Official Android discussion thread


Beyond Smart
Applied 10 MB RAM Hack on top of this ROM and it has made a big difference to the performance.

Steps for both G1 as well as MT3G:
1:> Flash Latest Radio, if not already flashed. Version:
2:> Flash Death/Haykuro's SPL
3:> Flash the Eclair ROM
4:> Flash 10 MB RAM Hack Mod

Flashing any of these can be done this way:
1:> Download the firmware/radio/mod.
2:> Put the downloaded zip in the root of your SD Card.
3:> Start your phone in Recovery Mode (Home + Power buttons)
4:> Select the option to "Flash any zip from SD" and select the downloaded zip.

Repeat these steps for all firmwares/radios/mods to be flashed.

Note: Sequence of flashing is important. For eg: It is absolutely critical to flash the radio before you flash the SPL.


Bad to the bone
Applied 10 MB RAM Hack on top of this ROM and it has made a big difference to the performance.

Steps for both G1 as well as MT3G:
1:> Flash Latest Radio, if not already flashed. Version:
2:> Flash Death/Haykuro's SPL
3:> Flash the Eclair ROM
4:> Flash 10 MB RAM Hack Mod

Flashing any of these can be done this way:
1:> Download the firmware/radio/mod.
2:> Put the downloaded zip in the root of your SD Card.
3:> Start your phone in Recovery Mode (Home + Power buttons)
4:> Select the option to "Flash any zip from SD" and select the downloaded zip.

Repeat these steps for all firmwares/radios/mods to be flashed.

Note: Sequence of flashing is important. For eg: It is absolutely critical to flash the radio before you flash the SPL.

Thanks for the mini tut.I would probably give it a shot over this weekend. I would be keen to know your views on Eclair considering you have used Cupcake earlier. Is it worth upgrading?

Edit: I wouldn't call N1 a flop because it sold 20,000 units within a week in US (and probably UK) alone and there was next to zero ad spend on it. However Google could have done better with the customer service. Lot of new buyers are grappling with noob issues like configuring 3G, mailboxes etc. I guess things will be better once dust settles down and when media is done with its share of 'stories'.
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Ambassador of Buzz
Few more screenshots from 'Milestone'

Gorgeous 'Multimedia dock'



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Expecting 2.0.1 update anxiously!


Rockin g33k
Noob issues?? The N1 is one of the buggiest phones on launch. Lookee here.



Beyond Smart
Thanks for the mini tut.I would probably give it a shot over this weekend. I would be keen to know your views on Eclair considering you have used Cupcake earlier. Is it worth upgrading?
I would put it this way. There is no harm in upgrading. There are no major changes but the UI seems to be a bit more polished than the previous version. Also the fact that Eclair builds are actually running as fast as Donut (or in some cases even more faster), I would recommend everyone to update to Ecalir.


Just got Cyanogen installed on my Phone . :)



Bad to the bone
I would put it this way. There is no harm in upgrading. There are no major changes but the UI seems to be a bit more polished than the previous version. Also the fact that Eclair builds are actually running as fast as Donut (or in some cases even more faster), I would recommend everyone to update to Ecalir.

I am contemplating an upgrade for a while but the fskin Cyanogen ROM is so good that am unsure if I would have a dissonance once I upgrade...let us see..:).

Just got Cyanogen installed on my Phone . :)

Someone is having a real nice time with his Magic :D. So how is the new experience? Good? Bad? Mixed? Any difference? If you have partitioned your SD card you should get app2sd by default.


Someone is having a real nice time with his Magic . So how is the new experience? Good? Bad? Mixed? Any difference? If you have partitioned your SD card you should get app2sd by default.
Indeed. Cyanogen seems to have much more features to it. Although I think response wise Amon Ra's ROM might actually be better. Not that theres a huge performance issue or anything but I feel the other is a wee bit faster. nonetheless Cyanogens ROM is nice indeed. I haven't started fooling around with it yet sicne my GPRS account suddenly seems to have vanished.

Is it possible to synch contacts with Outlook / Outlook Express ?


Beyond Smart
I guess its about time people move all their contacts/calendars to the google cloud. I have set up a 4-way sync for all my contacts and calendars between my iPhone, G1, Mac and the online google account. Changes in any one of these automatically pushes them to the other synced entities. Works seamlessly. Almost like magic :p

---------- Post added at 11:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:17 PM ----------

Is it possible to synch contacts with Outlook / Outlook Express ?

