Nintendo Wii U - sequel to the smash hit Wii | No trolling


Steam High Templar
Nintendo:If its not broke,why fix it?
They don't give a crap about what others call their games.Their games sell,Thats what matters ;-)

Extreme Gamer

But now, they are unaware of how things have changed and sticking with the same business model won't do them any good. Same old funny characters always and that too they unnecessarily take the center stage as a mascot with dumb down titles. Believe me mate, i was a wii ( not wii-u) user for 8 months and words cannot describe the horrors, its games brought me. My brother didn't had a decent pc and i was kind of stuck with this wii. It was plain torture. The games are childish TBH.

Recently, being trying out the DS emulator and fired mario kart on it. The game is completely meant for 5 year old's and is extremely childish.
Its like those dumb down mobile games. And wii-u is touting on mario-kart u to be its savior along with a bunch of similar sporting character titles.

So its like all hope is lost until it gets some good and consistent third party support.

Their games appeal to children. But that doesn't make them any less hardcore. What horrors are you talking about? PM me your list of games. Have you played MadWorld (ERSB M Rating), TLoZ: Twilight Princess (ERSB T-rating, so certainly not for 5 year olds)? Also try Metroid Prime, it is not at all childish.

Did you know, that in the 80s, Nintendo's policy was to make only family friendly games. Have you not noticed (or chosen to not notice) that Nintendo today is making (includes developing and/or publishing) games like Bayonetta 2, Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge [the Wii U version], assisted in localizing, marketing, brand management, hosting etc for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate [which by no means is childish].

They also published and/or developed and localized titles like The Last Story, Xenoblade Chronicles and Pandora's Tower. Before you dismiss them as ripoffs of games like Final Fantasy and Xenosaga, TLS was created by Hironobu Sakaguchi (creator of FF) and XC was created by Tetsuya Takahashi (creator of Xenosaga). But, TLS is not like FF, and XC has surpassed Xenosaga and is not like Xenosaga in gameplay.

Before you dismiss them as fringe games, these three didn't even make it to America (Nintendo of Europe had already localized it) until Nintendo succumbed to fan pressure. And the game sold out within months of release. According to Xseed, The Last Story is their highest grossing game of all time.

You have not played the Wii version of Mario Kart. The DS version uses a similar control scheme as most other racers on platforms that cannot employ analog sticks or wheels. The gameplay is exactly as it should be in the DS. Play the Wii version if you want to make a case against the Wii U version.


I am the night...I am...
Found something real hilarious and funny. Thought of sharing it, so here it is:


Sonic Lost World Gameplay Footage Shows Wii U And 3DS Versions


Actually their plans, starting from the console's design to the choices of software are all flawed and maybe beyond repair.

How so?

They operate like the 80's and hardly has anything for the more mature audience.

Ah yes - They force devs to fly to Kyoto in order to let them publish games on the platform, they don't allow realistic violence, they censor any and all form of sexuality, they limit the amount of games third parties can publish on their platforms, they don't bother with indies at all, try and use the lawmaking bodies to bring down their competitors by lobbying for laws that would damage them, try and stay on the cutting edge of hardware etc.

Obviously, Bayonetta, Monster Hunter, Metroid Prime, Twilight Princess, MadWorld and the likes are for children.


People don't miss them here in India and anyone hardly cares.

Except all the people in my friend circle that have been importing the 3DS and 3DS games. No wonder sites like Flipkart are making money by importing and marking up and selling 3DS games.

Wii was revolutionary because of its innovative controller and greater emphasis on casual gamers.

What was so innovative about the controller? They packed standard tech and marketed it in a clever manner and came up with a good, marketable use for it. The console was also reasonably priced, which increased its accessibility.

But now, they are unaware of how things have changed and sticking with the same business model won't do them any good.

Assuming you are referring to the Wii business model:


Ahh yes - The increased emphasis on hardcore games, the shifting of priorities, increased emphasis on digital, more emphasis on software, assisting third party devs with localization, courting of indies is the same business model as the Wii.


Assuming you are referring to the 80s business model: See above.

Same old funny characters always and that too they unnecessarily take the center stage as a mascot with dumb down titles.

You mean like this:


Obviously they choose to play dumbed down games like Brawl in tournaments like Evo


Believe me mate, i was a wii ( not wii-u) user for 8 months and words cannot describe the horrors, its games brought me. My brother didn't had a decent pc and i was kind of stuck with this wii. It was plain torture.


Of course, Childish games are the ones best at bring about horrors.


The games are childish TBH.


Ahh yes - Metroid Prime, Madworld, Twilight Princess, Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story, No More Heroes, Sin & Punishment, Trauma Center are childish[/SARCASM]

Recently, being trying out the DS emulator and fired mario kart on it. The game is completely meant for 5 year old's and is extremely childish.

