Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


Democracy is a myth
No, 1920 in no way is related to that movie. Unless only common factor u find is ghost.

The exorcism of emily rose is very well crafted. The clash of rational and spiritual belief is presented very well. I would say, this is the first movie on this nature I've seen till date.


I am the master of my Fate.
^^The Exorscist is the most freaky & scariest movie of all time

IP Man 2 - 9/10 (Its the best & awesome movie in the whole series )


Chillum Baba
In a nut shell
Nothing in the movie was happening in reality
, and that is what (despite of its very suspense environment) I disliked about this movie.

Now, that is subjective. Ain't it?

I am number four - More of a B-grade superhero movie with no A-list actors but I kinda enjoyed it. The villains were funny.

@ajay @ritwick Do give The Rite a try if you really liked Emily Rose so much. Its equally spooky and entertaining if not more. And yes, 1920 was quite similar to Emily Rose but was scary and not as usual an expected poor remake. Hasn't anybody watched Haunted 3D yet? Its getting quite decent reviews.

Also eager to watch that new Tushar Kapoor's movie Shor in the city, which disappeared without shor. Went down very well with the critics though.


Democracy is a myth
None of u posted IMDB link of Identity

@ajay @ritwick Do give The Rite a try if you really liked Emily Rose so much. Its equally spooky and entertaining if not more.
Arte bhai, kitni bar bolu, I've seen The Rite and liked it. Also posted a small review (ratehr few lines) about it in previous thread.

And yes, 1920 was quite similar to Emily Rose but was scary and not as usual an expected poor remake.
Now, how is that relevant to 1920??? Emily Rose is based on Courtroom drama and there is no such concept in 1920. If exorcism is ur reason, then there are n number of movies which resembles to Emily Rose.

About, one of my friend's friend described it as comedy movie.


Guys any suggestions on some good animated flicks.
already watched the below:
Toy Story3, UP, How to Train a Dragon, Ice Age series, Kung Fu Panda.

Any other movies apart from the above mentioned worth watching?
Also enjoyed the Ace Ventura series any other movies on the same genre?

Guys any suggestions!


Violent serenity.
Just back from Fast Five. On it's own, it's a good movie but when compared to the other parts in the series (except Tokyo Drift)... it wasn't that good. They stripped it off all it's core elements :|.

Still very enjoyable. 7/10


Human Spambot
1- The Lincoln Lawyer. Really liked it, movie was very good.

The Lincoln Lawyer (2011) - IMDb

2- Gran Torino. The naming is just a cover up. The movie is one of the Best I've ever seen. Eastwood is a legend.

Gran Torino (2008) - IMDb


Burning in the skies
1- How to train your Dragon- its a brilliant movie. a definite watch. - 9\10
2- Enchanted - its pretty good. - 7\10


Aspiring Novelist
In a nut shell
Nothing in the movie was happening in reality
, and that is what (despite of its very suspense environment) I disliked about this movie.
I have to agree. When I saw the twist I was like "WTF?" and I didn't mean that in a good surprised kind of way, but seriously "WTF?". I thought the whole build up of the movie was great, the characters, the location, presentation and everything was really good. The end wasn't really satisfying enough. Can you recommend a movie with a similar set-up? I mean with an isolated motel, bunch of strangers, rainy environment etc.

medico, Thanks for the explanation. I think you summed everything up properly. I guess your memory fuzzed out on the character's names. :lol:

and before rhitwick goes bonkers, here's the IMDB link: Identity (2003)


Can you hear it..??
Dear movie lovers, I have made a thread on the movie exhibition research survey, but also want to let the thread followers here on this media research I am doing where I need all of your inputs..It is on the Singlescreen Vs Multiplex theatres in Tier 1 cities in India. Your each opinion would be of importance to my study and can add a lot of value. All suggestions are welcome

Please follow the link for the same here Survey provided by

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