Living to Play
Actually in ME3 you have to get any help you can get and renegade players are bad at that also Renegade players usually end up with a bad ending I mean like death for someone. While Paragon players concentrates on complete survival. Another thing is that there are a lot of decisions you made as Renegade will affect in ME3. One of them is fate of Quarians which you decided by giving them advice whether to go to war with Gets or not. In ME3 if you are going to get help how can you get help if they are on war and most of them are vanished. Eben in ME1 paragon players will save council while Renegade players will let them die and so in ME3 how can you expect them to help you when you didn't saved them when you had the chance. All DLCs are not that good I personally liked only Arrival and Shadow Broker DLCs. Many are just Appearance pack or some weapon pack or Armour pack.saddy said:buddy listen the whole point of keeping renegade and paragon system is to let player experiment with the game play of ME2 when ever they play the game again and again .but yeah it truly depends upon ones taste how he may want to play the game..and paragon player and renegade players as i think will be equally be effected in ME3 ...there is no fun of keeping renegade system when it will be of no use...BTW i have almost equal paragon and renegade points and i will see how it will effect the the character in ME3 ..Developer of these video games r like backbone of every game..its up to them to make a addictive game or a epic fail game...upon if we like it or ...we cant tell them wat to do and how to do..they know the best..and ALL DLCS of ME2 are epic in there nature.
If you have about equal Paragon and Renegade points then you won't see any big changes or say you can't influence people around you much. Many conversations are only started if you have enough Paragon or Renegade points. Biggest examples are the quarrel between your team like Legion & Tali, Jack & Tali and also you only have a chance to decide the fate of quarians if you have a complete cycle of Paragon or Renegade. Making them both equally doesn't make sense to me IMHO you could have concentrated on one of them rather than both of em.
Oh surviving the whole squad. Yeah I did that I have even saved my whole crew of Normandy.saddy said:Did any one here get "leave no one behind achievement" in ME2's last main mission.i have got it just wanted to knwo how u guys did it and using wat strategy ?