Rooting Galaxy Note II (clockworkmod touch recovery)
You would need the following three files:
1. Odin: - shrink your URLs and get paid!
2. CF-Auto Root: CF-Root Download
3. Touch Recovery: [CWM] Recovery v6.0.2.7 N7100 Support Android 4.2+ /CWM/ODIN/ADB versions - xda-developers
Step 1:
Enter download mode: Switch off your phone. Press vol down + home + power key & then when you see the prompt screen, press vol up key to continue and you will enter the download mode.
Step 2:
Open Odin & plug your phone via USB cable to your computer. (make sure you have all Samsung USB drivers installed).
Step 3:
Make sure only Auto Reboot is checked & all the rest are unchecked.
Step 4:
Click on PDA & then select tthe CF Root .tar file in the CF Root folder. Then click start.
You would see a blue progress bar on your phone and then a red android logo on your screen that would complete the root process.
Step 5:
Switch your phone off & enter into download mode again.
Start odin & make sure that F.Reset Time & Auto Reboot are both checked.
Also make sure that your phone is connected to your computer via the USB cable. (you would be able to see a yellow colored entry in the first com port area in Odin software).
Step 6:
Click PDA & then select recovery.tar in the ODIN-clockworkmod-touch-recovery folder that you downloaded. Now click start & wait for the entire process to get over. Your phone would restart into normal mode.
Step 7:
You are ROOTED!!
To check, switch off your phone & try to enter into recovery mode.
Press vol up + home + power key & then release power key when you see the note II logo on screen.
You should now see the clockworkmod touch recovery on your phone.
Wish you all a successful root