Preview and Feedback [March 2012]


Broken In
As you are buying Digit's each and every issue since October 2008... you must buy it... otherwise how you will be able to make a record... and not able to say this line again in future... :twisted::twisted:
Also you would have had a huge collection of all Digit DVD 's (even most contents are repeated during a year and you can get them all just by purchasing only some special editions with all pdfs ) ... but why you will miss them... even though you had already most of it... it's worth of price and you don't miss any worthy thing... :razz::razz::razz:
As according to you the "usual" price is Rs 250. this time you have a 20% discount :razz::razz::razz:
@dead.night7 and @Tech&Me fully agree with you friends...
Digit is a excellent Mgz but it's losing its quality but its price is increasing ...
In spite of explaining and teaching the basic and deep concepts of Computers (OS, Networking, Cryptography, Linux.... ), hardware , Technology. Rather than being focused on innovation and creativity in Tech it's now more focused on Products , Business and stuffs that no one is going to buy.... :-(:-(:-(
Please Don't count FT being focused on Theses issues (as its the best part of Digit)... why Magazine Editions are not based on Linux, OS, Networking, Security, Languages, Mobile-App or Web Development, everything about Hardwares,... explaining from root to bottom... a complete package on the Topic...


New Voyage
My Subscription ended last month Jan '12!:wink:

I purchased the feb issue from the stands lured by the cover story but wasn't impressed with it much. I didn't like the March Cover Story also. How does Facebook IPO relates to Tech? why should we bothered of it? But i just gave a chance for March issue and i pre-ordered, maybe it would be my last order.

Most of the time the COVER STORY hardly spans 8-10 pages(sometimes those are complemented with ads). Each issue covers a science page, i neatly skips those section. Ads are an integral part of any magazine, lets not comment on it. The softwares, TED Videos etc are easily available in the net.

One who has a decent internet connection wouldn't require to subscribe the mag anymore!

Digit has to rethink deeply in order to hold back its readers anymore!!!


Lagger ~ ..
Ya ! I understand and agree that prices are rising in every commodity items. And that is where I suggested Raaabo Sir to consider an e-book style mag distribution instead of the conventional print medium.

This will bring down the Paper / Ink cost and will also be environment friendly.

To lock the contents of the e-mag Digit can come up with its own format for the mag and also a simple free reader software to go with it. ( this will prevent the market share from getting out of its hands,, if you know what I am talking about. )

The point is good but every digit reader isn't having a tablet or a smartphone so that he can read the mag on the go...


Coming to the price of the mag Rs.200/-.. Its really raised up..
In a 120 page mag we get 20 full page ads 4 full page promotion of digit products.. You can also include the half page ads that you get in between...

Mann you might be earning a lot from this...

This really needs some discussion.. You might reduce the price of the mag by some bucks...

I am safe as I am subscribed.. But you guys need to think of the newsstand buyers..
Last week I saw the December edition still hanging in the Newsstand..

For those who grab the mag each month from the newsstand... Its better you subscribe.. You will be saving a lot .. (I know they ain't gonna consider this.. :-? )


How does Facebook IPO relates to Tech? why should we bothered of it?
Sigh... if someone making billions off your personal information does not bother you, then what does? Amd vs Intel? Nvidia vs amd?

That story was economist's cover story too. I have no issues with people buying or not buying the magazine, but news sense folks, basic thing.


New Voyage
^^no offence

......I am be very keen to read that story, then would post the comment

Few of the old cover stories were also pale


Lagger ~ ..
Sigh... if someone making billions off your personal information does not bother you, then what does? Amd vs Intel? Nvidia vs amd?

That story was economist's cover story too. I have no issues with people buying or not buying the magazine, but news sense folks, basic thing.

Now, +1000 to this .. :D


The Dark Lord
Staff member
I'm not quoting posts on purpose, because I hope my reply covers all complaints in this thread. If not, please point out what I have failed to address, and I will.

Warning: Extremely long post ahead. Get some refreshments if you plan to read the whole thing... If you want to understand Digit, why we do what we do and understand what exactly is it that we're trying to do, please take the time to read it all.

Some readers I meet – online or in person – have somewhat similar complaints. Yes, I have no doubt that this magazine cannot please everyone, all of the time. We focus on trying to please some of our readers all of the time, and all of our readers most of the time. Trying to do anything else would be insane.

