^Seen it long back. It's an okay movie.
Watched a lot of movies in the past months. Will try and remember some. Let's see...
-->Grindhouse - Death Proof - 8.5/10
-->Pulp Fiction - 9/10
-->The Dark Knight (23rd time i guess) - 9/10
-->A Walk to Remember - 4/10 ... tried cause my GF was bugging me to watch it. And the low score is just due to my personal grudge against romance films and the boredom they induce in me. Your opinions may differ.
-->PS I Love You - 5/10 ...same story as above
-->American Psycho - 8/10
-->The Ugly Truth -- 7/10
-->Halloween (Rob Zombie version) -- 7/10
-->Iron Man 2 -- 6.5/10 ...dunno why but didn't dig it as much as the first part
-->Badmaash Company -- 4/10 ...do this shitheads even know the basic rules of commerce ?
-->Housefull -- 4/10 ...the **** ?
--> Phoonk 2 -- 3/10 ...lmfao
-->Clash of the Titans -- 6/10 ...meh
-->Kickass -- 6.5/10 ...okay movie
-->The Prestige -- 8/10 ...great stuff
-->Kites -- 3/10 ...Was Rakesh Roshan trying to kill the viewers from boredom ? What the **** is wrong with this people ? The dance sequence in the beginning is great though.
-->Lost in Translation -- 6/10 ...just watched it for Scarlett Johansson

-->Shutter Island -- 7.5/10 ...watched it in HD recently

-->The Good, The Bad and The Ugly -- 8/10 ...the classic! When you have to shoot, shoot. Don't talk! Awesome

-->The Hurt Locker -- 7/10 ...good movie though dunno what's up with all the oscars it won.