@CyberKID hav printed some of my clicks but not to frame them instead to know how they luk on paper coz my defn of 'best' changes with the knowledge n time so those i called nice a year back now show me some serious compositional mistakes . But i use the works of others that inspire me as pc wallpapers most of them are works of Henri Cartier-Bresson
@vyom many hdri's luk unnatural becuz kamera sensors r not similar 2 retina they percieve lite in a different maner further when taking image @+2ev takes iso 2 '640' n image when made hdr it luks like water colour painting
@vyom many hdri's luk unnatural becuz kamera sensors r not similar 2 retina they percieve lite in a different maner further when taking image @+2ev takes iso 2 '640' n image when made hdr it luks like water colour painting