No one is here?

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Excessive happiness
I am back here after few months to see this forum has just few active members? Man, this is not what i saw few years back. TDF is the most irresistible place for everyone and it included in my daily activity w/o my knowledge:razz:.

OK guys, whatever the reason is, we need all back (at least a few).

So whether this gonna happen or i just leave this forum after seeing no active users in it. That's pathetic to even think....:-x


Human Spambot
Yay... The forum was a blast when i was a newbie here. But that server down in January had a great impact on TDF.


Excessive happiness
^^ Absolutely.Even i too was offline for around a month or two due to the bad server downtime. BTW Glad that i atleast saw a few like you.
BTW Where is others? Any idea about desiibond? .He is active in TE and even in TechieDesi..!


Human Spambot
desiibond is the most active user in TDF. many other old gold users like imav, pathik, infra red dude, ethan, kalpik, indyan, din, metal head gautham, bassam, ico are just visting the forum.. it is almost like they left the forum.


Excessive happiness
^^ That's really bad :x .So , its better to just visit than post here? eh? Lets see what damngoodman is gonna say...
lol . .we discuss this almost every other month :D

But yeah, when I joined in 2006, there were many active members (Cyrus_the_virus, Praka123, iMav, T159, QuizMaster, QwertyManiac, aditya.shevade, adi123 and many more)

Who knows? They may have moved on . .

I guess it's up to us to fill the void (heck . .FilledVoid too was a regular, now he just visits the OSS section :p )


Staff member
Why don't you join some real forums like bharat-rakshak (no kids allowed) etc. I am a lurker there.


Tribal Boy
Sorry, got too busy (I hate to say that:( ) last few months. First it was the IT course meant for the students and preparation for that. Now a lot of trips and some renovation work is going on at my village house.

May take a couple of weeks and I will be back in the forum :)


Bad to the bone
Why don't you join some real forums like bharat-rakshak (no kids allowed) etc. I am a lurker there.

Thanks for sharing. I don't mind joining forums where I can speak my heart out. I hope this is one such place?
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Why don't you join some real forums like bharat-rakshak (no kids allowed) etc. I am a lurker there.
people on those forums talks as if they know everything .IMO they should be given control to weapon s.God knows , what they might do to the world with those weapons lol

there is one more Pak forum against bharat rakshak :lol:


this forum really S%^$#@# because of its damn rules..i Really hate these kind of rules..and as a result..only moderator and admin are the active users infact the only active users...My Heart Felt condolence to tdF..I had found a couple of another forums..which will have updates in every 2 minutes..and new threads in every 5 minutes..


this forum really S%^$#@# because of its damn rules..i Really hate these kind of rules..and as a result..only moderator and admin are the active users infact the only active users...My Heart Felt condolence to tdF..I had found a couple of another forums..which will have updates in every 2 minutes..and new threads in every 5 minutes..

As for as i know this the only forum with kind & friends , Dude i dont want to mention the forum name in that forum if u say "Ha ha ha" they will give infraction , the moderators humiliate new members :-x & Children s will give u hardware trouble shooting very nicely :lol::grin:

This forum is free from all those problems only problem is Double posting error & some minor errors , i daily visit this forum !


this forum really S%^$#@# because of its damn rules..i Really hate these kind of rules..and as a result..only moderator and admin are the active users infact the only active users...My Heart Felt condolence to tdF..I had found a couple of another forums..which will have updates in every 2 minutes..and new threads in every 5 minutes..
I don't really thin the rules are any kind of deterrent to the growth of this forum. At the end of the day the popularity of a forum is pretty dependent on the quality of the threads posted by the folks using it.

The more quality information , the more interested folks you will find on the board.


Tribal Boy
Very happy to see some of the old members again (ex : FilledVoid). At least they are here, may be not very active.
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