looks like sept is going to be a real fone fest.. X8 and samsung galaxy twins also not to forget about is nokia C6
n the goodness of this ROM! This is so fsckin good! There is hardly any delay between different screens. Home screen renders in a jiffy. Market is super smooth. New camera UI is good. The ROM is filled to the brim with various options (See screenshots). My phone feels and behaves like a brand new phone.
PS. List of supported devices
HTC Aria · HTC Desire · HTC Dream · HTC Evo 4G · HTC Hero (CDMA, GSM) · HTC Incredible · HTC Magic · HTC Slide · Nexus One · Motorola Droid
hi all..
i am planning to buy a android phone -budget 16-20k
main requirement:
-android apps support and os updatable
- cam >3or4mp
-3G and wifi (video call wud be good)
-good product service support(i mean repair stuff)
-java apps support(i want jar files installable if possible i have some modded opera)
-ok music
pls suggest some with these
Yes, SGS lags out of the box. But later firmware updates fix this lag. Expect the lag to be completely solved when froyo arrives (end of Sept). But yes, Sense > Touchwiz. But that's not really an issue since you can use 3rd party launchers like Launcherpro.1. All the Specs for SGS seems to be Wonderful, but when it comes to performance and day to day activity, SGS lags and TouchWiz Sucks...!! Whereas the HTC Desire is a bit low on specs as compared to SGS, but its delivers a exceptional performance for day to day activities and has a very intuitive HTC Sense UI which is surely a winner w.r.t any other custom Skin on top of Android.
Many apps cannot be moved to the sdcard even in froyo. SGS is the clear winner here.2. Another Important aspect is the Internal Memory, SGS has 16GB....which is surely enough for all Ur apps, movies, music......etc, whereas Desire is only having it in MB's.
BTW, does it make any difference as Desire has got Froyo 2.2 and now u can store apps on Ur Memory Card?
The SuperAMOLED is miles ahead of S-LCD.. The colors, contrast are exceptionally good! I'd say this is the BEST feature of SGS.3. What exactly is the difference b/w the Screens; one is equipped with Super AMOLED whereas other with the SLCD. Can anyone elaborate on to this that has used the both handsets, Except the Sunlight visibility any other major difference?
Like you said, personal preference4. As far as the looks are concerned, Desire surely wins the Battle.[Depends Upon User taste, I liked the Sturdier and Robust looks of Desire as compared to plasticky looks of SGS ]
SGS has the best GPU of any phone out there.. There is simply no competition. SGS FTW!5. Gaming...Now clues...which one is better...please suggest who has used both the handsets.
Yeah, price is pretty much the same.6. Price No difference, both is priced same. [Rs 26990/-]
After sales support of all companies suck! I've heard many horror stories of HTC too! So this one's a tie7. After Sales Services for Samsung Sucks, at least in Gurgaon, I don't Know about rest of the Regions...and can't comment on HTC as never had a chance to use HTC handsets. What i believe is that Samsung believes more in Numbers...rather than providing a quality product and the after sale services are even worse. [I had a very bad experience of Samsung Star; twice my Touch Screen got changed].