I am sure HTC Sync can be used for this ??


I guess its about time people move all their contacts/calendars to the google cloud. I have set up a 4-way sync for all my contacts and calendars between my iPhone, G1, Mac and the online google account. Changes in any one of these automatically pushes them to the other synced entities. Works seamlessly. Almost like magic :p
I can understand this but theres a tiny part of me which would rather have certain stuff just synched with my local copy of Outlook or whatever program I'm using.
I am sure HTC Sync can be used for this ??
Will it still work assuming that you have a different mod installed. Never tried it but I think I should give it a go. Should be interesting.


Yes and finally they get off their lazy rears and fix an issue which has been a pain for allk htc Magic users in India.

Here is some extracts of my two month Helpdesk ordeal lol.

Hello, I have purchased a htc Magic (Airtel) Phone from India. I would like to emphasize the disappointment I have in finding the lack of features in the phone you have otherwise claimed to have. One of the key features of the phone is the ability to use GPS but ironically there is not a single application which can use it either. Technically the phone is locked in such a way that not a single application can be installed on it as well. Methods which do circumvent this are known to void the warranty of the same item. Which brings me to a conclusion that htc does not value its customers appropriately. I am hoping that there is some amicable solution for the above mentioned problem. I refuse to believe that I spent my hard earned money on basically a device which can do no more better than a basic touch phone. Hoping for a resolution Mr. X
P.S. Last but not least it seems that your feedback system refuses to takes complaints either and prefers using the standard line "The system is experiencing problems, Please try later". Which tells me that htc is the least bothered about customer complaints.

(Tech)) Dear Mr. X,

Thank you for contacting our Customer Support Center. We are dedicated to providing you with the best quality service and answering all of your questions and concerns.

As per your E-mail, We know how frustrating this situation is and we have escalated this to our product design team so that we can deliver the best product possible. They have assured us here that an upgrade will be released publicly in the near future, however to ensure product quality there are still tests we are conducting.

Thank you for your continued understanding and support.

You can also call our Call Center at: 1800 11 33 77
If you have further questions.

Thank you once again for your continued patronage.

Best regards,

To the above tech Support person,
If this is a reply you happen to take off a database with pre-issued tickets. May I further state that the above same reply with no change to a single word has been issued to other customers who have come to you with the same problem which I have quoted for your own use.

2009/12/08 18:48 Gyanendra (India Support (Tech)) Dear Mr. Sirish ,

Thank you for contacting our Customer Support Center. We are dedicated to providing you with the best quality service and answering all of your questions and concerns.

You recently wrote us about an issue that you have encountered with your HTC Device.

To clarify your issue, you stated that: Android market.

Sir, Thank you for your feedback. We have already escalated this issue to the product design team, and an upgrade version is under testing now. We will release the upgrade publically in the near future. If you could please provide us with your contact information, we will inform you immediately whenever website revised. Thank you for your understanding and support.

If the above steps do not resolve your issue, we invite you to visit the support area on our Web site. Please go to: *

Or you can go to: *, select your country and then click on the Support tab.

You can also call our Call Center at: 1800-11-33-77 if you have further questions.

Thank you once again for your continued patronage.

Best regards,
Gyanendra Singh


Are you telling me that over the past few months the best HTC can do is submit the issue to the product design team for review. Not to mention the false claim of a firmware even coming out. Second of all I doubt you understand how frustrating it is since you do not have the above mentioned phone either. I highly urge you to have someone who can speak with a bit more authority on the topic get back to me. At the moment neither am I satisfied with the answer provided nor do I believe in the above alleged firmware coming out in the near future.

Please do not bother sending pre-typed replies, If a solution can't be given please reply with the same so I may proceed with whatever recourse I feel might bring me justice.

Thanking you
Mr. X
(Tech)) Dear Mr. X,

This is in continuation to our previous correspondence regarding your HTC device.

In this regard, would like to intimate that we do not have any specific date but we have escalated the issue and we assure you an update will available soon and you will find this information on our website If you allow us to take your contact information, we would like to put you on our contact list for when the website has been revised with the upgrade rom information. Thank you for your continued understanding and support.