Just as it did with some of you, Digit also taught me how to assemble a PC... However, will it teach you or me to assemble a PC again? Of course not; that's done.

However, if we decided to do a Fast Track to Assembling a PC today, we'd probably still get a lot of good feedback, but also get negative feedback as well. Some readers would say "Yawn. Digit is boring this month!". A year ago, many of you would have loved that topic. Five years ago, perhaps ALL of you would have loved it. However, even 5 years ago, there would be many others (the people who were your age or your level of knowledge back then) who would complain.

Go back and read those issues which you "loved" so much. Not just of this magazine, but any magazine out there. Chances are you'd find that information a little "boring" now. Why? Because it was timed right, for you, and even back then, was too advanced for some, and too basic for some others.

Another way to illustrate this is to look back at your schooling, or childhood: Some of us appreciate and remember our teachers, even if we surpass their knowledge later in life. Others, it seems, prefer to call those same teachers "bevkoofon".

Someone taught you to ride a cycle, a motorbike or drive a car. Today you may do those things without thinking, but you don't call the people who taught you idiots, do you? You don't call the people learning those things today idiots, do you?

Now, a little insight:
The major reason why Digit got so popular in India was because it had one aim: to make geeks out of those who aspire to be geeks. It's made by geeks, for geeks. Thus the "Your Technology Navigator" tagline. For over a decade we've felt that India, and Indians, have the potential to rule the technology world, and our goal has been to try and play even the tiniest part in helping achieve that. Maybe we have, maybe we haven't, but we'll certainly keep at it – it's for you guys to decide whether we were any use at all in the grand scheme of things.

We are proud of all our readers – past, present and future – and are delighted when we meet some of the young people in top posts of technology companies in India, because more often than not, we find out that they used to be Digit readers earlier. They tell us how this little magazine sparked their passion for all things tech, and that feels wonderful!

We also get a lot of heartfelt letters from readers, who may not be tech big-shots (some run their own small business, work for companies, are students, in the army, are retired, etc.), thanking Digit for doing exactly the same thing – fueling the same fiery passion for technology that most of us on this forum also have.

Yes, this is a business at the end of the day, there's no two ways about that – like everyone else in this space, we're in the media business, and of course we have to make money, or else we'll shut down. In my 9 years here though, it's always seemed to me that this place is much less "businessy" (not a real word, I know) than most others. I'll give you a few examples:

Think about a business that's centered on teaching it's customers, or at the very least, trying to fuel the desire to learn amongst its customers. Since customers pay on a time-based schedule, good business would be to dole out information in extremely small doses, and keep the customer paying for as long as possible. It would be bad for business to try and teach the customer really quickly, and get them to graduate at their own pace, especially an accelerated pace. Right?

Now, think of any education institution today: it has you for a predecided amount of time (12 years for a school, 3 or 4 years for bachelors, etc), thanks to population explosions, it is always assured of re-filling the ranks, and also assured of price hikes because of increasing competition. What's more, since education is pretty much seen as a mandatory requirement... you get the picture... a great business.

Now think of a company that's in pretty much the same business as the one above, but charges you on a monthly basis, tells you what it will be covering this month before you pay (thus making it completely optional), has no assured way of refilling ranks, has no assurance that it will be able to raise prices (even to meet inflation rates), and has no real hold over its customers – some may never read, some may read without paying (through friends), some may read occasionally, some may be regular and a few may like you enough to make a long term commitment – however, you have absolutely no control over who does what. Now that has bad business written all over it right?

That's the magazine business...

Now think of one such bad business that not only attempts to get its readers to graduate to the next level of knowledge as soon as possible, but also gives away accumulated knowledge in rather large chunks for free!

That's Digit.

Theoretically, we've got the worst business model ever. Not only do we give away older PDFs for free (on a regular basis, like clockwork), but we also keep pointing you to interesting articles and content from others, effectively sending you away from us. In fact, we try our best to get you to level-up your knowledge as soon as possible.

Do you honestly believe that we do not know that some of you think the smart thing to do is to "Buy only special issues, and read PDFs of older issues."? Of course you can do that. Much like some of us only cram before exams, and only sit with the solved sample papers to score marks – thanks to the way our education system works now, a lot of such students get good marks.

Yet, deep down, all of us know that the really successful students are the ones who understand everything that is being taught, all through the year – the guys/gals who seem to never cram for exams, and yet get good marks. Those are the people Digit is aimed at.

