Cyborg Agent
how to root samsung galaxy I5801 (Appolo)?
The one click rooting in xda-develper forum is not working
The one click rooting in xda-develper forum is not working
I think Samsung guys a have figured out a way to fix this lag issue and probably have fixed it. If not there is a single click solution at XDA to solve this. HTC Desire may be slightly low on specs but HTC excperience with Android hansets reflects in their build quality, form factor and UI. Sense UI is a brilliant example of a practical UI design. Though it was a overkill on Hero; on Desire it screams speed. Froyo+Sense UI will be a difficult combo to beat.All the Specs for SGS seems to be Wonderful, but when it comes to performance and day to day activity, SGS lags and TouchWiz Sucks...!! Whereas the HTC Desire is a bit low on specs as compared to SGS, but its delivers a exceptional performance for day to day activities and has a very intuitive HTC Sense UI which is surely a winner w.r.t any other custom Skin on top of Android.
Movies and Music are never stored on internal NAND memory. They are always stored in a FAT32 partitioned SD card. SGS has a huge internal memory to store apps. Thats a big advantage if your Android version is Eclair or less. But in Froyo apps can be stored in an encrypted form in a hidden folder called .android_secure. Now in Froyo an app can be stored on an SD card only when an app developer wants them to. New application and application updates are increasingly making it possible. Just incase you want to do things in your own way you can download tools like app2sd+ or modinstall to move any application or even Dalvik Cache to SD card.Another Important aspect is the Internal Memory, SGS has 16GB....which is surely enough for all Ur apps, movies, music......etc, whereas Desire is only having it in MB's.
BTW, does it make any difference as Desire has got Froyo 2.2 and now u can store apps on Ur Memory Card?
Both SLCD and AMOLED have their share of pro and cons. It reminds of that age old comparison between petrol and diesel vehicleWhat exactly is the difference b/w the Screens; one is equipped with Super AMOLED whereas other with the SLCD. Can anyone elaborate on to this that has used the both handsets, Except the Sunlight visibility any other major difference?
You said it; can't emphasize more.As far as the looks are concerned, Desire surely wins the Battle.[Depends Upon User taste, I liked the Sturdier and Robust looks of Desire as compared to plasticky looks of SGS
Even Desire has a GPU (but not as a separate unit) which can draw upto 22 million triangles/second. SGS GPU does 90 million triangles/second. But unless you want to play Call of Duty or something on your phone these specs are like stats of Indian Cricket team. Good only on paperGaming...Now clues...which one is better...please suggest who has used both the handsets.
Desire now costs Rs. 27,500; SGS around the same I guess.Price No difference, both is priced same.
Indian mindset! We mostly suck in after sales serviceAfter Sales Services for Samsung Sucks, at least in Gurgaon, I don't Know about rest of the Regions...and can't comment on HTC as never had a chance to use HTC handsets. What i believe is that Samsung believes more in Numbers...rather than providing a quality product and the after sale services are even worse. [I had a very bad experience of Samsung Star; twice my Touch Screen got changed].
Actually the 16GB space on the SGS is partitioned as 2GB /data where your apps etc go, and 14GB as FAT32 /sdcard.. So you *can* store music, movies etc there..Movies and Music are never stored on internal NAND memory. They are always stored in a FAT32 partitioned SD card. SGS has a huge internal memory to store apps. Thats a big advantage if your Android version is Eclair or less. But in Froyo apps can be stored in an encrypted form in a hidden folder called .android_secure. Now in Froyo an app can be stored on an SD card only when an app developer wants them to. New application and application updates are increasingly making it possible. Just incase you want to do things in your own way you can download tools like app2sd+ or modinstall to move any application or even Dalvik Cache to SD card.
What you're talking about here is AMOLED. I have seen both AMOLED (Omnia HD) and SuperAMOLED (my SGS) side by side.. You are right! The color representation is quite a bit saturated on the Omnia HD, but as far as I could see, they were exactly accurate on the SGS (compared to an LCD monitor).. Same was the case with sunlight legibility! Where AMOLED sucked in that department, SGS was looking exactly the same inside and outside, BUT with MAXIMUM brightness.. The display does loose some legibility on lower brightness settings.Both SLCD and AMOLED have their share of pro and cons. It reminds of that age old comparison between petrol and diesel vehicle. Though hate to quote but even iPhone4 so called retina display is an SLCD. SLCD has an slight edge if you are trying to use your phone in a bright sunlight. However color seems to be more vibrant on OMOLED but at the same time representation of color is more accurate in SLCD.
No, actually, the difference in performance is huge! You should try playing some graphics intensive games like any heavy Gameloft gameEven Desire has a GPU (but not as a separate unit) which can draw upto 22 million triangles/second. SGS GPU does 90 million triangles/second. But unless you want to play Call of Duty or something on your phone these specs are like stats of Indian Cricket team. Good only on paper!
Hii I was looking for an android mobile around 17k. I am a programmer and hoping to get hands on experience with android.My priorities as follows
1. Smooth and lag less experience (day to day)
2. Screen
3. Music
4. Camera
5. Battery
The majority of market seems to be concentrated in <15k and >23k. I don't mind pushing my budget to 23k to get something like HTC Legend ONLY IF ITS REALLY GOOD or should I go for something in the lower range like Samsung Galaxy 5xxx or HTC wildfire(which as from the thread seems bad).
Any Comments? ok Samsung Galaxy 3?
yes. SG3 is better than wildfire. better resolution, faster processor, better wifi (n support), cheaper, better audio quality, divx support.Any Comments? ok Samsung Galaxy 3?
Google begins testing paid Market apps in India...
Finally... this should have been present much earlier... but better late than never...