Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


Democracy is a myth
@ rhitwick would want to know more about the performances by Govinda and Saif.

Govinda's role was brief. I would call it "guest appearance". Acting was good, he still has that comedy timing.
Saif is again in his comfort zone. He has done such roles in so many times, I wonder if he's like this in his own life?!

quan chi

mortal kombat
A twisted sci-fi. Surely the movie has some issues but it will make you sit till the end.
(Matthew McConaughey acted in two films having somewhat similar topic.:-D)


Ambassador of Buzz
One of the better horror movies that I watched in a recent while is - Sinister. It was a great setup and the environment was spooky. I would rate it higher than conjuring and insidious. The problem I had with these 2 movies was that this psychic investigators visiting haunted house formula is getting old. Sinister was a fresh approach, albeit some elements were recycled from old movies.


Democracy is a myth
^^Looks like i got to check out Sinister if it is better than Insidous.

Dude, "Insidious" is a bad remake of "The Poltergeist".

Few good horror movies that can be named of past 1-2 years are may be these only
The Conjuring


The Babadook 8/10

Environmental horror. Creepy and open ended!


The Power of x480
Staff member
Happy Ending. What a load of crap. WTH was refreshing in it? It was just a mediocre attempt to gain some cash.
Viewed it last night with friends. One got so bore with the snoozefest that he literally abandoned the hope and left theater.
The plot could have been written by a ten year old and that too better. Only one song in between was bearable.
It looked as if Happy Ending was made to "please" Govinda. Even B grade films are better.

The "only" thing which I liked a bit was interaction of Saif with Ranvir Shorey.

As said by Rajeev Masand himself, the only thing which you will like about Happy Ending is when the film ends.


One of the better horror movies that I watched in a recent while is - Sinister. It was a great setup and the environment was spooky. I would rate it higher than conjuring and insidious. The problem I had with these 2 movies was that this psychic investigators visiting haunted house formula is getting old. Sinister was a fresh approach, albeit some elements were recycled from old movies.

Yeah, Sinister was great. But unfortunately I only got to watch it once and that too on my cousin's laptop which is not an ideal set up for watching any movie, let alone horror movies. Since then I've been wanting to re-watch the movie. It was different and refreshing among the sh!tload of formulaic horror movies that came out in the past couple of years. BTW, I'd like to know which movies were you referring to when you said that Sinister recycled certain elements from old movies?

quan chi

mortal kombat
Some movies are terribly underrated for unknown reasons. The IMDB rating is right for this one. Not that bad as most of the reviews says.


Geek in making
Dude, "Insidious" is a bad remake of "The Poltergeist".

Few good horror movies that can be named of past 1-2 years are may be these only
The Conjuring


The Babadook 8/10

Environmental horror. Creepy and open ended!

Thanks for the share man.


Lost in speed
In SW:A New Hope, Obi-wan dies and he appears often in SW:TESB & SW:ROTJ as Force Ghost, retaining his old age.
In SW: ROTJ, Yoda dies and he appears as a Force Ghost with his old age.

In the ending of ROTJ, Obi-wan/Yodi/Anakin appears as force ghosts while Luke was watching. I was amazed when i saw Younger Skywalker (Hayden Christen) as a Force ghost though Vader dies in his old age, so his force ghost should've been in his old age. Later i found that they've intentionally edited the movie to replace Sebastian Shaw (Older Anakin and the real actor who played in original trilogy) with Hayden just to add craze to the Prequel trilogy.

Being Star wars is an awesome universe, wouldn't this thing seems dumb?


Sith Lord
Staff member
^yes, very. A lot of fans prefer the original, unaltered trilogy. Not just for this reason, but a long list of others, including Han shooting first in the cantina.

one way to force fit that into the story is that Anakin died at the end of Episode III, from then on he was Darth Vader, as Obi Wan pointed out and the force ghost was Anakin not Vader (despite Vader finding some kind of redemption in the end)

Till now Lucas had the last say in everything Star Wars, and that was not necessarily what the universe or fans deserved. And if you look at his interviews across the years, he never had a clear picture of what exactly the story was going to be. Luke and Leia were once not brother and sister, he kept going back and forth on how many stories he had planned, whether it was 6 or 9 or 12... R2 and C3PO needed memory wipes to fit into the plot. At the end of Episode I, the Star Wars databank (whole thing is offline now) had a bio of Amidala Padme, and apparently she lived till old age as a monk on Naboo, this was changed by the time Episode II and III released. The prequel trilogy was great, still the changes to the original story were not necessary. Thankfully, the property is with Disney now, and acc to me, its in good hands because of JJ Abrams, though there are jokes about cheese and lens flares going around. There is some indication that Disney Intends to release the original, unaltered trilogy on Blu-Ray as a lead up to Episode VII. So that is something to look forward to.


In SW:A New Hope, Obi-wan dies and he appears often in SW:TESB & SW:ROTJ as Force Ghost, retaining his old age.
In SW: ROTJ, Yoda dies and he appears as a Force Ghost with his old age.

In the ending of ROTJ, Obi-wan/Yodi/Anakin appears as force ghosts while Luke was watching. I was amazed when i saw Younger Skywalker (Hayden Christen) as a Force ghost though Vader dies in his old age, so his force ghost should've been in his old age. Later i found that they've intentionally edited the movie to replace Sebastian Shaw (Older Anakin and the real actor who played in original trilogy) with Hayden just to add craze to the Prequel trilogy.

Being Star wars is an awesome universe, wouldn't this thing seems dumb?

George Lucas either went nuts or stopped giving a f**k about fans.

Do you know that the theatrical version of original trilogy is not released properly? It was released on VHS and Laserdisc. It was also released on DVD in poor quality and as bonus material.

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