...

Or else read my review regarding PS3 in this section...where i have mentioned about wy 40gb is more than enough.. ,


Nope.That's 720p.And sorry to disappoint your current card isn't capable of handling Crysis anywhere close to 1080i.One more clarification I need from your side is what is the model number of your Samsung HTDV? By the looks of it this seems to be one of those Brodeaux models.If it's the 32 inch or below model then it won't support full HD (1080p) which means a true HD game will be downscaled to 720p resolution.But then again that will look really sweet.:D
Lemme lay it straight
640x480 = 480P
For cross checking purposes try the links given below:
:D And to be more clear check this link:

Also mine is 26" model which was completely sold out at that time coz M$ was in bed with Samsung at the time and all 26" models were being used for XBOX360 Demo kiosks. ****'s so bad that the game mode on my screen is denoted by XBOX360 controller icon.:D
Oh yeah it ain't FULL HD but does the job.
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Aspiring Novelist
^Recheck it once again.I'm not sure where you got this info.The links for Wikipedia too classify 1366x768 as 720p bracket.It's the native resolution of most HDTV's right now.If you are not satisfied then check your TV manual it will distinctly say this is a 720p resolution.1080i is 1920x1080 in interlaced display.That is what True HD is & don't get fooled by your HD ready label on your television.That indicates it's capable of processing 1080i signals but in real time it downscales the resolutions to match it's native resolution.
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