Living to Play
No you can't hire a vorcha.Faun said:Already hired Mordin, still funny. Can I hire a vorcha ?
Got poisoned by Bartender too.
I confronted that rat ******* for poisoning me and then some turian killed him.
No you can't hire a vorcha.Faun said:Already hired Mordin, still funny. Can I hire a vorcha ?
Got poisoned by Bartender too.
No you can't hire a vorcha.
I confronted that rat ******* for poisoning me and then some turian killed him.
I actually didn't used Paragon Option here because I was so much pissed with him so just asked him to drink his the glass which he server me and then he refused then some chat and voila Turian killed him.Faun said:Yeah, incite the crowd paragon option
you get that pathetic ending if you dont do any loyalty missions get the reaper IFF complete it and launch the suicide mission(its depressing to see everyone die)
on the other hand, i did all loyaty missions before reaper IFF mission,left immediately after crew got kidnapped, didnt activate legion(so suicide mission was without legion)Result : all team mates and normandy crew alive and a sleeping geth ready to be activated are talking about ME2, right, cause I am 75% through, completed loyalty missions and last the IFF mission. I have now gotta head for the Omega 4 to stop the collectors!!!
Yeah ME2, go to omega 4 immediately or else all normandy crew (including yeoman kelly chambers) will die!!!
Lol, I have been trying to chat up all the women
Kelly (she did come to my room for 'counseling' no cut scene though)
Miranda - keeps playing hard to get, no idea when she will cave in
Jack- can feel her giving in, but not really interested
T'ali - she is ready, but I am not interested
Did you manage to get any of these women to the captains cabin?
dude be faithful,multitasking dosent always work......
on my paragon playthrough:romanced tali(got me all fuzzy inside)
on my renegade playthrough :romanced miranda(you wanna h**k up cerberus girl lets do itbest way to do this is to save tali from exile while not defaming her father(chose paragon(blue) option on the flotilla and taking her side everytime
end result before suicide mission tali comes to your CC removes her mask though we dont get to see her face. and BAM!! 65kgs of excited young quarian girl on your shepard
as for kelly
she will come up to your CC wear that skimpy outfit what afterlife club asaris wear and dance that isnt a real romance though, it wont earn you the achievement
Thanks dude, yea I did just that with T'ali, she told me she dint want to share me with anyone, I was scared if I said yes, I would lose Miranda, so did not commit.
As for Kelly, when exactly did this happen? is it the time she says lets go to your room and talk?
for kelly though, i dont know i read it somewhere on wikipedia(theres this site called
Romance - Mass Effect Wiki - Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, walkthroughs and more
and DONT commit
miranda's romance
so its up to you CURVES(Miranda) or QUALITY(tali)she's in the drive core porch shepard lifts her and there is some kissing/caressing then miranda lies down she unzips the top half of her cerberus catsuit then you see miranda's ample planetsveiled partially by black
then some more kissing
Thanks mate, lets see before the final mission if Miranda (Yuvonne) does come upto me...
another question, do the DLCs have to be completed before heading to Omega 4?