Lightheadedness, Nausea while playing Borderlands?


Living to Play
marvelousprashant said:
As I am a medical student I can suggest not to play games for more than 2 hours without a break. In immersive FPS games blood supply to fingers in increased for increased responsiveness. In a way that compromises the blood supply to brain. For hardcore gamers : pause the game after 1-2 hours, walk a little (5-10m) have some water and sugar, wash your eyes and then go back Aim for the HEADSHOT
So what exactly would happen if I play for like 6-7 hours straight???


One should atleast look the other way for few seconds every 1 hour , just to rest the eyes.. maybe get up to grab the bottle of water. I do it to prevent a sore butt :(


no.1 problem of hardcore gamer : numbbutt.
i have a nice foam pad that adjusts to my bum, so that i am comfy for long computer sessions(on the downside, it gets warm, and i have to flip it over after a few hours of use)


nothing is more important than your bum while gaming.

otherwise you will be twisting and squirming while i calmly headshot you across the street
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