Paying 5k extra for a factory overclock which I can do myself? Never gonna happen. I would kill myself if I wasted money like that.
Congo amigo! Nice purchases.
Let me post my purchases too then. Its not finished yet but here goes:
Intel Core i5 2500k @10.2k
Asus P8Z68 @12k
Corsair Vengeance (1x4GB) @2.5k
Seagate Barracuda 7200rpm (1x2TB) @4.2k
Seagate GoFlex Agent External HDD (2x1TB) @7.2k
Western Digital External HDD (2x1TB) @ 6.8k
Coolermaster HAF 912 Advanced @5.8k
Benq G2222HDL @8.1k
Altec Lansing vs2621 @1.6k
APC 1.1KVA UPS @4.2k
Corsair 850TX PSU @6.9k
Logitech M100 @0.325k
Still to buy:
Another stick of Corsair Vengeance (1x4GB)
Another 2TB Seagate Barracuda 7200rpm HDD
DVD Writer
Asus RT-N16 NAS Wireless Router
Noctua U12P CPU Cooler
Ordered Online:
Microsoft Sidewinder X4 @2.2k