We want to be much like the good teachers – the ones who didn't try and earn more money from us in the form of tuition, or threaten to fail us, but genuinely helped us and taught us how to study on our own. Those are the teachers we remember fondly, and that is how we want people to remember us.

As per the latest IRS results, Digit has a readership of 250,000+. That's more than double ALL other tech magazines put together. It is also in the top 10 of all monthly English Magazines, across ALL genres (which includes auto, lifestyle, gossip, general knowledge, business, celebrity news, etc.). In fact, it is one of the few magazines that have shown a growth in readership, while most have fallen – another trend we have been bucking for quite a few years.

Why? Thankfully, it seems that more and more people appreciate our efforts. Despite our only marketing tool being word-of-mouth, our readers still seem to recommend us to others. It's because in this day and age of information overload, we don't just give you information, we try and give you the right information, and more importantly, try and give you some new ways of looking at said information.

For example, when we test products, we look at them in the Indian scenario, and look at your specific needs. What use is a US review of a product that is targeted at Americans to you – unless you live in the US.

Another example is this month's cover story. Yes, maybe none of you is interested in Facebook's IPO, so we've not sat down with their IPO documents to give you financial details.

What makes you guys believe that we'd be interested in that ourselves?

Just because the word IPO is used, doesn't mean it's about finances or full of "Share Market fundas". Give it a try before you knock it. Maybe it is a terrible cover story, maybe it isn't, but form an opinion after you read it at least.

Some of our stories will try and give you a fresh perspective, just to get you thinking. There's no real "need" for them, or no real "goal" that we're trying to achieve. It's not "How to build a robot" or "How to assemble a PC". There are no right answers to some questions – "How do I build a successful business?" "How do I get people to like me?" "How do I get ahead of all the other millions of Indians who are probably vying for the same seat/opening/job as me?" All of these will also be a part of your life, whether you build apps or push buttons in a soap manufacturing company for a living.

[rant]Personally, I think that India's biggest problem is that we're all too "goal" oriented. Do BTech (Comp Sci), get a job in coding, join famous code monkey company, in three years become team leader, by 26 get married, at 30 have kids, by 40 make GM... at 55 have a stress induced cardiac infarction, wondering what you really did with your life other than make some money, buy a house and raise a bunch of ungrateful kids who have no respect for you and will fight over their inheritance 12 seconds after you kick the bucket... [/rant]

Seriously though, what we've lacked in the technology field especially is creativity and lateral thinking. We (Indians) are geeky, good at code, and can build anything we really want to – the problem is, we end up copying instead of innovating.

Digit was a simpler "how to use" mag earlier, because that's what you needed back then. We're sort of an advanced "how to use", "how to build", "what to buy" mag now, because that's what people want today.

However, in order to make sure we're heading in the right direction, we're going to keep challenging you to think about new things, or look at things in a new light. Maybe we'll do it well, maybe we won't. Maybe you'll like it, maybe you'll hate it, but uncertainty is not an excuse to stick only to tried and tested formulae. Where's the fun in that? No one ever built anything innovative that way!

That said, of course we need to improve. Do I think the articles we do are the best around? Of course not, far from it. We're learning as we go along too, and we will screw up often, or else we can't claim to be pushing any limits.

All we'd like is for people to continue to give their unbiased opinions – when we're wrong, but also when we're right, or at least thinking in the right direction.

Thankfully, speaking one's mind has never been a problem on this forum :D

All I ask is that you don't knock it till you've tried it! :)


Ok Sir,

That was nice little story that you just wrote above. thanks for it !

1. Digit has done the best, being a good teacher for all this years.

2. Readers have changed... older members like me are out of the picture now and newer ones are in..... that's correct, so the focus has now shifted to their demands....

3. Comparing it with an education institution would not justify, however, I understand how media business is. To tell you the truth, education institution business isn't GREAT BUSINESS at all this days !! Parents flee with their kids from one school to the other just because of silly reasons....., some parents do this thinking the other school teachers are better then the one their kids currently are in..... and so on and so forth.

4. Just do some justification with the price point.... if ever possible, taking everything in consideration.

5. Digit used to give FREEBIES like Movie DVD/CDs earlier, can't you get sponsors for this kind things and support the cost of the magazine.

6. Honestly, putting all the burden towards the readers isn't a good idea, get some sponsors or do some events to garner funds, you guys used to do the same earlier.