We look forward for your kind co-operation.

Thank you and have a nice day!
As per your statement, this issue has been escalated to the Product Design Team. What I would like to see is where on\in has this information been posted? Which is why I said have someone who can speak with a bit more authority contact me. Do you have a link on the company website that explains what you have said or is this all hearsay. If the above information has not been posted on the website then for all I know it does not exist. Which leads me back to my original question which you do not seem able to grasp , can you speak with actual authority on behalf of htc that it is putting forth an update to fix the above mentioned problems.

As for my address, your claim does not possess any weight as of such. When it does I will be more than happy to give it. I get enough spam as it is.

As of now both replies neither answer the question stated above and neither does it resolve the issue I have. If a link or a news release from a verifiable source produces information that I feel is credible then I will be more than happy to wait for it. From my viewpoint this is just another gimmick like the phone I have being sold in India as of now, which mind you has been in the market for months.

Thanking you
Mr. X
Since I have no clue on how to edit the previous messages I would like to add one more thing.


The firmware you product design team promises to deliver has been late by about 4 months. So the only other way of getting this resolved is by being a close friend of some high level htc official which I am not. I'm going to say that I'm winding up my silly notions of a company valuing its customers and going to just blatantly say that this is beyond outrageous.

Although htc might be happy that they managed to procure another sales for them I promise you enough bad publicity to make up for my monetary losses. I will follow my recourse of actions whatever I deem necessary within three days.

With Regrets

Mr. X
Dear Mr. X,

This is in continuation to our previous correspondence regarding your HTC device.

As per your E-mail We understand how frustrating this situation is, but we do not have any specific date and we can only assure you that an update will available soon as we have already escalated this issue. We look forward for your kind co-operation.

Thank you for your continued understanding and support.

Thank you and have a nice day!
Issue has not been solved. Neither will it be solved by someone who does't understand what I want as a solution. As I explained earlier I intend on getting a resolution which I find reasonable. Since it's the holidays I've been holding on my actions. But I promise starting by writing reviews for some prominent tech magazine. As I promised earlier I will pursue this with whatever resources I have.

I urge you to have the concerned contact me. With deep regrets.
Mr. X.
Dear Mr. X. ,

This is in continuation to our previous correspondence regarding your HTC device.
Would like to assure you that our endeavor is to provide you quality service and your feedback will help us in improving our service further.

We truly understand your concern and we apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.

In this regard we would like to intimate that we do not have the specific date but an update will released in near future especially for HTC Magic and you will find this information on our website

We really appreciate your patronage in HTC and would like to assure you that our endeavor is to provide you quality service and your feedback will help us in improving our service further.

We look forward for your kind co-operation.

Thank you and have a nice day!
To whomsoever it may concern,
Your endeavor to provide me with quality service is at best sub-par. The fact that your company has not even been able to come up with an update after this much time after product release merely glories its inefficiency to meet with its customers critical needs. I believe that your company believes it can exploit the Indian market and assume that the population here is easily dealt with. Till now you have not provided me with an amicable solution. The issue has gone over a month. Neither have you provided me with a link referring that htc has taken note of the problem and intends to issue an update.

It is my intention to make sure this does not go further on or happen to any other person in the Indian population. You shall be seeing websites with my review on it and I shall be more than happy to post links to it as it is done. As time passes I intend on taking this with the Consumer Court in India if my legal counsel can confirm my claim as valid, which shouldn't be an issue considering you claim that there is a GPS device on the phone which till now I have yet to find or use. In other words there is no way to use the same. Any idea of fixing the issue revolves around the fact that the warranty gets void which I believe is another cheap ploy on your company's die to avoid having to deal with maintenance.

I am outraged to have been a patron of htc till this moment and I promise I will make it my sole purpose of existence just to get justice for this. Such a pity considering this could have been resolved 7 replies ago by taking the appropriate action. Unfortunately, you seem to be too ignorant to realize that.

With Regrets,

Mr. X.

As your company has failed to respond with a solution or escalate the issue appropriately it is to my best understanding that this issue can not be solved in an pleasant manner. In order to ensure that my clients' interests are safe guarded and to prevent exploitation of the Indian market I will be pursuing this matter under the Honorable Court of India. Your firm/establishment shall be informed with the following as described below.

