I am the night...I am...
Nope they won't. You are not getting the point of exlusives here. The main reason Sony encourages First party developers to make quality AAA is to move hardware. Its not a copy of the game they sell that they take as a standard. But, how many ps3 units is this game capable of moving. Because, when you sell a game.. you onlyl sell a game. But, when you sell a hardware... you will be selling a hardware+titles to play that on hardware. And Sony, infact any console manufacturer, will never publish their tilte on secnodary platforms just because they hate one/other console manufacturer.
And, seriously speaking.. Profit that sony can make by coming to Linux will be no where near to the profits it is getting by exclusivity deal. Not only sony.. also, Nintendo.
I absolutely get the point of exclusives and i very well know that they are the selling point of their consoles. All i want is that they follow the windows + xbox strategy i.e develop some multiplatforms for linux and only their console i.e ps3. So some titles become ps3 and linux exclusive and not windows. Not every other developer should support linux but some sony owned development studios. Microsoft cannot monopolize here.
I am not saying they should port uncharted , god of war or any other aaa title. Does microsoft port its aaa titles like forza, alanwake, bayonetta, halo (no ports from 360), etc. No,they make it console exclusive but alongside also support development for windows platform.
Is xbox's sales failing due to the fact that some of their games are also playable in the windows platform? Heck there are also plans of unveiling a kinect based controller for the windows platform. So microsoft are suppoting their product and api's.
So they make money in all of the above cases. What i am saying is sony should support development for linux and make some games in its library as ps3 + linux exclusive and not windows. This way, it can bring down the fight to microsoft in a better way.
Remember that pc is not a gaming platform only and it doesn't have any competition. The fact that a pc can support multiple platforms makes it a potential weapon for sony and microsoft. Microsoft has done that, sony should follow. This is the way i see it. It may not happen but i feel it should.
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