My few observations:-
-->Nonlinear story telling. This is a 'origin' movie. Why fck that up? What is the reason of a flashback?
-->Extended drama showing how Crypton dies. May be Russel Crow made that happen.
-->The action did not feel like fight of two super beings.
First, its Krpton, not Crypton
Most of them sound like opinions, but I'll answer anyway.
-->Why not? Its the film maker's choice, you can criticize how its executed, but not the choice they made.
If they go for a linear story telling, it will be yet another same boring superhero origin movie. Good thing they went for the Batman Begins structure. Placing the flash backs only when they are required, and not wasting time with the linear narrative. Imagine how awkward all of it will look if the flashbacks sequences were placed chronologically, you'll keep asking yourself, why are they showing all of this.
-->Why not? It explains why Kal-El is important, that he is a natural born which leads to the codex with the natural kryptonian dna, explains what kind of character Zod is, what his motives are. If the film makers thought like you, we would have had a Superman movie that starts out with a subtext explaining everything about the characters, and ending with Sups winning against Zod.
-->Your opinion, but still, care to elaborate what an actual fight between two super powered aliens would look like?
And, at cyborg47's comment,
Superman is the first movie that I saw where the helicopter crashed but did not blow up.
Not sure if you're being serious or just sarcastic
There's no rule that the helicopters should blow up just because they crashed landed. I feel so awkward answering this question, lol.