Open Source Media Player for Linux

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The Mighty Unkel!!!
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Re: Open Source Media Players vs Closed Source : The Final Test

GX_saurav : user banned for a week..
he did say it was my work.. it was me who did that pic.
I take responsibility for the picture. its up to you to decide what to do next.


left this forum longback
Re: Open Source Media Players vs Closed Source : The Final Test

^Ahh!its funny eh?who posted what matters!

Exaile,Rhythmbox fits fine for my needs :)
Zeeshan Quireshi

Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
Re: Open Source Media Players vs Closed Source : The Final Test

Exaile's Awesome 9.5/10 but Rhythmbox tries to do everything and miserably.


The Devil's Advocate
Re: Open Source Media Players vs Closed Source : The Final Test

an artwork resulting in banning of a member ... great we all curse the activists for destroying public property and art galleries whilst we do the same here .... great and that too in a fight club thread .... way to go!!!

PS: dont ban me for posting this please
Zeeshan Quireshi

Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
Re: Open Source Media Players vs Closed Source : The Final Test

Specially the Artwork did not contain any derogatory term.

It only contained the terms which the intended user Openly and Actively Supports :mad:


Pee into the Wind...
Re: Open Source Media Players vs Closed Source : The Final Test

The best part about Exaile is, it hardly takes any time to start.WMP and Winamp take lot more time than Exaile for start-up.AmaroK too starts up pretty quickly even on a Gnome Desktop.


Staff member
Re: Open Source Media Players vs Closed Source : The Final Test

The best part about Exaile is, it hardly takes any time to start.WMP and Winamp take lot more time than Exaile for start-up.AmaroK too starts up pretty quickly even on a Gnome Desktop.


about do you think about media players.
most people like VLC, but i like mplayer+jazzy skins = no brainer

but i still forward & backward features, that progresive ones found in cd/dvd players


left this forum longback
^VLC is not playing fine for me in Debian Sid.For video,I use Xine-ui and gmplayer.even totem-gstreamer is nice :)


Staff member
about do you think about media players.
most people like VLC, but i like mplayer+jazzy skins = no brainer

but i still forward & backward features, that progresive ones found in cd/dvd players
yeah i like MPlayer in linux and KMPlayer in windows :D
@Zeeshan, regarding post #one

regarding the way you call WMP11 and iTunes "respectable", I would just like to point out that there are two parties: one who like light weight high quality audio players, and others who think that organising media files in the library is difficult, and who think that if the media player takes 30mb ram, its not bad.

Sadly for you, and luckily for me, most linux devs are the former type.

Personally, I really really loath WMP and iTunes, thanks to the fact that they take a loooooooong time to start, they lack simple interfaces, and the library is just not good enough when you compare it to my personal unique sorting and arranging techniques. Hence, atleast in windows I am sticking with FooBar2000, which has folder view for library, and if modded a bit, it becomes perfect for me.

And as for the distortion, its a problem some face even in windows.I don't face it in rhythembox(which sucks. Banshee is a better choice) and Totem, I get the same in VLC. I think recompiling the kernel with all the drivers, and optimising all the settings manually will help.

Try installing PulseAudio for a change. It is supposed to have better sound quality than ALSA, OSS, JackAudio, ESD, Direct Audio, etc and its made for Gnome.

If you don't like to have both KDE and Gnome, you can't gain much eXperience in linux. I suggest you try Xfce(sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop), Gnome(sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop), KDE(sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop), and also other window managers like IceWM and FluxBox. I heard that FluxBox needs lighter resources than Xfce(hello gaming!), but I am not sure of IceWM.

And yes, SongBird is the new up and comming media player for linux. As of now, it is in alpha state, and really sucks. But its soon going to get better. Sadly, it uses the GStreamer Engine instead of the FFMPEG or Xine Engine for playback. Its planned to have a built in tabbed web browser, ability to retrieve multimedia content from the internet, play nearly every format, appeal to apple/microsoft lovers, still look good to hardcore linux users, have library, radio, podcasts, have a built in stream ripper within the browser, emulate wmp/real/qt/mplayer/vlc plugins for the browser, so as to play a file, which is embedded within a webpage that plays with wmp in windows, using songbird in its browser.

But I warn you, never touch such media players with heavy features till they reach Version 0.8 if you need something thats stable.


^^Pulse audio is totally amazing and gives 5.1 surround better than traditional alsa. But still I guess it is in its nascent stages coz I had to fight when installed it on mah old system. It worked flawlessly on my new one!!

