Nintendo Wii U - sequel to the smash hit Wii | No trolling


There was a similar story on The Verge recently. Wii U relies too much on Nintendo games. That needs to change.

Extreme Gamer

No Wii U Sales? No Exclusives, Developers Say

Can't really blame the opinions of some of the biggest third party developers and publisher in the world, Ubisoft and EA.
The Wii-U has to sell more so that its easier to launch games on it including exclusives and make money.

Nintendo has been releasing games slowly...almost everything seems to be in the 2014 launch window. Maybe they're emulating Sony's PS3 frustrations, lol. The PS3 in the end outsold the Xbox by a small margin despite all the gloom and doom that was the initial forecast, so maybe the Wii U might after 6-7 years do the same to the Xbox and PS4 :D
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Steam High Templar
Nintendo has been releasing games slowly...almost everything seems to be in the 2014 launch window. Maybe they're emulating Sony's PS3 frustrations, lol. The PS3 in the end outsold the Xbox by a small margin despite all the gloom and doom that was the initial forecast, so maybe the Wii U might after 6-7 years do the same to the Xbox and PS3 :D

Most fanboys would say Xbone and PS4

Extreme Gamer

Most fanboys would say Xbone and PS4

My bad. I meant xbox and PS4. It was a typo.

New Post.

@Shipwreck My Walmart is out of the Wii U Deluxe. - Twitter

Went to Best Buy today and the Wii U aisle was drained of products. - Reddit


I am the night...I am...
Nintendo: Wind Waker art style could come back in future Zeldas

Ubisoft CEO says Rayman Legends on Wii U wouldn't "sell enough"

This is why, Rayman Legends went multiplatform.

Nintendo Wants To Re-Convince You The Wii U Gamepad Is Cool

Extreme Gamer

Wind Waker's art style is really nice. You can't deny that.

He says that because microshaft offered him the most draconian form of DRM on the planet. In fact, amazingly enough, EA and Ubisoft are pushing and supporting M$'s DRM way more than even Activision, according to a source. But Ubisoft's CEO does admit that the Wii U version will be the best for Both Rayman and Watch.Dogs.

Yet another sensational title from Kotaku. The Gamepad is definitely cool. I can tell you that Asymmetric Gameplay works better than advertised, especially in Nintendoland, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Wii U. And depending on the game, you can play off-TV. And unlike what Kotaku claims, the gamepad does not function like a DS/ 3DS. It's true that what I want to play only makes the gamepad generally redundant for me, but that isn't the flaw of the gamepad.

And Vicky, if you still think that resistive touchscreens are bad for the Wii U/ DS line, then you're misinformed. This isn't a personal attack by any means. You should understand that capacitive screens cannot offer the level of precision resistive ones can, and if the resistive screen is of good quality, it can be as easy to use as a capacitive one. And that is exactly the case with nintendo.

I've firmed up on not buying a 1st gen PS4, and I'm contemplating getting a second one (Wii U) for college. I really want to play the new Smash (which is a world championships game BTW), X, SMT, TW101 etc. I'm hoping that there will be a new Wii U bundle with these new games.


I am the night...I am...
The beauty of Wii U: Nintendo knows how to go all in on a gimmick

Verge articles are really good. Its not an attack on Nintendo by the author but extremely well put thoughts.

A must read for everyone.

Extreme Gamer

The beauty of Wii U: Nintendo knows how to go all in on a gimmick

Verge articles are really good. Its not an attack on Nintendo by the author but extremely well put thoughts.

A must read for everyone.

Okay, interesting article. But the problem is, what's the gimmick?

A gimmick is something that serves no genuine useful purpose and only adds to the glitter and fluff. I would agree with the article, except that:

1. Dual screen wasn't a gimmick on the DS/3DS
2. Hardcore games, even 3rd Party ones generally are utilizing the Wii U gamepad very well. (Monster Hunter, Watch_Dogs, ZombiU etc)
3. Hypothetical situation: What happens if I do not have a tablet, but want the tablet experiences that NGCs are providing? I definitely can't afford both, and I don't want a cheap-arse tablet just to add to my DeadRising 3 or BF4 gameplay.
Nintendo is not only cheaper than the other two options, but you could get 2 Wii Us or a Wii U and a 3DS at the cost of an x86 console and a tablet. [taking $350 as Wii U cost, $300 as tablet cost and $400 or $500 as PS4 or Xbox respectively cost).


