Post processing images - The final step to getting that awesome click


Just wanted to try this shot - "Central Road" from your Tadoba Series

I like the sujoyp's original version than this one.
Sujoyp's one looks like a place I'd like to be, this one looks its super red hot there & in this summer... no thanks.
you made it too red imo.

I made an attempt here, making it too green/blue.


With golden hour effect.
Now it looks like camera with sunglasses.


I like my first version better than my 2nd, I guess I like sujoyp's orignal
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I would prefer to see a Darkened version of this as well.....something a lonely road with darkness prevailing!!!!!


I would prefer to see a Darkened version of this as well.....something a lonely road with darkness prevailing!!!!!

Here you go.
I'd like to see something by nac & marvelousprashant on this topic. They both did awesome last time.



Here you go.
I'd like to see something by nac & marvelousprashant on this topic. They both did awesome last time.

Wow , one wouldn't dare to walk these paths , that once used to to appealing initially (for a sweet ride.)....'s scary as hell. Good job there at editing.


Cyborg Agent
Here you go.
I'd like to see something by nac & marvelousprashant on this topic. They both did awesome last time.


looks like a scene from horror movie. The light is somewhat amber. A cool white light would give moonlight effect


I am posting a new RAW file for a landscape photo here.
Looking forward to seeing your edits on this.



Aspiring Novelist
Who did this PP? ;) :chinscratch:



[MENTION=125321]nac[/MENTION]- That's nice.

I was bothered about the tilted horizon & I can't fix it without making the building go slanted.
Now that I look at it the RAW is more out of shape than the out of camera jpg.

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Nice pp guys the reflection and light have really come out well. The click itself is pretty good too, so that helps.

Btw, to make the horizon straight and ywt not tilt the buildings use lightroom>lens correction> perspective correction or upright (or a similar name)


my attempt at editing the gateway of india pic by gen


sorry about the watermark ..... was using my old laptop to edit this.
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Grand Master
Among all there edits I liked the Gen's edit most...
Nac is under exposed
amlan have halo around building and overexposed sun
prashant have oversaturated sun


[MENTION=8593]izzikio_rage[/MENTION] & [MENTION=117627]marvelousprashant[/MENTION] - Nice.. both of yours looks much sharper. Everyone has something unique in their attempts.
I thought one of the problem in everyone's pics is the tilted horizon or the tilted building.

This is what I do for photos like these.

- The usual basic adjustment in ACR (but never do anything extreme here)
- Open in photoshop & focus on each part separately (sky, sun, water, buildings, boats, background)
- Create a duplicate layer .. Hide the top layer for now.
- Start with the sky. On the bottom layer do all your edits to get the perfect sky. Don't bother if the rest of the photo is ruined here, only focus on the sky.
- Show the top layer & create a layer mask. Using a black brush at 15-20% opacity paint over the sky to reveal the bottom layer, you will need to move the brush several times. The important thing is to keep the opacity low to avoid hard edges / brush marks.
- Once happy with it merge layers & start again creating a duplicate layer for the next part (buildings, water ... whatever) .

This does takes more time but I've gotten used to it. I know you can do selective editing in RAW but I find it smoother this way.
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