Nintendo Wii U - sequel to the smash hit Wii | No trolling



The Flames Burn Again! :grin: :lol:

Is it possible a new Pokemon Wii U game will be announced at E3?

We will probably get word on localization of Pokemon Rumble U & a spin-off like Gale of Darkness may be announced. As long as Game Freak is in charge we won't get a mainline game on consoles.

All the other factors are complete BS made by fanboys and Doom n Gloom Journalists
It is not selling because of one reason only
No much games.Face it.ppl got bored of ZombiU and *Mario game whose name i dont remember* and some other WII U launch games.They want more games.Games which Richtendo is taking time to release
"No Games" Is also the reason while Vita is failing so bad :lol:

Quite right. Nintendo sold more than its estimate when they actually released games for it(at launch). Since then the only system selling game we have got is MH3U which is a HD remaster of a niche game that also has a 3DS version. Even then it bumped the Wii U.

They ended up delaying key titles like The Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3, Retro Studios game and the like because of their belief in software quality and long term focus on brand building. Nintendo really likes games to have the "Nintendo Polish" it is known for. They see that it would be better to let the Wii U tank for a while rather than focus on a short term profit while tainting an image built over decades.

It would be a lot better if you stop using memes and animated gif's. It looks lowly.

Back to topic, i understand that the Wii-u OS takes 4.2gb of space out of 7.2gb available and i do understand that's quite less.
Even the SD cards won't support game installations. But afaik, external usb hdd's are supported including the capability of installing games.

The console isn't selling just because it has 8gb storage but there are lot other factors that we all know. Now this skepticism is not only from me but lot other reviewers too.
Gamestop is a very popular chain and is responsible for selling millions of consoles every year. So the course of actions taking place matters for most, who brought up this topic.

Now my question is - Will the move of upgrading to a 32gb flash really make a difference worth of recalling all 8gb units?
Doesn't this paint a bad picture? Whatever it is, i hope the real reason behind this motive is positive and not another act of desperation.

P.S- Are all wii-u games installable on its flash storage? You have a 32gb version right?
Does the installation makes difference in load times?

I was particularly referring to the 8 GB systems not selling in comparison to the 32 GB. I never went into the reasons for that so I'm not sure why you would bring it up. The 8GB system is not selling because the 32 GB system pack offers much better value. More Space + $60 game + Stand + NN Premium promotion for $50. Like Shawnzer said, the console is not selling due to Nintendo's ever delayed games, not a lack of storage space. He forgot to mention that Nintendo royally ****ed up the branding and marketing of the console.

Recalling the 8GB model does make sense because: 1. They have already overproduced the Wii U. Making even more consoles (for now) makes no sense.
2. To use up systems not being sold: Noting how abysmal the sales are right now and the fact that the Basic Model takes up less than 20% of that, it can easily be seen that it would stay in inventory for a really long time, more than stores keep them for. These stores also have a buyback policy while dealing with publishers and console makers which they use for games and consoles not selling at all so Nintendo would end up losing even more cash and have more useless models sitting in inventory. Why wait until then instead of refitting now?
3. The possibility of introducing a new bundle. If they do introduce a new bundle then it would cause the basic model to sell even less.
4. They won't just be upgrading the storage. They will be converting all of them to premium packs or new bundles and probably be discontinuing the basic bundle. See: Japan.

@bold: In syntactically correct and semantically valid english?

@PS: Yes. Yes. Yes.


Masahiro Sakurai has confirmed that a new Super Smash Bros. video will appear in the E3 Nintendo Direct.



I am the night...I am...
Platinum Games Designer Tells Smash Bros Fans To "F**k Off"

The comments that follow are even interesting and surprisingly, people are seemingly agreeing.

Smash is the dumbest concept ever. It's just Street Fighter 2 with Nintendo characters.
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Smash is the dumbest concept ever. It's just Street Fighter 2 with Nintendo characters.

Oh, come on!