Super Moderator
Staff member
The beauty of Wii U: Nintendo knows how to go all in on a gimmick

Verge articles are really good. Its not an attack on Nintendo by the author but extremely well put thoughts.

A must read for everyone.
A straightforward warning, you were doing the same thing in posts #30, #32 and #34.

Post #32 contained a news item from when? February. Now the current link is a news item from November 2012. I'm surprised how you manage to dig up such old news items.

What I can decipher is, you are simply using Google to find negative stuff, and then posting here to get a weird sense of personal satisfaction. Stay away or be sensible.

Okay, interesting article. But the problem is, what's the gimmick?

A gimmick is something that serves no genuine useful purpose and only adds to the glitter and fluff. I would agree with the article, except that:

1. Dual screen wasn't a gimmick on the DS/3DS
2. Hardcore games, even 3rd Party ones generally are utilizing the Wii U gamepad very well. (Monster Hunter, Watch_Dogs, ZombiU etc)
3. Hypothetical situation: What happens if I do not have a tablet, but want the tablet experiences that NGCs are providing? I definitely can't afford both, and I don't want a cheap-arse tablet just to add to my DeadRising 3 or BF4 gameplay.
Nintendo is not only cheaper than the other two options, but you could get 2 Wii Us or a Wii U and a 3DS at the cost of an x86 console and a tablet. [taking $350 as Wii U cost, $300 as tablet cost and $400 or $500 as PS4 or Xbox respectively cost).
Don't feed.


I am the night...I am...
Nintendo's Fils-Aime says Wii U feels 'no pressure' from $399 PS4

This is what Nintendo's American division President has to say about their current goals and focus.
Kind of spot on from a business perspective. One should really focus on their own goals and targets rather than reacting to others, and Nintendo is doing exactly the same thing here.

Thank You For Sunday Releases, Nintendo

Fanboyish, but actually there's nothing wrong off being one.


I am the night...I am...
Bethesda Hasn't Given up Hope on Wii U, Vita

Good to see some positive comments from a third party developer/publisher. But they don't have any plans currently.

GameStop: "Definitely don't count the Wii U out"


There was a similar story on The Verge recently. Wii U relies too much on Nintendo games. That needs to change.

The problem is that 3rd parties never hedge towards Nintendo platforms unlike Sega(historic), Sony & Microsoft so 3rd party games never build up an install base leaving it to Nintendo to build one. If Nintendo leaves the launch window open (3DS and Wii U) the platforms don't sell well and 3rd parties say that they are not supporting the console because of the install base(half assed late ports don't count). If Nintendo does a blitzkrieg to build up a base, they complain that nintendo FP games are hogging all the sales(Wii/DS etc).

3rd parties were really supportive of the PSP, more so than the DS initially. Even now the Vita gets nearly as much support as the 3DS from 3rd parties, especially western ones.

This doesn't really give Nintendo a lot of reason to rely on 3rd parties in the future. They have started flooding the 3DS with high quality titles now and the sales have really picked up. They plan to release at least 1 game every month for the Wii U starting with Pikmin 3. They recently hired more than 1500 devs across their EADs, SPDs, Monolith & Retro so this makes me believe that they will be releasing even more FP titles on their platforms in the future.


Nintendo relying on 3rd parties:



Gamers campaign to end Wii U region locking - Destructoid

Looks like our campaign is gaining steam. Lets hope that this brings enough attention to this bullshit so that Nintendo removes region locks.

Fan Petition: End Wii U Region Locking | Nintendo Enthusiast

Nintendo Enthusiast has picked it up too.



Xander Davis, Darksiders 2 dev who was actively bashing the Wii U apparently had a change of heart. What happened was that he actually tried playing the Wii U.

Pikmin 3 TVCM. Looks like they've upped the texture resolution because it doesn't look like the muddy upscaled Wii textures any more.

Can't wait for this one to be american kirby-ized.




