Lets Get Back The Old Digit - STOP THE WAR

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Tribal Boy
infra, 100% true

If someone good technical come back to Digit forum, they will see this useless wars and may not be interested to post anything at all.


left this forum longback
when M$ supporters stop flaming ,FOSS side too :) esp @imav who is irritating me too much.
@narangz: I know only about FOSS ,my knowledge with technical things and Linux is almost zero :( .

I have even apologized on the "browser war" thread. then gxsourav and imav jumped in to say that I should be banned?If I am banned ,both gxsourav,imav and another 10-12 Window$ fans too. :x


The Devil's Advocate
Useless wars like these will haf heavy casualties in the form of contributing members.... Anyone seen Vishal with "lotsa" windows tips and tricks' posts of late? Anyone seen Choto around since long? Anyone seen Anurag, desertwind etc. with useful linux posts? It will only make them feel not to return to these forums...
Why not try to PM and chat with the people who abuse & call names and crap every thread, even the threads which talk about charity, members come and fill it with anti-MS posts, call names, do all sorts of things to kill the entire purpose of the thread. Talk to them, then we might see some change.


Wire muncher!
Do u think making such threads will do any good?
Much better than PMing, if not good. Its an open platform for members to voice their complaints.. If not the admin/mods at least others will get to know how pissed off most of the members of this forum are due to the wars...


Tribal Boy
There are a lot of people who share the same feeling as Charan.

People come back and see members are fighting like kids here. (apology to all kids - sorry for the comparison ;) ) And we can't blame them leaving Digit seeing all these. If we need people good in technical and in behavior in this forum - please stop all these silly wars and personal attacks.


Web developer
Narangz. you are starting it again. I choose to ignore :D

This will lead to another war :(

Well, have you guys read my post completely? If yes & you still feel it's a war bait then I am sorry. I failed to express myself. :(

Instead of wars why not help newbies? That's what I meant. Anyway I am sorry if I hurt anyone.

praka123 said:
@narangz: I know only about FOSS ,my knowledge with technical things and Linux is almost zero

I thought you have deep knowledge of Linux & it's distros. I am sorry if I hurt you. :(


Beyond Smart
Instead of wars why not help newbies? That's what I meant. Anyway I am sorry if I hurt anyone.

The message is fine but MAY lead to another war (For eg: I am tempted to reply to your post, but I am holding myself back)

I thought you have deep knowledge of Linux & it's distros. I am sorry if I hurt you. :(

He is just being a little too modest..he is a champ :)
I've something to say:

I've seen many FOSS supporters active mostly in OS wars & trolling, not just here but in many forums.

You want people to switch to linux. Do you expect a normal human being in their right mind to switch over just 'coz you are abusing MS, Windows, Apple & fans of both?

Damn it man! I am not going to do that this way. No one ever will. You want people to switch to linux? Help them when they install & use linux. I've seen many threads by linux newbies answered only by infra, ray & t159. I am not saying praka doesn't help. He does but he is more interested in abusing MS & as a result some help threads by newbies go un-noticed by him.

You guys want people to use free open source software. Why not help them instead of OS wars? You have the knowledge, the experience. You can prove a mentor to linux newbies. Use the fire within to prove yourself & FOSS community by helping & not by abusing MS.

Why do you guys provoked so easily? 'coz you want to get provoked. Stop trolling in MS threads when you have nothing to say on the topic. First it was flames then abuses for MS & FOSS & now abusing each other. Where are we going? MS fans I want you to sop trolling in Linux threads too when you have nothing to say reagarding the topic.

I know my post won't help much but anyway I wanted to say something & I said.
Kindly mention the guys you are talking about.
As for provocation, most people DO go through all this excess pride and superiority complexes.

Take this example for now:

1. Apple Fanboy

windows is a sin because apple is much better than microsoft. microsoft is just imitating apple. commandline of linux is very elite, and not at all user friendly and is very very hard to learn and master. a mac is the most beautiful thing in the world and everyone should buy one. windows users are all underprivilaged since they can't buy or don't buy apple. I want to marry steve jobs' daughter.

