any idea about availability and price in Gurgaon??
oh my god switched on my handset this morning and the dialler on the first screen was not responding, neither was the green dialler as well the contacts...checked the menu and messaging wasnt opening either....did cold reboot nothing happened still the same problem....couldnt do a hard reset since dialler on the main screen wasnt working....reset the phone to factory settings and still no luck....hadnt used my handset even for 1 day....went to the nokia dealer i got it from this morning and they checked and memory card was corrupted....they got it replaced for a new one.....woooaaaa !!!! now thats a bad experience i had with a nokia handset 1st time in 10 years.... i had only installed the Ashton Martin theme and opera mini on the mmc, was wondering whether these were causing problems....another major problem, i pluged the 5800 charger into my n73 and n70 and their batteries died out completely, had to get them replaced....I ADVICE USERS NOT TO USE THE 5800 CHARGER INTO ANOTHER HANDSET....maybe a bit high far bad day for me....spent nearly 1000 bucks for travelling and new batteries.....
^^^ hav already used a N95 8GB b4 the the list of prospective fones is not that large.maybe i cud do with the Omnia 8GB.
i do like touchscreens.had a i710 (Win Mo) and did like the touchscreen b4 it f**k'd up.
Any Omnia users here in the forum?
is ther any promotional offer thats goin on or is d Sennheiser LX90 earphone goin 2 be given free always????????
any heads up
^^^ ya 5800XM is new one and touch screen . but if upgrading from N82 u wont be satisfied fully only u differ in N85 is "music"
Even almost N82 is faster than N85 in operation .
Have u used both n82 and n85 for a long period of time to make that judgement ? n85 is as fast if not faster than n82 is every way. Even under heavy multitasking its very fast. Lack of gpu does not make much of a differance. I am totally satisfied with n85 after upgrading from n82 > n95 8gb > n85. Fantastic phone apart from the build quality issues that many early adopters suffered.
Use a portable BT keyboard mannnn..Not when you are a 6 2 giant and hands the size of a pool. I have the money with me, would have bought it but I don't think the touchscreen can take too much of power use.Say, playing cricket or football with the phone in my pocket. And i dont enjoy texting with a touch screen either. Will check out the phone though.
It's only slightly bigger than a wallet. Don't tell me you don't a spare pocket to carry one.^^you expect me to carry that around?? :O
Right now am stuck between the 5800 and the C905. The 10k price ifference is the killer, else it would have been C905 anyday. Problems everywhere.![]()
if i carry on waitig for devices to be announced, i will never end up with a phone watsoevr.![]()