^^Pulse audio is totally amazing and gives 5.1 surround better than traditional alsa. But still I guess it is in its nascent stages coz I had to fight when installed it on mah old system. It worked flawlessly on my new one!!
now ALSA is being replaced by Pluse in most future versions of popular distros
Zeeshan Quireshi

Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
@mediator , Gary , Gautham . Thanks for suggesting PulseAudio guys , i was really irritated with ALSA as volume was always distorted and the master channel did not have any effect on Volume .

@MetalheadGautham , mate WMP 11 takes 2 Seconds to start on my system (684 MB,P4) you wouldn't call that slow .

Also , I've tried organizing files using folders for a lot of years , but when your collection grows nio Hundreds of GB's(mine's 135) then folder management can be a problem .

That's when managing using ID3 tags is a boon . and wouldn't YOu like your CD Albums covers displayed so that you can easily choose your album n then play it's contents .

I personally like the WMP 11 Lbrary feature a lot and the fact that it runs perfectly fine on my Ageing system , confirms that it has good performance too .
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@mediator , Gary , Gautah . Thanks for suggesting PulseAudio guys , i was really irritated with ALSA as volume was always distorted and the master channel did not have any effect on Volume .

@MetalheadGautham , mate WMP 11 takes 2 Seconds to start on my system (684 MB,P4) you wouldn't call that slow .

Also , I've tried organizing files using folders for a lot of years , but when your collection grows nio Hundreds of GB's(mine's 135) then folder management can be a problem .

That's when managing using ID3 tags is a boon . and wouldn't YOu like your CD Albums covers displayed so that you can easily choose your album n then play it's contents .

I personally like the WMP 11 Lbrary feature a lot and the fact that it runs perfectly fine on my Ageing system , confirms that it has good performance too .
well if you like windows, then use it, where is the Problem;)
Zeeshan Quireshi

Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
well if you like windows, then use it, where is the Problem;)
Actually i was asking for the Best Linux Player .

I Already use WMP 11 for Windows , the main point of this thread was to Find out the Best among the Open Source Plaers .

Which i think is Exaile .
Actually i was asking for the Best Linux Player .

I Already use WMP 11 for Windows , the main point of this thread was to Find out the Best among the Open Source Plaers .

Which i think is Exaile .
OK, fine, you love automatic organising, but in my case, I immidiately transfer files as I receive them in appropriate folders, and also use shortcuts to my advantage. So in simple words, I don't face that last minute mountain of arrangement. Just like studies, in music files arrangement too you need to start organising right from the begining if you want to keep things fine. Remember that for later.

And yes, WMP11 needn't be as fast on all systems. 2 seconds ? Have you tried WMP6.4 ever ? What about MPUI ? Anyway, as you are satisfied with WMP11 and love its features, I forgive you. Use what you like.

But please don't say that "I am looking for the best linux media player" when you want a good library. Tastes differ, and such statements will cause flame wars and guys will be banned the same way gx_saurav was.

You can hunt the net for some media library plugins for existing software like xine. I heard of a program that has a very good explorer like media library, and it plays them using a custom backend like xine. I forgot its name, and if I remember it, I will post its name here. You don't need to go looking for out of box features in linux. In our world, we intergrate stuff ourselves. So you can try to use a third party media management tool, which will surely be much better than an indivudual software with all features.
Zeeshan Quireshi

Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
My Media Lirary is Arranged Properly ander the Following FOrmat

Artist/Album/Song .

I just drop my songs onto the music folder n WMP 11 Automatically categorizes them .

I used to do it manually before , but now WMP 11 does it for me , including renaming songs in my desired format .

As for the Library Management part , I'm sure the developers of Multimedia Apps are working on making Library management plugins for their apps and integrate them into the default app coz honestly , nowadays almost all Multimedia Apps need a library management efature with the ever increasing sizes of our libraries .
As for the Library Management part , I'm sure the developers of Multimedia Apps are working on making Library management plugins for their apps and integrate them into the default app coz honestly , nowadays almost all Multimedia Apps need a library management efature with the ever increasing sizes of our libraries .
I beg to differ.
not all multimedia apps have developers working on library management. I know lots of inside information in software like VLC, and I can guarentee that the devs are more worried about the format support and output quality. Then comes stability. then user interfaces. then other functions. the media library is only developed due to request/effort from a (relatively)small community of lazybone helpers. Besides, we have everything here in modules. So you can install exactly what you want. And Media Library is seldom a thing thats always used by users. Infact, my VLC is so light, and fast, only because I removed unnessary components from it.

And yes, luckily for you, CloudStalker from VLC Forums is one guy intrested in a good eye-candy media library in VLC, and thanks to his photoshop work, which is being used as a guideline, j-b, the main developer for VLC's new QT4 interface, is making a good Media Library for VLC version 0.9(still in nightly builds). So congratulations, VLC is also going to have a good media library.

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