What The.... !!!
I have a theory for that, when you are playing games you know which route you are taking, you can predict the movements, but when somebody plays it you have no idea about the next step, you end up looking in opposite direction to where the person is going, your mind can not cope with it and you get nausea and headache.
my theory exactly
i felt the same when i was first initiated to FPS games by Quake 3 Arena in 2004
it took me a day to adjust my mind
the mind plays an important role in the immersiveness of the games
and when the immersion is incomplete due to some factors, the mind cant cope up
i think another reason for my problem is the
Mouse smoothing(disabling helped)
my monitor is 3 1/2 feet away from me (so the focus of the intended FOV was at a distance of 1-2 feet from my eyes) decreasing the distance helped too
cel-shaded graphics (disabled it)
in the process of making it a third person shooter with some tweaks i found over the net
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