connected my pc to our sony led today. and did a bit of gaming at 1080p.
boy... was i shocked to see the graphics. i would say, the
HD7770 is definitely a bang for buck, atleast for me. sure, i am a hardcore gamer, but not a stickler for eiffel-tower-high FPS. i am satisfied by atleast 40-45FPS on my games. and being a 1024x768 gamer, the whole experience blew me away.
played Borderlands2, NFSMW2012, ACIII.
got blown away by the details on all games, especially NFS. [
my dad came into the drawing room, he didnt notice the cpu, keyboard and mouse, and stared at the screen for a few moments, before saying, "nice car chase!! which movie is it??"
he is not much into these stuff.. when i showed him the cpu, he was like, "you gotta be sh**ting me!! is that graphics??" ] gave me a nice 35-45FPS, on all high settings, @1070MHz Core/1200MHz Memory, at a cool 55-60C temp.
Borderlands2 was a similar affair, and though its cartoonish, its much more colorful than any other game, and the effects were beautiful.
50-60FPS all high settings.
ACIII... maaaann.. eye popping DX11 visuals. didnt play much. i just have it installed, for playing after the sems. the deatils, faces, textures.. awesome.
fraps didnt run.. some dx9 error..
but i got smooth gameplay at all settings maxed out, except AA@medium.
I love my 7770!