2. Windows Fanboy

apple and foss have no market share. apple is waaaay to elitish and expensive. Linux lacks any customer support and is only for hardcore geeks. linux is not at all as secure as windows, but their fudding ensured that people think linux is more secure than windows. linux looks ugly and unrefined. no applications run on linux.

3. FOSS Fanboy

apple is a useless company since they tie hardware and software together. windows sucks and micrashaft can't make any os which is proper. windows is too resource heavy and can't run on any computer. windows sucks. windows can't run anything without issues. windows uac is the worst thing in the world.

After careful analysis of these standard comments, you can see that all these people writing these are equally ignorant about the things they are talking about. Problems are everywhere, but there is nobody to solve the problems. Instead, people are just intrested in proving the superiority of their product.
Yeah, I agree...Stop the war
(you know why I did that)
Reminds me of - This thread

Yes, that was in the wrong section, and it contains some immature posts by me, but that was my first try to stop all these fight.

But looking back to those days, I think forum is much better these days !!! On those days tech news section = fight club !

In my suggestion

Please give respect to all, including the guys with post count 1. Please post only if you can contribute something. It need not be too technical. It can be lil humor, fun, jokes that does not hurt anyone. But no personal attacks or provoking comments.

We are all here to help each other.
All completely valid points.
We are INDEED improving.

I think its mainly because some people, like goobimama, myself, hitboxx, you etc have become er... less aggressive and more sensible compared to what was the situation an year back.
And what should one do if there is **** all around him? I fail to find anything "best" or even remotely useful in a forum mostly full of useless wars.
....only if people survive in the war!

Useless wars like these will haf heavy casualties in the form of contributing members.... Anyone seen Vishal with "lotsa" windows tips and tricks' posts of late? Anyone seen Choto around since long? Anyone seen Anurag, desertwind etc. with useful linux posts? It will only make them feel not to return to these forums...
Well said. Excellent one.

I enlarged the one single line that made all the difference.
when M$ supporters stop flaming ,FOSS side too :) esp @imav who is irritating me too much.
@narangz: I know only about FOSS ,my knowledge with technical things and Linux is almost zero :( .

I have even apologized on the "browser war" thread. then gxsourav and imav jumped in to say that I should be banned?If I am banned ,both gxsourav,imav and another 10-12 Window$ fans too. :x
OK, you have a good point.

But I think it was bad on your part to demand that Opera becomes OpenSource. They are almost next to opensource. So is Foobar2000 media player. They are software, which are almost entirely community driven in the part where features, themes and ideas are concerned. Have you any idea what is the extent to which many people are intrested in helping develop opera despite the fact that its not OSS ? Have you ever bothered to find out the way opera community runs ?
Why not try to PM and chat with the people who abuse & call names and crap every thread, even the threads which talk about charity, members come and fill it with anti-MS posts, call names, do all sorts of things to kill the entire purpose of the thread. Talk to them, then we might see some change.
^^^ You think "PM'ing" and "talking" will do any good?
Do u think making such threads will do any good?
Hell ya they will.
And don't call this thread useless please.


Aspiring Novelist
There are a lot of people who share the same feeling as Charan.

People come back and see members are fighting like kids here. (apology to all kids - sorry for the comparison ;) ) And we can't blame them leaving Digit seeing all these. If we need people good in technical and in behavior in this forum - please stop all these silly wars and personal attacks.
I am one of them who share the same feeling.I have tried to wade away from the forum for a while but since my heart lies in gaming I can't resist coming back ocassionally.When I started out initially I was almost omnipresent in all sections but now the interest has just dipped down.Also add to the fact that many senoir members had joined along with me are not active at all.So don't have the same enthusiasm as before.:(



+ :p


Staff member
And what should one do if there is **** all around him? I fail to find anything "best" or even remotely useful in a forum mostly full of useless wars.
report it then, don't post, most probably people will take your post as an excuse to continue fueling.


Hanging, since 2004..
I am one of them who share the same feeling.I have tried to wade away from the forum for a while but since my heart lies in gaming I can't resist coming back ocassionally.When I started out initially I was almost omnipresent in all sections but now the interest has just dipped down.Also add to the fact that many senoir members had joined along with me are not active at all.

So don't have the same enthusiasm as before.:(

Hey you stole my story, word to word :D . :(
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