7. And yes, their is no end to TEACHING however old you become. But it matter what you teach and how you choose to teach........ I hope you are getting my point..... right ?


Digit is the only magazine which covers criticism in a very positive way.. Thank you Mr. Raaabo for giving out such an article. That was my mind changer. Maybe I've became quite knowledgeable or that I find all such things printed in the magazine kiddish to read. Your saying

Go back and read those issues which you "loved" so much. Not just of this magazine, but any magazine out there. Chances are you'd find that information a little "boring" now. Why? Because it was timed right, for you, and even back then, was too advanced for some, and too basic for some others.

changed my views towards you guys. I'm not so stubborn that I may stress on any thing but that was just my opinions which I had in my mind about the magazine should consider... But as you said,
Everyone likes magic tricks when they are in childhood,
Everyone tries to explore them and find out the hidden secrets in the apparent world of chaos by any other means, by using sciences and other subjects.
And after finding it out it seems to be like a child's play for him that he rather doesn't cares of. I'm one of them
(ex. touchscreens)

Maybe I've grown up and want something or the other stimulating to wrench my hand on... So that's why I don't find these articles interesting. Therefore I have to search out on my own which I think no one can help me out.
Money is the one of the problem for most of the Indians (Undoubtedly thinking it wisely in this field). Firstly me myself, Considering the amount which one has to pay, may change ones decision towards the buying issues. Secondly, Digit might be a commodity for me when it comes to buying it. I find anniversary edition is the best option for those who live in quite a slum type houses but still have a enthusiasm in Technology to read it out but can't, just because they have to spend a whole lot on other necessary things other than magazine itself when it comes to buying it.
My views wont be affecting your prices Sir, Thank you for your philosophical enlightenment that this mag has given to me. Bye :)


I was putting off getting a Digit subscription. I guess I'll do that now.

Do I need to mention that Raaabo's post was necessary. Short-sightedness is what plagues most "magazine is too expensive" posters. I think if you do not like the content, a letter to editor should solve the problem. Provided you say why you did not like the content. Not just an angry rant.

3. Comparing it with an education institution would not justify, however, I understand how media business is.
It's a metaphor. Wouldn't expect you to understand that.

4. Just do some justification with the price point.... if ever possible, taking everything in consideration.
Price point? Really, after all the explaining and patient remarks, you still think the price is unjustified? Here, let me put it simply for you.

Magazine = Content.
Content -> Employees.
Employees <- Money.
Money <- Readers.

More content = more readers = more money.

Do you pay the same for 1kg of potatoes as for 20kgs? I am guessing you will say comparing with potatoes is not fair. So let's try something else. Would you say it is unfair for two laptops to cost twice the price of one?

6. Honestly, putting all the burden towards the readers isn't a good idea, get some sponsors or do some events to garner funds, you guys used to do the same earlier.
This not charity that paying is unfair. You pay for what you get. Simple. If you think it is not worth it, move on. Stop ranting continuously as if you do not have any money.

Do you wish your employer thinks you earn too much for the work you do and cuts your salary. Maybe you get my point now. Just maybe.

Contributing in the forum is a way of giving back to the community. You think you know too much, contribute in the community rather than sitting back.

You contribute to the community. The community shall give it back to you. All for free. :)


The Dark Lord
Staff member
3. Comparing it with an education institution would not justify, however, I understand how media business is. To tell you the truth, education institution business isn't GREAT BUSINESS at all this days !! Parents flee with their kids from one school to the other just because of silly reasons....., some parents do this thinking the other school teachers are better then the one their kids currently are in..... and so on and so forth.

With everyone trying to educate their kids, the overall "industry" that education is, is certainly booming. How can it not with our population explosion?

Yes there are parents who keep wanting to change schools. However, there's always another set of parents who would kill to get into that very same school if your parents take you out. Very few of the private schools, that have existed for more than a decade, ever have vacant/available seats. Classes are over-flowing, and admissions are near impossible. And this is from C class cities, all the way up to the metros. However, what happens in the villages, honestly, I have no idea....

4. Just do some justification with the price point.... if ever possible, taking everything in consideration.

As far as possible, we try and keep the price point down. This is a special issue, so it is higher, but we made sure to keep it as low as possible.

Think of the Digit that you used to know 10 years ago, and how it's progressed. Correct me if the order is wrong anywhere...

