Topic 5 - Splash photography
A splash photography is different then a droplet a splash photography you will need to drop an object on the water and capture the splash effect created .
Its a complete setup and nothing natural.
To set up - a nice clean background
2. Find a bright continuous light source like big cfl ...and use it as required
3. keep camera it in manual
4. keep aperture around 5.6-7.1 to get everything in focus
5. keep shutter speed high more than 1/500 to freeze the subject
6. keep the camera on tripod ...or you can also use handheld.
the bright continuous light is required coz in a room if u put shutter speed 1/640 and aperture f6.3 will need lots of light.
plan beforehand what objects you are going to splash....a straberry , a coin , a banana or anything you want...
check this for complete process - *
some shots need a clean container....see that its haze free and spotless....people use aquarium glass box for this purpose but its costly