Post Your GNU/Linux Desktop here


God of Mistakes...
Here is mine...
Ubuntu Ultimate 1.5
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Dark Star

Cyborg Agent
* * * *

Gusty for the win :D Ani. you forget to add icon in ver3. :(

The 1 I d/l for gnome-look has few missing icons and distri butor logo is diff. from 1 that is place in scalable 48 folder :?
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Wire muncher!
Cool desktop, shashwat! :)

Yes, the icon structure in GNOME 2.20 is different. This has been indicated in ver.0.3 download instructions, readme etc. So not all icons will be replaced if this icon theme is used in Gusty.

I just installed Gusty. I've also started work on the Icon theme. Done wid a few. Will continue work on Monday....


Juke Box Hero
Can some show me the code to post thumbnails? I don't use Imageshack (they delete my uploads in my account without any reason). I use Photobucket.



The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
hitbox.champion said:
Can some show me the code to post thumbnails? I don't use Imageshack (they delete my uploads in my account without any reason). I use Photobucket.


Please check this thread , I havent added PhotoBucket in that but I remember when you select a image in PhotoBucket after uploading you will get the codes at the bottom of the image/page. Select BB codes in the list.


Juke Box Hero
Thanks for that Charan but there is no BB code in PB.

Email & IM: *ssomeimage.png/?action=view&current=someimage.png
Direct Link: *someimage.png
HTML Tag: <a href="*" target="_blank"><img src="http:someimage.png" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>
IMG Code: [I.MG]*someimage.png[/IMG]

I've tried all variations but to no avail. Any other suggestions?
With 256 mb DDR ram, and a 2.66 GhZ processor with GMA 900 for graphics, my comp is dead old fashioned. But thanks to ubuntu, people just stare in wonder at my desktop.:D
MetalheadGautham's desktop

mehulved said:
Aren't you using emerald themes?


I chose the clearlooks theme(available by default) for the window borders.

I chose the human theme for the icons(available by default)

I installed gDesklets for those desktop eyecandies. Just select them from its menu to place them on the desktop. they are configurable too. I chose the clock, cpu meter, ram/swap meter, calender, weather and the ultra cool mac like app launcher. you can even get replacements for the gnome bars.

I think the wallpaper makes all the difference:D


Juke Box Hero
Ah screw thumbnails.,



Evil Genius
@hitbox.champion: Can you break it down for us? What theme, window decoration, icons, wallpaper etc did you use?

Dark Star

Cyborg Agent
Hitbox champ splendid :D * Poor man's cube :p btw Hitboxchamp which graphics. card cause good GPu only enble Video in screenshot :?
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