Please state the rules you like and which other forum has better rules. The rules which you like.this forum really S%^$#@# because of its damn rules..i Really hate these kind of rules
In fact, most admins hardly visit the forum. Raaabo and Anorion are the only ones Ive seen to be regular in the forum. cyberjunkie also pops in sometimes and Raaabo has not been here for sometime. Many mods are not here, only some are active users...and as a result..only moderator and admin are the active users infact the only active users...
I agree about lack of activity here. One other forum had active 228 members and some 400 guests while this one usually active 20 members or less and 150 guests. But instead of complaining, why don't you post regularly here?My Heart Felt condolence to tdF..I had found a couple of another forums..which will have updates in every 2 minutes..and new threads in every 5 minutes..
Is it necessary for everybody to move on? Can't people stay back and help out the newer members? I really appreciate all oldies who are still here.
Posted again:
I know one forum which you hate for sure. But not sure if this one is that forum. Well, I also went to another forum and well I was given warning for posting some 10 smileys in a post. At least TDF doesn't have such rules. We can post as many smileys in one post happily.As for as i know this the only forum with kind & friends , Dude i dont want to mention the forum name in that forum if u say "Ha ha ha" they will give infraction , the moderators humiliate new members& Children s will give u hardware trouble shooting very nicely

Yes, well TDF, if admins are regular and make some changes suggested in forum improvement suggestions thread, can be very good with many active members. ThinkFree will be the first to return maybe.This forum is free from all those problems only problem is Double posting error & some minor errors , i daily visit this forum !
Anyone know why ichi was miserabled??? (I know his current status guys
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