red dragon
Master troll
Watched a brilliant movie last night.Falling Down ,it has Michael Douglas in it.Strange that I never even heard the name of the movie,got the dvd from a friend.
need help regarding name of a movie.PLZZ fast
Its about a girl who goes to a roller coaster ride with her friends and she gets a premonition of their death. All the peple sitting on the ride die in order of sitting arrangement in gross ways. it was a cool movie. Plz tell the name if it strikes u
Plz watch 13 Tzameti then, plz, plz....The tournament.
stumbled upon this movie.
after watching this now i understood from where that stupid movie luck (hindi,2009) was taken from.
anyways this movie is far better than its stupid bollywood version.
actually this movie is not good either but then again not bad one either few parts of it were quite a bit cheeesy but rest of it are quite thrilling!
overall this movie is worth a watch atleast for once.
Plz watch 13 Tzameti then, plz, plz....
500 Days of Summer as thriller![]()
Don't post if you are going to chicken and delete it later.thanks for the suggestion will surely try.![]()
To the movies:
Kiki's Delivery Service: 9/10, what awesome anime. Miyazaki is a genius. Must watch.
My neighbour Totoro: 9.5/10, wonderful fantasy, again must watch. Such innocent stories are hard to come by. Same with Kiki.
Amores Perros: 9/10, brilliant film. Well directed and well spun tale.![]()
Just back from a show of Prince of Persia :- The Sands of Time. I am really confused as to what to say about it. I expected it to lineary follow the game story (which would have been awesome). But no, they attempted something new and the movie followed a completely different plot. Now I don't quite like this plot. It's average.
As a hardcore fan of the games, I was dissapointment. The action is very less and being a Disney movie, it dosen't have gore/blood (yes, not at all!). On the other hand the stunts and effects are good and 'believable'
The actors could have been better and in my opinion Jake Gyllenhall (pardon the spelling) just dosen't fit as the prince.Plus his name (Daastan) is stupid. The direction on the other hand is nice and the landscape is quite picture-esque!
All in all, it's a mixed bag. It will dissapoint you if you are a big fan of the games.
Prince of Persia : Sands of Time 6/10
As a die hard fan of the game I had to go to the movie even I knew it has* Jack Gyllenhaal.
Acting: Who the hell casted Jack Gyllenhaal as prince. He just lags the charm. He seems more like a hero from a rom-com never ever a warrior. Every expression he showed in such casual manner that even the environment is tensed he alone makes u uninterested in whats happening around. Rest all are average. The prince character is not explored totally.
Directing: Good not gr8. THe director should have played the game himself b4 making it into a movie. He should have then caught the magic of POP properly.
Action/Spl. effects: Stunts are good if judged individually. But, u know why POP was so gr8, its only because of prince's awesome acrobatic skills and out of the world fight sequences. This movie tries to achieve it but just fails. I don't know why, they had the backing of Disney, could have easily spent more for special effects. The wall runs, the wall to wall jumps, two sword fights came and gone in a minute. The action kept me thirsty for more. But, I would admit, a few scenes are made very well. The chase scene after King dies, snake fight scene are good for eye.
Verdict: One time watch. Get the HD version, not very spectacular to be watched in theater.
Just back from a show of Prince of Persia :- The Sands of Time. I am really confused as to what to say about it. I expected it to lineary follow the game story (which would have been awesome). But no, they attempted something new and the movie followed a completely different plot. Now I don't quite like this plot. It's average.
As a hardcore fan of the games, I was dissapointment. The action is very less and being a Disney movie, it dosen't have gore/blood (yes, not at all!). On the other hand the stunts and effects are good and 'believable'
The actors could have been better and in my opinion Jake Gyllenhall (pardon the spelling) just dosen't fit as the prince. Plus his name (Daastan) is stupid. The direction on the other hand is nice and the landscape is quite picture-esque!
All in all, it's a mixed bag. It will dissapoint you if you are a big fan of the games.
Prince of Persia : Sands of Time 6/10
As a die hard fan of the game I had to go to the movie even I knew it has Jack Gyllenhaal.
Story: I expected to have at least 70% of the story of original game but what they did is took the twists and turns from the game and in between placed their own version of story. Which just sucks. Why can't they keep the original story, that has every potential to be made into a movie.
The story they show here just sucks, scene to scene transitions are very loosely connected and the incidents that make the story go from one scene to another is just so clichéd. And what with the initial orphan story????
Acting: Who the hell casted Jack Gyllenhaal as prince. He just lags the charm. He seems more like a hero from a rom-com never ever a warrior. Every expression he showed in such casual manner that even the environment is tensed he alone makes u uninterested in whats happening around. Rest all are average. The prince character is not explored totally.
Cinematography: Good but not lavish. Being a story of ancient time and kings, magic it should have been beautiful to eyes but the sets are very poor (in terms of cheap). Camera angles are conventional and un-necessary close-ups used. What impact does a horse with shield do to u if its shown for a few seconds on screen. Nothing, it bores u.
Directing: Good not gr8. THe director should have played the game himself b4 making it into a movie. He should have then caught the magic of POP properly.
Action/Spl. effects: Stunts are good if judged individually. But, u know why POP was so gr8, its only because of prince's awesome acrobatic skills and out of the world fight sequences. This movie tries to achieve it but just fails. I don't know why, they had the backing of Disney, could have easily spent more for special effects. The wall runs, the wall to wall jumps, two sword fights came and gone in a minute. The action kept me thirsty for more. But, I would admit, a few scenes are made very well. The chase scene after King dies, snake fight scene are good for eye.
Verdict: One time watch. Get the HD version, not very spectacular to be watched in theater.