2001 - 2012

Rs 100 = 160 page mag + CD
Then Rs 100 = 144 pg mag + 2 CDs
Rs 100 = Digit + FT + 2CDs
Rs 100 = Digit + FT + CD + DVD
Rs 125 = Digit + FT + DVD (inflation)
Rs 125 = Digit + FT + DL DVD
Rs 125 = Digit + FT + 2 x DL DVD
Rs 150 = Digit + FT + 2 x DL DVDs
Rs 150 = Digit + 2 x FT + DL DVD (lost vote in reader polls, reverted to previous configuration)
Rs 150 = Digit + FT + 2 x DL DVDs
Options we've added for online purchases = mag only copy / single Fast Tracks (by reader demand)

Now, tell me how many things you could buy with Rs 100 in 2001, and compare that to the things you can buy in 2012 with Rs. 150? What salary was considered OK for a fresher in 2001, and would you accept just a 50% hike in starting salaries in 2012? That's averages to a cumulative increase rate of about 3.76% per year over almost 11 years. Even if you take inflation at a conservative 7%, we've actually reduced the price of the magazine.
Actually, if you knew how much paper rates have skyrocketed since 2001, you'd realise how much more harder it is for us to keep prices stagnant. The paper industry is tied into almost everything else, much like the stock market. Our production department is constantly under strain to watch this market, and buy paper in large quantities at the right time. Too soon, and you pay too much, too late, and you pay too much. Even at the height of the recession, when thousands of publications closed down globally, you would think that paper prices would fall, but actually the prices went up. Amount of pulp produced went down, in accordance with lower demand from the West, but global demand soared - mainly because of China - and prices in India skyrocketed. An interesting stat in the slideshow is that in 10 years, pulp has gone from 10 major manufacturers supplying 70% of the market (a monopoly), to now 6 manufacturers supplying almost 90% of the market (not a monopoly, more like a fiefdom!). Fewer companies cornering the market = price rises again.

Some links you should read
Paper price increase

India Inflation Rate
Soaring pulp prices to push paper costs higher -

5. Digit used to give FREEBIES like Movie DVD/CDs earlier, can't you get sponsors for this kind things and support the cost of the magazine.

We paid to give you those movies. Did you actually think movie producers would pay us to give away their movie to you? We can't afford that anymore, to be honest. Besides, do any of you guys not have *cough*cough* easy access to movies anymore? I'm open to suggestions, and we're still willing to spend on giving our readers something special, somehow, I don't think movies are as special anymore.

6. Honestly, putting all the burden towards the readers isn't a good idea, get some sponsors or do some events to garner funds, you guys used to do the same earlier.
If it weren't for sponsors and advertisers, the magazine would cost Rs 300. We have some events planned this year, and you better show up :)

7. And yes, their is no end to TEACHING however old you become. But it matter what you teach and how you choose to teach........ I hope you are getting my point..... right ?

There is no end to learning and how we choose to learn. All that matters is what you learn, and how you choose to learn.

That's all we've been trying to do. We're not the world's leading experts on anything (except knowing our own readers' needs), and have never claimed to be. Every day, every hour, we learn about technology just as you do. We're just a bunch of geeks, trying to spread our learnings of the technology world to as many other geeks who want to listen, and we try and spread ideas and creative thinking across the country with the goal to do our bit to make our country the technology super power it should be. Like I said before, we're far from perfect, and can only promise to improve with your help.

I hope you get my point :)

...My views wont be affecting your prices

I certainly hope the insights I've given you will make you really consider the "price" issue. With everyone spending thousands on gadgets, DTH, and more, even today's slums have become technology savvy, the price isn't too high. I couldn't afford the magazine in 2001 either, but I found a way to get it every month.

Digit is read in almost every village and small town, and across all ages and demographics, because our target is people who are passionate about technology - age, sex and earnings no bar. We have readers who walk to nearby towns (from villages) in the first week of the month to get their copy, because there's no other way for them - even if they want to subscribe, couriers do not reach their home, and postal services are erratic in their area. That's how determined Indians are when it comes to garnering knowledge. Digit also goes to villages that have no electricity, let alone net connections, and yes, to all other towns and metros as well. We receive hand-written letters from readers (snail mail) to this day, giving us feedback and suggestions, and some of those readers have had to walk long distances just to post the letter.

We also get feedback from Nepal, Pakistan, the Gulf, the East, Africa, Europe and even the US - despite the fact that the magazine doesn't officially go to any country outside of India. Some dealer somewhere is sending Digit abroad for fat profits, because some Indians want to stay connected to their motherland by regularly reading a few magazines...