1. Copy of the Bill of Purchase of Product from htc Product Retailer
2. Copy of the Website Page Indication the above Retailer was an Authorized Outlet.
3. Copy of the Petition filed under the Consumer Forum(s).
4. Copy of your own company statements indicating release the product, features available and also marketing advertisements emphasizing features present.
5. Copy of the actual phone specifications. Including technical details.
6. Copy of support provided by htc's own Global Contact System.
7. Copy of complaints regarding to the above product which has been neglected by your firm/establishment.
And behold after 7 days!
Dear Mr. X,

This is in continuation to our previous correspondence regarding your HTC device.

As per your E-mail we understand that you faced lot of problem with your device because of some missing applications. As we committed you that we have already escalated this issue to our product design team so that we can deliver the best product possible. Now this is to inform you that an updated ROM is now available for HTC Magic customers to download. As always, HTC is committed to providing customers with the best possible mobile experience.
Here is the link where you can find the update available in India: *

We look forward for your kind co-operation.

Thank you and have a nice day!

Anyone want to go through the pain and give the below update a whirl xD . Either way I'll probably give it a go foir giggles since I did file a consumer complaint lol. Now I'm not saying that I accomplished the above but I think they sure got enough customers breathing fire on them that they finally took it serious :) .


I don;t know but I probably will if I can. however I despise losing my contacts and other saved data or having to restore them each time lol. Not to mention I'm rather content with either Amon Ra's or Cyanogen's Rom. The only difference is probably this comes with HTC Sense.


Bad to the bone
I don;t know but I probably will if I can. however I despise losing my contacts and other saved data or having to restore them each time lol. Not to mention I'm rather content with either Amon Ra's or Cyanogen's Rom. The only difference is probably this comes with HTC Sense.

Yeah restoring data can be a pain! But since this release boasts of a sense UI without having to create partition and does sound compelling. Pity I am on 32B:cry:.

BTW yesterday night I tried flashing Eclair build but didn't succeed :(. I think there is a bug in the death SPL or it is not optimized for 32B. If you guys have any idea or know of any resource on flashing Eclair on 32B then please let me know.

EDIT: I take back whatever I said earlier because I just happen to stumble upon a fantastic Eclair ROM. Get it here. This ROM is a brilliant piece of hacking. Not only it installs it self without any partitioning or changing SPL; it also restores all your previous data. Yes, you heard that right!!! (Ensure you don't wipe your data manually before installation ;) ). This is pure magic!!!



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Ambassador of Buzz
^^Congrats Dude,Looks amazing!

I've also updated my "Moto Milestone" thorugh my System Updates,

I don't find huge difference,I think Task Manager and Audio Effects are new,

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Some Apps: (Thank God,all my previous installs are safe!)

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[BTW,I'm busy with my new 'Monstrous' mobile......ya its... 'HTC HD2' !]


Bad to the bone
Thanks Bro and congrats on your new purchase. But why a WinMo dude?

BTW if someone wants to install HTC Hero keyboard on their (non-HERO) handsets. Follow this quick tut.

Google for HTC_IME.apk (or PM me - I downloaded it from XDA). Once HTC_IME.apk is downloaded & installed (use any file manager such as OI) next do the following (settings -> language & keyboard settings):

Select Touch Input settings


Do your customizations.

Open any application that uses keyboard and long press "?123". Tap "Input Method"

Select "Touch Input" once this screen pops up

Voila! You have a HTC Sense keyboard :).
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Bad to the bone
Just downloaded and flashed Hero port of OpenEclair. This build is as absolute drool. It comes dollops of eye candy without sacrificing on speed.





Get it here if you have 32B PVT board.



Gracias Senor
Hi all, I am expecting my Hero to be shipped 2morr eve by FedEx. Once I get it, wanna hunt for a unlock code and unlock it to use with Airtel. Then, use the device for a week or so wit stock and then fiddle with the upgrade/ROM.

Hoping to get a better experience. BTW, my new 3GS rocks!!!!


Bad to the bone
Let us know your experience on Hero. BTW how much you shelling out for it. I guess prices of Hero have come down marginally in India.

Yes, iPhone 3GS is a fantastic device too bad it can't be modded.
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