Pikmin is probably the most horrifying game out there which you didn't realize was horrifying. And they are trying to market this as kawaii :lol:




Nintendo Boss Didn't Say He'd Quit, Yo


Please Understand.

Super Mario 3D World hands-on preview | Nintendo Insider

This game looks better by the minute. Nintendo really needs to fire whoever made the trailer. The actual gameplay videos show the new ideas and concepts really well. Pac-Mario with the transparent pipes, the crazy hectic local multiplayer, the level of cooperation required in the stages where jumping causes platforms to flip etc.

Unlike Galaxy or Sunshine it doesn't seem to have a single idea that changes the way the entire game is played but a collection of smaller ones that make it differ. They really need to make the updated camera feature known more. It will be using a hybrid between Nintendoland's camera and the one Super Mario 64, not the entirely pulled back isometric camera there in Super Mario 3D Land(although that is also an option).

The score bar at the end of the level seems to be the best new addition and completely alters the dynamics of the (anti)competitive multiplayer. I certainly won't let any stragglers pick up a power up that i get.

The now the main concern is how many friendships it will ruin. If Mario Party is any indication, Nintendo seems to have a team dedicated to that :p.

Pikmin 3 Progress:





All this was simply upresing a game originally being made for the Wii and is using a modified version of an engine designed for the GameCube. I wonder what it would have looked like if it was built for the Wii U ground up.


Microsoft thought they owned Donkey Kong - Corpus Christi Video Game |



Nintendo Fails To Acquire - News -


Aussie retailer neglects Wii U in favour of next gen hardware | Wii U News | GamesFIX


Wii U Preview: Splinter Cell: Blacklist preview Gameplay Preview - Official Nintendo Magazine

TL;DR: The gamepad is OPSAT.

"Well, I guess our Death from Above takedowns used to neutralise enemies from higher ground can be seen as homage to a very famous Nintendo character's way of dispatching enemies."

Never really saw it like that.

Somehow, the previews that have been coming since E3 make the game look good, inspite of Ubi's retarded comments on stealth. I doubt that it will be as good as Chaos Theory or Pandora Tomorrow, but it should be better than conviction. Hopefully the americans will put up some gameplay footage before its european release so that I can get preorder bonuses while also knowing the game is good.

Talking Point: The Uncertain Collectible Future of Download-Only Game Libraries - Nintendo Life

Access Accepted388?Battlefield 4????EA?????? -

ただし,「Frostbite 3」をWii Uに対応させることは不可能ではありません。

Tadashi, 'Frostbite 3' o Wii U no taio sa seru koto wa fukano de wa arimasen

A bit of googling tells me that "Fukano" means "impossible" so Nintendo must really have upgraded the Wii U hardware sometime after their comments. Or just maybe my initial hypothesis about DICE lying about it was true.


Nintendo is actually advertising the system again.

I'd expected much more PR flailing from the Regginator. Never really expected him to be frank about things like the fact that the Wii Us install base is just the core Nintendo fan or really admit that they weren't looking to win a short term sales war and were focused on longer term brand management.

Why There’s More to The Wind Waker HD Than the Upgraded Visuals
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Nintendo fans call for an end to region-locking » Barrel Roll Gaming

Nintendo of America said:
Nintendo has no plans to remove region locking from our systems. By taking this approach, Nintendo is able to include parental controls and ensure compliance with regional standards and rating systems.

Boo ****ing hoo. Won't anyone think of the children?

Just make it possible to disable region free through the parental controls just like you can disable access to games based on rating in parental controls.


I am the night...I am...
Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Is So Big It Entered Alpha, Beta, AND Gamma

Nintendo Not Interested In Lay-Offs To Improve Profits

Good to see positive moves by Nintendo. This will earn them developer loyalty, atleast from their FP side.

Miyamoto explains why he brought Wind Waker to Wii U

Nintendo defends Wii U region locking after Xbox One reversal

Now these reasons are pure BS. Considering it competitors are region free now (Xbox-One is now region free and Sony was the same since PS3), Nintendo should have taken this move in its favor and won back some more consumers.

PS Vita is now crushing Nintendo’s Wii U

Now this is pure info. No flame bait or any debate generating material.

Wii U Receives Entire Injustice DLC Catalog
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