It's all a crazy ride, and we love every minute of it. The ups, the downs, everything.


The Dark Lord
Staff member
Nah, these things need context. Only a forum member would understand where this is coming from. It's so easy these days to say, "This sucks" or "that sucks", or "you suck". It's especially true on forums. We tend to post without thinking as a rule, and it's counter productive. However, on Facebook, we "like" everything.

If nothing else, the aim of this cover story was to let people know how Facebook (and others) has made online life into the cartoon network, where we all "Like" everything, dislike nothing, and sit around pandering to one another while a few people somewhere use all our data and get rich. It's just not real, not sustainable. The first "perfect" world of the matrix was unacceptable, because it was perfect... After some time, perfection is boring.


New Voyage
belated reply...

thanx raabo sir for ur valuable feedback. Its really heartening that digit receives the feedback in such a positive manner.

To be honest, it is digit which has nurtured the geekism inside me.

Thanks for all


The Dark Lord
Staff member
Please let me know whether you liked or hated the cover story here, after you've read it. Would appreciate everyone's feedback :)


Edited: Raaabo | Reason: No duels in Feedback section please, unless dueling with team digit

With everyone trying to educate their kids, the overall "industry" that education is, is certainly booming. How can it not with our population explosion?

Yes there are parents who keep wanting to change schools. However, there's always another set of parents who would kill to get into that very same school if your parents take you out. Very few of the private schools, that have existed for more than a decade, ever have vacant/available seats. Classes are over-flowing, and admissions are near impossible. And this is from C class cities, all the way up to the metros. However, what happens in the villages, honestly, I have no idea....

Ya! you should have been more precise when you say a DECADE old school. Perhaps that's want make the all difference. You never mentioned it in your previous comment. Christian Missionary Schools which are DECADE old are fine for your example. Generalizing it would not make a good example.

As far as possible, we try and keep the price point down. This is a special issue, so it is higher, but we made sure to keep it as low as possible.

Think of the Digit that you used to know 10 years ago, and how it's progressed. Correct me if the order is wrong anywhere...

2001 - 2012

Rs 100 = 160 page mag + CD
Then Rs 100 = 144 pg mag + 2 CDs
Rs 100 = Digit + FT + 2CDs
Rs 100 = Digit + FT + CD + DVD
Rs 125 = Digit + FT + DVD (inflation)
Rs 125 = Digit + FT + DL DVD
Rs 125 = Digit + FT + 2 x DL DVD
Rs 150 = Digit + FT + 2 x DL DVDs
Rs 150 = Digit + 2 x FT + DL DVD (lost vote in reader polls, reverted to previous configuration)
Rs 150 = Digit + FT + 2 x DL DVDs
Options we've added for online purchases = mag only copy / single Fast Tracks (by reader demand)

Now, tell me how many things you could buy with Rs 100 in 2001, and compare that to the things you can buy in 2012 with Rs. 150? What salary was considered OK for a fresher in 2001, and would you accept just a 50% hike in starting salaries in 2012? That's averages to a cumulative increase rate of about 3.76% per year over almost 11 years. Even if you take inflation at a conservative 7%, we've actually reduced the price of the magazine.
Actually, if you knew how much paper rates have skyrocketed since 2001, you'd realise how much more harder it is for us to keep prices stagnant. The paper industry is tied into almost everything else, much like the stock market. Our production department is constantly under strain to watch this market, and buy paper in large quantities at the right time. Too soon, and you pay too much, too late, and you pay too much. Even at the height of the recession, when thousands of publications closed down globally, you would think that paper prices would fall, but actually the prices went up. Amount of pulp produced went down, in accordance with lower demand from the West, but global demand soared - mainly because of China - and prices in India skyrocketed. An interesting stat in the slideshow is that in 10 years, pulp has gone from 10 major manufacturers supplying 70% of the market (a monopoly), to now 6 manufacturers supplying almost 90% of the market (not a monopoly, more like a fiefdom!). Fewer companies cornering the market = price rises again.

Some links you should read
Paper price increase

India Inflation Rate
Soaring pulp prices to push paper costs higher -

OK u win on this !!

We paid to give you those movies. Did you actually think movie producers would pay us to give away their movie to you? We can't afford that anymore, to be honest. Besides, do any of you guys not have *cough*cough* easy access to movies anymore? I'm open to suggestions, and we're still willing to spend on giving our readers something special, somehow, I don't think movies are as special anymore.

