Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


Chillum Baba
Mine was the other way. After watching Snatch, I though of watching 'Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels' by the same director. Ended up linking snatch more.

One more recommendation :-

Matrubhoomi - A nation without women.

One of the most unique movies ever made in India. As a rule, it almost went unnoticed.

Was also rated in top 10 movies of the year by Times NewYork or something.

The movie has excellent black comedy especially considering the fact that the subject is so serious.

Must watch!

ps - just go through the splendid reviews *


Aspiring Novelist
Yep after Transporter, Statham is the ultimate bald assasin.:D
BTW yea subtitles help when watching Snatch.
You bectha! The Brit accent is very tough to catch onto.Especially in movies.This is one part where I like the American style of speaking which seems more clear in terms of understanding.;)


Back to l33ching :)
but a must watch nevertheless..this was meant for Matrubhoomi

btw, has anyone watched The Trap : *
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Chillum Baba
You bectha! The Brit accent is very tough to catch onto.Especially in movies.

Quote from Snatch:-

Now, there is a problem with Pikeys or Gypsies: you can't really understand much of what's being said. It's not Irish, it's not English, it's just . . . well, it's just Pikey.


I have Yolks not Brains!
I am very impressed by SNATCH. Full entertainment,full comedy........And brad Pitt was just awesome. Can't wait to watch the Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. And yeah it was hard to catch British Accent. While watching A HARD DAY'S NIGHT i had to stop in between and find the subtitle and watch from start. Thats when I realized my weakness for British Accent. However, I never encountered these in HP movies..........dunno why??


I Always Prefer 1080p
I always liked Lock,Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.
Check out Flawless, good acting my Michael Caine and Demi Moore.


Chillum Baba
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

Probably the only Jim Carrey movie I can tolerate now. Rather can watch it many times.
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