I know Nintendo is far from your favorite company, but I'm sure even you can agree that the guy who posted that is either an idiot who has never played either game,or is plain trolling. I've played both games for barely an hour, and even I can say that the only thing same b/w Super Smash and Street Fighter is the fact that you hit people.


I am the night...I am...
Oh, come on!

I know Nintendo is far from your favorite company, but I'm sure even you can agree that the guy who posted that is either an idiot who has never played either game,or is plain trolling. I've played both games for barely an hour, and even I can say that the only thing same b/w Super Smash and Street Fighter is the fact that you hit people.

Hideki Kamiya is an idiot?? :confused: He's the original creator of Devil may cry, MGS Rising, Resident evil 2 and Bayonetta series and is an influential guy in the gaming industry.
None of the comments in the previous post are mine and has nothing to do with me loving or hating Nintendo.

The comments came straight from Hideki Kamiya ( the spoiler was from a guy in his twitter page) and he's currently developing some anticipated titles for Nintendo including "The wonderful 101" and Bayonetta 2.
He seems to be having much love for Nintendo but not much for Super Smash Bros i guess.

Extreme Gamer


Jeez, vicky, reread that post. darkv0id is calling the poster who tweeted "Smash is the dumbest concept ever. It's just Street Fighter 2 with Nintendo characters" to Kamiya an idiot, not Kamiya himself.

kamiya said **** off because:

I just hate idiots who ask same questions like 1000000000 times. RT @fallfastasleep: do you not like smash? Or just the idiots that play it?

And Kamiya is a habitual troll on twitter. For example:

Uglier than your mom? RT @MarthKoopa: Why is Bayonetta so ugly?

Just read his twitter feed and see for yourself: *

Basically you're showing how much you hate Nintendo with a misleading title such as that one.


I am the night...I am...
NBA 2K14 shuns Wii U, opts for next-gen consoles instead

2K Sports' decision follows a similar move by EA, which says it has no games in development for the console.

Aonuma: Zelda For Wii U Will Contain More Unexpected Elements


I am the night...I am...
NBA 2K14 skipping Wii U - Gamespot

NBA 2K14 will be the latest title to skip the Wii U, 2K Sports confirmed today. Senior vice president of sports operations Jason Argent revealed the news today on a conference call.

EA won't be making any sports titles for Wii-u. I wonder what they have in stores for it.

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Extreme Gamer

Six months out, Nintendo's Wii U is a harder sell than ever

It won't be a harder sell once the announced games start showing up in the market. Obviously it wont be a role reversal on the first day itself, but sales will definitely increase.

Extreme Gamer

Nintendo Fan Is Unhappy With Nintendo's $200 Answer to His $400 Wii U Problem

You've just proved that you hate Nintendo. Why?

Because this article is from February 8- exactly 4 months ago. What is it doing here right now, when it has already been read and discussed multiple times around the interwebs?

Extreme Gamer

Not even robbers like Wii U

Gryllis said:
Maybe because the GamePad was on the otherside of the office they couldn't figure out where the controller was.

Off TV play has saved us!

Gryllis said:
abujaffer said:
Maybe they were using the leather bag to steal the stuff and just ran out of room.

Almost definitely what happened.

Better luck next time :rolleyes:

Just answer this: will you actually post something that is relevant to the topic at hand?


Tut tut. Breathe lads. Live and let live. Wii U has some fantastic ideas but it is a polarising console. Means you either love it or hate it. Now my problem with Nintendo is their lack of focus on the Indian market. It's almost as if they don't care. No official launches, no marketing, hardly any attention is paid to us. Not exactly a good strategy.

Extreme Gamer

Tut tut. Breathe lads. Live and let live. Wii U has some fantastic ideas but it is a polarising console. Means you either love it or hate it. Now my problem with Nintendo is their lack of focus on the Indian market. It's almost as if they don't care. No official launches, no marketing, hardly any attention is paid to us. Not exactly a good strategy.

