*****I've an Idea***** :idea:

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Democracy is a myth
I was seriously thinking of this for a long time. Actually not for a long time but since goobi ,iMav held the mumbai meet, this came to my mind. I was thinking what would we do after we meet, discuss about various technology(kisko kitna pata hai:D), OS wars( u know right!!) what??..........

I thought we should discuss something creative; we all love digit, may be not many of us like it but we love our forum, its like 2nd home (to some its their HOME). I want to spread our ideas, tech resolutions further, opinion polls further. Then such 'meets' would bring some reason.

Ok, lets not bore u guys. The idea is not totally new, Digit is already implementing it but I want to make it large.

In each issue they provide a part of our forum discussion. Mainly tech resolution. Other sections are not touched. But there are so many gr8 and good tutorials, Q&A resolutions, hardware troubleshooting guide, programming guide, fight club(where our thoughts are reflected, represents we r not only stuck in tech, but we do seriously think about our environment) n of course chitChat:D.

I want to ask digit to provide us 4-8 pages (not in main mag, but like a liftlet), size would be of fast-track book, color-b/w doesn't matter. Every month it would focus on a part of our forum, will take posts and provide it. What will be provided the next month (section, threads and which posts) would be decided and accumulated by us.

Pros: I think at least 40% of our reader doesn't have 24*7 internet connection (main kuch jada to nahi bola??:D), but they do face those everyday problems; digit provides a very good Q&A in d mag but why not more, they may have something to contribute, some important points in a hot discussion, a tutorial etc.
-----------In this way our forum traffic would increase
-----------we would reach more people (like ur frnds who just turn d pages of this mag, doesn't read, but can contribute good if he wants; like many of us who r interested in forum not mag).
------------One thing is for sure hard copy would reach more wanted or unwanted, probable or unprobable, needy or not needy readers. We(means we as a person, not the mag) would be heard, given importance.

I'm a bit confused abt expressing this in words, but surely it would be a bang.

Cons: SPAMS would increase, Digit as a mag may c dat forum is getting popular than mag and sell is decreasing(could this happen?? I'm just taking worst case scenario), more annoying users mods will be busier. Bas, couldn't find more.


  1. We already have good Q&A in mag, do we really need another one? (Ans. we'll not only provide Q&A but also programming solution, hardware sol^n, tutorial, poll results, debate issues and results etc.)
  2. Doesn't Fast Track is already handling tutorial issue? (Yes but only technology related, here we'll provide other sol^n, just look at our tutorial sec^n its full of ideas)
  3. Is the idea realistic? (Why not, I think its realistic, if u r worry, plz put ur concerns)
  4. Ok, we started, wat if we r not able to run it, like if user 'A' is no longer able to contribute, or user 'B' stopped visiting forum etc? (This could be a real issue, but our forum has faced these already, a lot of good contributors are not present 2day, but someone else has taken his post, we've to discuss it seriously. Bcz if we start it once and Digit agrees to implement it, then we just suddenly can't stop it)

So, guys what do u think, can we do it? Plz put forward ur queries, concerns, lets 'DO' something.

Targeted Reader of this liftlet: The targeted reader of this liftlet are those CASUAL READERS who do not read tech mags enthusiastically like we do, but may have some important points to contribute or good at product reviews etc. and those offline readers who are solely or somehow dependent on Digit for their tech gyan. I want to attract them to our community. Its my moto. We are not here to generate revenue, if digit increases price for additional 6 pages(at max RS 5/-) i don't have any issues paying it. (Does additional RS 5/- matter u???)

I know one thing is stopping u all, that is TIME for this petty matter, u don't need to be here 24*7, come on ur time, choose any thread/post, post links in the thrd, (if individually we do this we'd have enough for a month), and at every weekend we would meet at d thrd or IRC or watever chat room and discuss about wat to keep wat not:rolleyes:
I think we can do atleast this.

Guyz, Ive thought something about the layout of the liftlet/pdf/mag section, its a very much skeleton of how it should look. Its a pdf, attaching here. Check it and comment on it.

Update 4:-
Guyz, I think the idea of HardCopy is not going to click at the first time, they won't invest in a concept which doesn't provide any hint of being success. Lets keep it in PDF form in CD, if we get good reviews for it, we'll ask them to make it continue and making it a HardCopy.