Since when are mechanics like drifting, timed boosts, snaking, drafting etc. designed for 5 year olds?

How is the game childish?

Its like those dumb down mobile games.


And wii-u is touting on mario-kart u to be its savior along with a bunch of similar sporting character titles.

I've already pointed out that Mario Kart is not dumbed down. Your point is horse.

Even if Mario Kart DS was dumbed down(it wasn't), it is no indicator that the Wii U version will be dumbed down. The Wii Version that came after the DS one wasn't dumbed down, neither is Mario Kart 7.

BTW, Mario Kart is the only sporting game coming to the Wii U that is considered a system seller.

Guess what, even if the games are ****(they are not), they sell extremely well. You may also have missed titles like Sonic Lost World, Bayonetta 2, The Wonderful 101 and the new Tetsuya Takahashi RPG being developed by Monolith Soft.

So its like all hope is lost until it gets some good and consistent third party support.

You mean like by Warner, Ubi, Capcom, Sega & the like? Nintendo's teams at their EADs, SPDs, R&Ds, NST, Retro, Monolith, Intelligent Systems etc. and frequently contracted studios like Next Level Games, Monster Games, Treasure, Grezzo etc. will continue to work with Nintendo and produce high quality titles. Then they are also doing collaborations with 3rd parties like Namco, Atlus, Capcom et al. that will increase 3rd party support.

Got a good article though:

x86'd: How PC architecture could push Nintendo out of the next gen

See Extreme Gamer's post.

You know what, just because


you don't need to blatantly shitpost and make things up.

Found something real hilarious and funny. Thought of sharing it, so here it is:

Except that a new Mario title has been confirmed for this fall, such exclusives won't just ride on console sales but will also drive it, remakes do drive sales, sales can and probably will pick up when titles start coming out, the game is also on the 3DS, Pokemon Rumble U is a console Pokemon, Ubi, Warner, Sega, Acti, Capcom are some major 3rd parties supporting the console, Sonic Games have done marvellously on Nintendo hardware etc.


Steam High Templar
Lets count the positives of Wii U
No Motion-Sensing camera spying on you,and uploading the feed to PRISM ;-)
No need to connect every 24 hrs to play your games
You can trade your games with friends or sell used games to ANYONE.


Have some of the most prominent and greatest game creators & developers working on it.
Off-TV Play
Low thermal profile
Provides a niche for quirky non-AAA non-Indie titles
3DS connectivity
Panorama View
Gamepad opens up new and interesting gameplay possibilities
Audience more receptive to hardcore games like Monster Hunter
Asymmetric gameplay
Lower development costs
Awesome internet browser
Focused on games
Higher priority given to japanese games


Doesn't matter, microsoft would win anyway, instead of hiring engineers, artists to make their tech better, they'd rather hire managers/marketing executives or random folks to talk positive and down vote the negative opinions of others about their products on sites like Reddit /s :p


EA on Wii U and last-gen console support | Polygon

According to EA the Wii U is in the same generation as the Xbone & PS4 now, the generation the SNES & Mega Drive were in(Gen 4).


I am the night...I am...
More Proof That the Wii U Basic Is About To Go Extinct, Via Best Buy

Maybe the 32gb will now be priced equivalent to the 8gb one.

Forgotten Memories Horror Game Headed To Wii U And PS Vita

This can be nice. Wii-u desperately needs titles like these.
The gameplay looks very promising and console experience will be any day better than handhelds.

Extreme Gamer

I saw Nintendo's E3 direct and I'm going to say that their post-conference videos on the website showing off their upcoming games is much better. Their direct was decent, and some cool stuff was announced, but watch the videos on the website. I'm especially looking forward to X, Super Smash Bros 3DS/WiiU and Mariokart 8.

I might just decide to get a Wii U now that sony has disappointed.

Nintendo's Miyamoto: All this talk about our earnings is "silly"
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I am the night...I am...
Wii-u exclusives so far:

  • Bayonetta 2: Platinum's kung-fu sorceress is bringing her exquisite action gameplay exclusively to Wii U.
  • Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze: Retro Studios are back with another side-scrolling DK adventure.
  • Game & Wario: More minigame madness with Mario's dastardly counterpart.
  • Mario Kart 8: Drive upside down and glide through the air in the next entry of the Mario Kart franchise.
  • Mario & Sonic At The Sochi Winter Games: Plumber and hedgehog face off once more, this time in the snow.
  • New Super Luigi U: Mario's brother gets another chance to proove himself in this platforming spinoff.
  • Pikmin 3: Control the tiny alien plant-people once again in the next game in the unique strategy series.
  • Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem: Two fan-favourite franchises cross over in this intruiging proposition.
  • Super Mario 3D World: A semi-sequel to 3D Land on 3DS, with co-operative play for up to four players.
  • Super Smash Bros Wii U: It'll be coming to Wii U and 3DS, and will feature new characters Mega Man, the Villager from Animal Crossing and the trainer from Wii Fit.
  • "The Legend Of Zelda Wii U": We know an original Zelda for Wii U is coming, but that's about it. Stay patient.
  • The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker HD: The best Zelda game ever made, updated with beautiful HD graphics. Essential.
  • The Wonderful 101: More action madness from Platinum Games. Nobody does it better.
  • Wii Fit U: You might not be a fan, but Wii Fit was a huge deal. Will the sequel follow suit?
  • Wii Party U: Casual-friendly party game fun using the Wii U gamepad in a variety of interesting ways.
  • X: Monolith Soft's new game. Little is known, but it has giant robots and looks beautiful. We approve.
  • Yarn Yoshi:Yoshi is back in his own adventure, in the same stringy style of Kirby's Epic Yarn.

Extreme Gamer

Wii-u exclusives so far:

  • Bayonetta 2: Platinum's kung-fu sorceress is bringing her exquisite action gameplay exclusively to Wii U.
  • Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze: Retro Studios are back with another side-scrolling DK adventure.
  • Game & Wario: More minigame madness with Mario's dastardly counterpart.
  • Mario Kart 8: Drive upside down and glide through the air in the next entry of the Mario Kart franchise.
  • Mario & Sonic At The Sochi Winter Games: Plumber and hedgehog face off once more, this time in the snow.
  • New Super Luigi U: Mario's brother gets another chance to proove himself in this platforming spinoff.
  • Pikmin 3: Control the tiny alien plant-people once again in the next game in the unique strategy series.
  • Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem: Two fan-favourite franchises cross over in this intruiging proposition.
  • Super Mario 3D World: A semi-sequel to 3D Land on 3DS, with co-operative play for up to four players.
  • Super Smash Bros Wii U: It'll be coming to Wii U and 3DS, and will feature new characters Mega Man, the Villager from Animal Crossing and the trainer from Wii Fit.
  • "The Legend Of Zelda Wii U": We know an original Zelda for Wii U is coming, but that's about it. Stay patient.
  • The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker HD: The best Zelda game ever made, updated with beautiful HD graphics. Essential.
  • The Wonderful 101: More action madness from Platinum Games. Nobody does it better.
  • Wii Fit U: You might not be a fan, but Wii Fit was a huge deal. Will the sequel follow suit?
  • Wii Party U: Casual-friendly party game fun using the Wii U gamepad in a variety of interesting ways.
  • X: Monolith Soft's new game. Little is known, but it has giant robots and looks beautiful. We approve.
  • Yarn Yoshi:Yoshi is back in his own adventure, in the same stringy style of Kirby's Epic Yarn.

It's a pretty incredible list.

I'm eagerly waiting for:

Super Smash Bros.
Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem
The Wonderful 101
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD & A Link Between Worlds (the latter is a sequel on the 3DS)

among other games on Nintendo platforms.

Check out these 60fps trailers!

The Wonderful 101



Bayonetta 2

[video]* e794a8_hd.mp4[/video]

Note that I would love to embed the videos, but I don't know how to do that with wordpress videos.

I also found out that every single game for the Wii U discussed during the E3 Direct will run at 60fps in 1080p!



I'm not surprised They won't actually announce plans for a price drop until it actually happens, lol. They can't scare customers away. And given how they once said that they didn't have a new 3DS design in the works and launched the 3DS XL the next day, I'm pretty sure they will announce their price drop much closer to the other consoles' launch.


I am the night...I am...
Call of Duty: Ghosts coming to Wii U, at some point

Although how much people hate the COD franchise, it certainly has the power and potential to boost sales of the Wii-U. It was much needed for Wii-U's third party library after BF4 was scrapped.
This news will definitely please Nintendo Fans and is good for the console's future.

Extreme Gamer

Call of Duty: Ghosts coming to Wii U, at some point

Although how much people hate the COD franchise, it certainly has the power and potential to boost sales of the Wii-U. It was much needed for Wii-U's third party library after BF4 was scrapped.
This news will definitely please Nintendo Fans and is good for the console's future.

Well I can't say it will boost sales significantly because Ghosts will appear in at least three other platforms.

Extreme Gamer

Guess what, Shuhei Yoshida of Sony actually tweeted this:


Full conversation.


I am the night...I am...
No Wii U Sales? No Exclusives, Developers Say

Can't really blame the opinions of some of the biggest third party developers and publisher in the world, Ubisoft and EA.
The Wii-U has to sell more so that its easier to launch games on it including exclusives and make money.
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