Then let me point out that I dislike the Wii U. I don't hate it. It just doesn't have on offer what I want from my console. I just don't like biased ****posting against a console and baselessly dismissing it. The other person has been doing it ever since next-gen discussions started.

Nintendo's last official foray in the Indian market was in the late 80s, I think. I still have a (non-functional) Donkey Kong Game & Watch Multi Screen that used to belong to my dad [I discovered it in 2011 in grandparent's closet]. The problem was that Nintendo just could not compete with the much cheaper knockoffs and multi-carts of the SNES and NES being churned out in volumes.

Nintendo literally has no official presence in India. All the goods you see are unofficial imports. India does not even factor into Nintendo's business strategy.
And frankly, gaming in India means "abbey chal cyber cafe me CS [1.6] ya Fifa [2007-13] khelte hain" for the most part. Basically people frequenting this forum and actively playing video games are in a niche inside what is effectively a niche, for many reasons, in India. There isn't much profit for devs beyond Fifa and Cricket and occasionally some other dudebro games. And fact of the day is, the most commonly played video games in India 95-98% of the time are pirated versions- almost all average cyber-cafes have pirated games.


Steam High Templar
Then let me point out that I dislike the Wii U. I don't hate it. It just doesn't have on offer what I want from my console. I just don't like biased ****posting against a console and baselessly dismissing it. The other person has been doing it ever since next-gen discussions started.

Nintendo's last official foray in the Indian market was in the late 80s, I think. I still have a (non-functional) Donkey Kong Game & Watch Multi Screen that used to belong to my dad [I discovered it in 2011 in grandparent's closet]. The problem was that Nintendo just could not compete with the much cheaper knockoffs and multi-carts of the SNES and NES being churned out in volumes.

Nintendo literally has no official presence in India. All the goods you see are unofficial imports. India does not even factor into Nintendo's business strategy.
And frankly, gaming in India means "abbey chal cyber cafe me CS [1.6] ya Fifa [2007-13] khelte hain" for the most part. Basically people frequenting this forum and actively playing video games are in a niche inside what is effectively a niche, for many reasons, in India. There isn't much profit for devs beyond Fifa and Cricket and occasionally some other dudebro games. And fact of the day is, the most commonly played video games in India 95-98% of the time are pirated versions- almost all average cyber-cafes have pirated games.

:thumbs: +1

And even the "Gamers" here think Nintendo = Kids.
While Kids play CS 1.6 here and BO2 in the US
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I am the night...I am...
Tut tut. Breathe lads. Live and let live. Wii U has some fantastic ideas but it is a polarising console. Means you either love it or hate it. Now my problem with Nintendo is their lack of focus on the Indian market. It's almost as if they don't care. No official launches, no marketing, hardly any attention is paid to us. Not exactly a good strategy.

Actually their plans, starting from the console's design to the choices of software are all flawed and maybe beyond repair. They operate like the 80's and hardly has anything for the more mature audience. People don't miss them here in India and anyone hardly cares. Wii was revolutionary because of its innovative controller and greater emphasis on casual gamers.

But now, they are unaware of how things have changed and sticking with the same business model won't do them any good. Same old funny characters always and that too they unnecessarily take the center stage as a mascot with dumb down titles. Believe me mate, i was a wii ( not wii-u) user for 8 months and words cannot describe the horrors, its games brought me. My brother didn't had a decent pc and i was kind of stuck with this wii. It was plain torture. The games are childish TBH.

Recently, being trying out the DS emulator and fired mario kart on it. The game is completely meant for 5 year old's and is extremely childish.
Its like those dumb down mobile games. And wii-u is touting on mario-kart u to be its savior along with a bunch of similar sporting character titles.

So its like all hope is lost until it gets some good and consistent third party support.

Got a good article though:

x86'd: How PC architecture could push Nintendo out of the next gen

Extreme Gamer

Just because the other two consoles are x86 doesnt mean the wii u is doomed. the reason is that the PC wasnt doomed even though the majority of sales almost always happened on consoles, not PC.

and devs wont forget how to code for another platform just because "it's different".
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