Till now people agreed to involve are:-
ghost at rest
KPower Mania

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Nice plan
It'll work wonders if implemented
But these are the problems that I think might face: (Possible solutions are in italics)

1)Asking for a separate supp. for it might not be feasible, considering that it might push up costs. And you already know that there are a lot of people bickering about it's expensiveness already :rolleyes:
A)We can ask for a separate section in the mag, maybe about 2-3 pages if cost is a criteria

2)No guaranteed contribution of good tuts, howtos, QnA every month, I mean, a good tut is posted about once in 2-3 weeks (This is just what I've noticed :D)
A)any answers?

And finally, TD admins have to look into this and also this needs support of forum members for implementation


Democracy is a myth
Nice plan
It'll work wonders if implemented
But these are the problems that I think might face: (Possible solutions are in italics)

1)Asking for a separate supp. for it might not be feasible, considering that it might push up costs. And you already know that there are a lot of people bickering about it's expensiveness already :rolleyes:
A)We can ask for a separate section in the mag, maybe about 2-3 pages if cost is a criteria
Agreed, i completely overlooked this issue. Thanx for raising. But raising cost can't be ignored for a long time, inflation has hit us every way, today or tomorrow they are gonna do it, its just only a matter of time. I'm not telling we discuss it today and gets implemented tomoro. Things won't work dat way. WE have to serioulsy think and discuss about it.
2)No guaranteed contribution of good tuts, howtos, QnA every month, I mean, a good tut is posted about once in 2-3 weeks (This is just what I've noticed :D)
A)any answers?
Its not only tutorials, Q&A but OSS, Programming, Mobile tech, gaming, poll etc. Not all sections at a time but one section at a time. And why bother about new tutorials, we have enough tutorial in our archive, lot of people just don't care browsing it.
And finally, TD admins have to look into this and also this needs support of forum members for implementation
Obviously, its mater of their bread n butter, our idea may seem a bit noobish to the trade analysts of their management. But at least they would come to know we're think the other way too.

And, a few pages in Mag won't do it, many of us just don't preserve digit mags, cz it takes lot of place, but these liftlets can be stored easily.......
Ya...........idea why not PDF?? but that case it again won't reach more people, as it requires to open CD/DVD->Particular section->Download(copy)->Read. This would tend to enthusiastics not casual readers(who is our main target).

Who said it's cr@p? :D
Any way, we need more support other than the two of us
Anyone else care to comment?


Democracy is a myth
guys come on.............
kuch to bolo???

any comment is appreciated................
those who think i'm insane, plz write it............

at least write............"i don't have time", "i could but...." etc..........



Democracy is a myth
C it can't be one day..........

We first need to gather enough people to approach digit team......
Then IF granted comes the planning and designing of of the booklet.......
Which topics to be published and why?
As once in a month, we would've enough time for the 6-8 page booklet.

We need more manpower..........plz...........
I know there are lot more enthusiastic people........where r u guyz......???


IronMan; Ready to Roll...
1. I'm in... But a section in the mag will be far better than a leaflet. A leaflet can get easily misplaced and it gives me bitter memories of Anniversary issue/December 2007 issue. :(

Three to four pages in magazine will be enough. We can compromise on font size.


2. We could be announced about the upcoming fast track in time. Then we ourselves can also collectr some materials relevant to topic and ask the DIGIT People to give 4-5 pages in Fast track to add it.

Among these I like Idea 1 more. Thats my 2 cents. :neutral:


Democracy is a myth
1. I'm in... But a section in the mag will be far better than a leaflet. A leaflet can get easily misplaced and it gives me bitter memories of Anniversary issue/December 2007 issue. :(

Three to four pages in magazine will be enough. We can compromise on font size.
c dats d reason I wanted a discussion......
page in mag is good..........but my main concern is casual readers who may turn the pages of the mag but doesn't visit our forum, so a lot of people are unaware of our 'hot n happening' forum........
why not make it a test run.........like at first it would be published for 3 months, we would ask for feedback.........if enough feedback is achieved then they won't have any problem in continuing a separate booklet...........
may be in future its pages may grow in number (dreaming big:D)

2. We could be announced about the upcoming fast track in time. Then we ourselves can also collectr some materials relevant to topic and ask the DIGIT People to give 4-5 pages in Fast track to add it.

but Fast Track won't cover hardware troubleshooting, programming queries, mobile issues, s/w, h/w, console reviews......gaming tips & tricks, poll results, debate snippets......wat do u say??


It's a good idea. Better have a page or two, for starters, in the main magazine. As mentioned above it need not just be tutorials. Alternatively, give it on the CD.


Democracy is a myth
It's a good idea. Better have a page or two, for starters, in the main magazine. As mentioned above it need not just be tutorials. Alternatively, give it on the CD.
So, more people are agreeing on providing it in mag.........okz.....

b/w do I count u in?