OH ! really !! that was too bad a marketing strategy!!
I never knew that, so basically you buy a Rs. 100 movie DVD and give it free with the cover price of the magazine as Rs 150 ??

u guys just made a Rs 20/- or 30/- profit margin on each mag... :shock:

so, u guys were so nice to do charity giving those movies, ya!! :)

If it weren't for sponsors and advertisers, the magazine would cost Rs 300. We have some events planned this year, and you better show up :)

Will do if possible !!

There is no end to learning and how we choose to learn. All that matters is what you learn, and how you choose to learn.

Oh ya! I forgot, so you really did understood about that TEACHING comment I had made... but unfortunately some did not understand it..... @Liverpool_fan

I will always remain grateful to you guys, for my choice of learning from DIGIT since 1996 :grin:

That's all we've been trying to do. We're not the world's leading experts on anything (except knowing our own readers' needs), and have never claimed to be. Every day, every hour, we learn about technology just as you do. We're just a bunch of geeks, trying to spread our learnings of the technology world to as many other geeks who want to listen, and we try and spread ideas and creative thinking across the country with the goal to do our bit to make our country the technology super power it should be. Like I said before, we're far from perfect, and can only promise to improve with your help.

I hope you get my point :)

I certainly do get your point :grin: :grin:

I certainly hope the insights I've given you will make you really consider the "price" issue. With everyone spending thousands on gadgets, DTH, and more, even today's slums have become technology savvy, the price isn't too high. I couldn't afford the magazine in 2001 either, but I found a way to get it every month.

Digit is read in almost every village and small town, and across all ages and demographics, because our target is people who are passionate about technology - age, sex and earnings no bar. We have readers who walk to nearby towns (from villages) in the first week of the month to get their copy, because there's no other way for them - even if they want to subscribe, couriers do not reach their home, and postal services are erratic in their area. That's how determined Indians are when it comes to garnering knowledge. Digit also goes to villages that have no electricity, let alone net connections, and yes, to all other towns and metros as well. We receive hand-written letters from readers (snail mail) to this day, giving us feedback and suggestions, and some of those readers have had to walk long distances just to post the letter.

We also get feedback from Nepal, Pakistan, the Gulf, the East, Africa, Europe and even the US - despite the fact that the magazine doesn't officially go to any country outside of India. Some dealer somewhere is sending Digit abroad for fat profits, because some Indians want to stay connected to their motherland by regularly reading a few magazines...

It's all a crazy ride, and we love every minute of it. The ups, the downs, everything.
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Got it yesterday
Did not have much time to read
But I want to say FT to security was not up to the mark. Definitely not helpful to me.

Also i found two pages about Jet Propulsion unnecessary/useless
I think for those for whom these things matter this will be to basic for them to gain knowledge
You should provide articles that will be liked by a larger no. of audience. :)

BTW FT to carriers in gaming looks good
I remember you provided skore mini in 9th anniversary issue which taught how to build gaming using some user-friendly gaming engines, can we get a little advanced version of that?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Think of the Digit that you used to know 10 years ago, and how it's progressed. Correct me if the order is wrong anywhere...

2001 - 2012

Rs 100 = 160 page mag + CD
Then Rs 100 = 144 pg mag + 2 CDs
Rs 100 = Digit + FT + 2CDs
Rs 100 = Digit + FT + CD + DVD
Rs 125 = Digit + FT + DVD (inflation)
Rs 125 = Digit + FT + DL DVD
Rs 125 = Digit + FT + 2 x DL DVD
Rs 150 = Digit + FT + 2 x DL DVDs
Rs 150 = Digit + 2 x FT + DL DVD (lost vote in reader polls, reverted to previous configuration)
Rs 150 = Digit + FT + 2 x DL DVDs
Options we've added for online purchases = mag only copy / single Fast Tracks (by reader demand)

I still remember Digit gave me an excuse to buy my first ever DVD drive 7 years back ;-)


I still remember Digit gave me an excuse to buy my first ever DVD drive 7 years back ;-)

Yes ! Me too got my first DVD drive from Digit. :mrgreen:

But with a small goof-up, they had sent me a white one instead of the black which I ordered... had to return back and got the black one finally !!

Tech Pacific was the distributor as far as I remember !! :)
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