Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


Chillum Baba
^^ Gotto watch it next.

And I forgot to mention Spider Forest. A very twisted brainfcuk movie but quite enjoyable!

Encounters at the end of the world - Wonderful documentary related to Antarctica. Beautifully filmed.

Clash of the titans
- OKish. Popcorn stuff.

Killers - Maaf stuff. Ashton Kutcher & Katherine Heigl. Good chemistry but average script and direction.


Staff member
See, I'm not very good at remembering Korean actor names...
But IMDB shows he was in "Shiri"
Palwolui Christmas (1998)
IMDB is blocked :/
I hav got to compensate for 6 months of my life without movies. Will get it once I set up my rig and some good BB connection.


speaking of korean movies , A Tale Of Two Sisters is also very nice watch ... though you need to watch it 7 times to understand it .. (3 times in dream)


Democracy is a myth

I know they could fly and spin around, but it seems they had super human powers too? And could use ESP with some people? That scene where they were flying in the hotel room, they could do that when they are in a coma too?

Plus that one guy with blue eyes ends up flying to a snowy country so he can retrieve a paper windmill from his dad..why were there no doctors there? And he let his dad just sit there dying without a word to him? Was the windmill toy a collector's item?

Another thing, when Jet Li was young and then old, does he transform time? I thought he did but my husband said I was wrong, that he jumps through time loops but why didn't Leo age?

Last question, the short girl could move buildings. So why did the old man say she's the best when he obviously trained them to have those powers? And were the two little kids without faces really spies or something, because Leo couldn't see them until the end when he's redeemed?

Sorry, I was confused for alot of it but think I have the major plot down. If anyone could shed some light, I'd really appreciate it!!

This might be the most hilarious question on check this out...
This is what happens when a girl sees a Nolan movie (well, no intention of insulting other brainy gals)

Please check out teh whole thread: IMDb :: Boards :: Inception (2010) :: So what were their super powers?

---------- Post added at 06:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:24 PM ----------

And people are actually complaining about this: IMDb :: Boards :: Inception (2010) :: Not enough nudity and gore....


Watched another film - Minority Report. I found this one interesting unlike the previous 2 movies - serenity and V for vendetta.Both were dull and this one was interesting.

How about these films..?

The island
28 Days Later
The Fugitive
The Departed
Enemy of the State


Democracy is a myth
We see hindi movies......and u seem to miss the reviews/opinions here.

OUTIM: not very hopeful about it. It contains the actors I don't like.


^My friend is bugging me to get it and i am resiting it :D This is the first time he has been exposed to CIA-powers and he calls this movie mind-ffff :D What will happen if he watches our favourites!!!
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