Linux User
Count me in ! I online here a lot but do not post much because of some personal reasons. I can write tutorials, reviews on Open Source.


Democracy is a myth

Common guyz...........we need more.........

I think I've to have patience for this.........
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A hardcopy leaflet would be good, but what you are asking is for TD to bear the cost for y(our) own (mini)magazine either directly by not increasing the cost of the TD magazine or indirectly by losing subscribers due to an increase in the cost of the TD magazine. It would be more realistic to expect TD to agree, if its an e-leaflet under the ThinkDigit brand. That way TD doesn't need to incur any additional cost. And if its popularity grows then TD can easily issue a regular hardcopy leaflet.

All they would need to do is squeeze in a few lines in the magazine, on how its a leaflet (exclusively)by the members of the TD forum with their(our) tutorials, tweaks, tips, suggestions, solutions, chitchat, views, expert comments on day-to-day issues( :p ), debates, arguments, fights, name-calling, bans, appeals against bans, search for ishq vishq pyar vyar-in real life/on forum( :lol: ), real life incidents, friendly advice, jokes etc.

Getting to know what kind of (genuinely nice)people exist, co-exist, subsist on this forum would get more people interested in joining the forum. Since everyone who purchases the magazine has an email anyway they can just have it emailed to them monthly and they dont have to pay anything extra. If need be, it can be emailed even on a daily basis and those who want can keep a printout of it for themselves.

An e-leaflet would not be limited by anything(price, creativity, innovation etc.) except file size(not everybody is on broadband). But then an e-leaflet is similar to the forum except it wouldn't have ads and mods(?), so I dont know if it makes any sense to go in that direction with the leaflet...hmm now I'm not sure if this leaflet idea is going to work at all. A leaflet could soon want to turn into a magazine :D But if its going to work then it has to be a overwhelming majority of the forum members who have to agree/volunteer/want to participate, otherwise no way.


Democracy is a myth
^ hmmmmmmmm
U've some valid points.......I think my idea is not that fruitful it seemed to me.....

But won't it be wonderful if it comes to a reality............
ur e-liftlet idea is good but newsletters are for that purpose...........

b/w u r takin about running our mini magazine..........look they've already started including forum comments in mag; even in fast track, forum posts were included............ Chip has started it in full fledge.......and regular..........

The whole point of liftlet, is targeted to CASUAL READERS, who r not serious reader of Digit, question of them visiting forum doesn't even rise.
Many readers are there who r offline reader; a nice tutorial, h/w latest prices, various reviews, a glimpse of forum life would be a fresh air to them.........

ya implementing it would hit d cost.........but.............its gonna rise today or tomorrow..........just face it...............how long they can run a mag in loss (less revenue from their side, less pages, bad quality of paper etc. from our side)........think about it.....


great idea but instead of mag pages we should consider it on a dual layer disc . some MB's will not matter to digit . no prob. about prices and all . and can be store and use better then a HARD-COPY
You mean like an "unofficial" newsletter?
That can also be done provided we get the required consent and permissions from TD admins. This "permission" thing is the only roadblock in our way. Unless they show some enthu, it will be kinda fruitless going on about it.


IronMan; Ready to Roll...
What I would like is a few pages in the mag. Thats it. :neutral: Though such a move will alleviate prices. Yes, Price increase is imminent; but such a move will further aggravate the situation and many will not like the increase.

Though for me it isnt a probem as I am not a subscriber and I buy whenever I feel like. I have access to the college Library and issue the Magazine/DVD from there. :D


You mean like an "unofficial" newsletter?
That can also be done provided we get the required consent and permissions from TD admins. This "permission" thing is the only roadblock in our way. Unless they show some enthu, it will be kinda fruitless going on about it.
Yes, something like that. except it could be in book format(or maybe comic book with every member in a super hero/villain avatar! :p ) with content exclusively from the forum(no staff allowed), that people can print and staple the pages and have the leaflet in their hands. And if an issue is good, they can include it on their dvd(or include every issue on dvd) and if it gets popular, they can make it a hard copy leaflet issued regularly with the magazine, which would mean achieving the goal, which the original(rhitwick's) idea is aimed at.

Its not just the admins(they would be limited only to giving permission), a very large majority of the forum members have to be enthusiastic about this too. Lots of views but very few replies to this thread. So I'm not sure how many are actually interested in this leaflet idea and its reasonable to assume that an even lesser number of members would be willing/able to contribute time towards this, since it would be purely voluntary with no monetary benefits.

But a leaflet about the forum, issued with the magazine, is a good idea.

@IronManForever: Do you return the dvd to the college library or keep/copy it? :)
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