The Dictator 6/10
You have seen it all in "You don't mess with the Zohan" and "Borat" whereas Borat was awesome and Zohan had its moments of intelligence but this one...falls flat.
Still, one time watch
Hello Ghost 7.8/10
I told you already, Koreans make best melodrama movie in the world. And, "Hello Ghost" is another fine example of this claim.
The movie starts a bit slow, seemed a bit those casual, run of the mill, feel good comedy movie but slowly and subtly it started throwing punches that you are suddenly immersed in it, caught off-guard about a scene where you no more knew if it was appropriate to laugh.
And, the ending is just heart-warming and very emotional.
The movie solely depends on "Tae-hyun Cha" as "Sang Man". But, supporting cast is just as brilliant as him. On second thought I can't name any actor who is dispensable in the movie.
Must watch!
//Offtopic, This "Tae-hyun Cha" must be some superstar in South Korea! Look at the movies he has done till date: My sassy girl, Lover's Concerto, Sad Movie, My girl and I.
Battleship - Typical hollywood popcorn movie on the lines of Transformers. Good regular dose of US heroes save the world. Didn't find it boring as I was expecting it to be.
@gearbox, put spoiler alert for your comment on Hello Ghost.
Use this tag "[spoiler ]" text "[/spoiler]" without the quotes.
I watched Contagion and Perfect Sense, based on similar themes just two weeks apart. Though the later was a commercial cinema, former was documentary style. Perfect Sense emerged as a winner for me. It's not very hard hitting but the movie lingers with you for long time after you've watch it. Makes you think harder and makes you numb with the thought.
@faun Both has excellent background score. But OST of PS is better.
Contagion is a good one -- almost documentary like feel. Nothing extraordinary but the execution will keep you on toes. Good background score too
Contagion ......... The most ultra real virus epidemic movie I have ever seen. This movie is not for those who are looking for "I am Legend" kinda hollywood blockbluster, but for those who wanna immerse themselves in a horrific situation where an actual virus hits, like Bird or swine flu only much much more lethal. The movie moves with a slow pace, which is expected, but the tension never leaves you, specially when you feel it more realistically. With a superb star cast like Lawrance Fishburm, Matt Demon, kate Winslet and Jude Law. This movie was far better than it deserved I guess ........ 7/10
Booked ticket for Total Recall tomorrow. Waiting for The Bourne Legacy