*****I've an Idea***** :idea:

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* Teh Flirt King *
I agree with @clmlbx . Make a PDF of Digit forum's member submitted content (it could be articles from their blogs too..) and give it in DVD.

If any Admin reading this thread, please mention the idea to your editor! :) Thank You! :)


Hi friends this is a great idea and in my opinion it must be considered as a social service(if the idea materializes)! I have a opinion regarding this.
According to Rhitwick the basic motto of this work will be to reach casual or genuinely interested people who cant afford the mag or come online or have a pc. So i think we cant put the articles in the mag(coz they cant afford it) or in eleaflets(coz they dont have or not possible for them to access net) or in pdf format(coz they may not possess a pc).
So in my opinion the idea of a separate leaflet with a price tag of around Rs.10-25 under the digit brand might click. The cover has to be meaningful and totally meaningful instead of pics of girls or curvy designs. In that way I think the purpose may be fulfilled. People who have stopped buying the mag for price hike might come back again gradually once they start reading that.
I hope I have been able to pass my thought in a clear way....


IronMan; Ready to Roll...
Quiz_Master said:
I agree with @clmlbx . Make a PDF of Digit forum's member submitted content (it could be articles from their blogs too..) and give it in DVD.
Well, a PDF can only do so much. :neutral: Definitely, it will be a step towards the direction which rhitwick has shown us. But a PDF on forum talk? If you are reading on the computer, you can very well visit the Forum. And I am certain that there arent much people who : buy DIGIT, have computer, like reading on computer, are intrested in this stuuf; and dont have internet. And that basically is the group the PDF will address. Such a group of people, Im afraid will be a negligible minority. So as a permanent proposition, I dont like the PDF, Newsletter Idea. Though I fully agree that it will be a step towards the aforementioned goal.

I stand by me view that I would like DIGIT to include 3-4 pages just after the Q&A section for forum-talk.

afonofa said:
@IronManForever: Do you return the dvd to the college library or keep/copy it?
Do you think libraries allow one to keep things forever? :)


Democracy is a myth
Hi friends this is a great idea and in my opinion it must be considered as a social service(if the idea materializes)! I have a opinion regarding this.
According to Rhitwick the basic motto of this work will be to reach casual or genuinely interested people who cant afford the mag or come online or have a pc. So i think we cant put the articles in the mag(coz they cant afford it) or in eleaflets(coz they dont have or not possible for them to access net) or in pdf format(coz they may not possess a pc).
So in my opinion the idea of a separate leaflet with a price tag of around Rs.10-25 under the digit brand might click. The cover has to be meaningful and totally meaningful instead of pics of girls or curvy designs. In that way I think the purpose may be fulfilled. People who have stopped buying the mag for price hike might come back again gradually once they start reading that.
I hope I have been able to pass my thought in a clear way....

Are................I never told its for people who can't afford Digit or net or PC.........(seriously, aise business nahi chalta..........u can think i'm selfish....but....its fact)..........MY CONCERN IS TO PEOPLE WHO IS NOT AVID READER OF SUCH MAGS, LEAVE SIDE FORUMING.............I WANT TO ATTRACT THEM TO FORUM............then we will be rich in resource.....more tutorials.....reviews.......Q&A.....:rolleyes:.....the process is like "feedback" system...............readers for the readers........
about "samajseva".........lets first be in a state where we can afford it...........

And a stand-alone mag without any brandname won't just click.........don't dream too much...........if we want to be hit........we have to grow with Digit.........and none but Digit would benefit from this...............at least its their business...........don't start speculating about price rise etc. its d part of Digit management part..........let them first agree on doing it.......we can discuss with them for the price thing.......

just let us be clear if we are seriously going to do it???


I somehow doubt this will be implemented. 5 rs would not cover the printing costs and then how exactly will deadlines work?


actually its a good idea but the Hard copy Wud b definet NO (hope they sa yes :D ) but a PDF in the Disk Wud also Do and if it gets a good response then we can surely demand for the Hard copy . But first Something for us to think this wud be a hit (Small drops make an heavy Rain !! )
hope they hear us this time


I know one thing is stopping u all, that is TIME for this petty matter, u don't need to be here 24*7, come on ur time, choose any thread/post, post links in the thrd, (if individually we do this we'd have enough for a month), and at every weekend we would meet at d thrd or IRC or watever chat room and discuss about wat to keep wat not:rolleyes:
I think we can do atleast this.

Thats a good solution for the time issue. Pool together whichever threads/posts/comments we want to be included in the leaflet and every weekend vote on what to include/exclude.


Guyz, Ive thought something about the layout of the liftlet/pdf/mag section, its a very much skeleton of how it should look. Its a pdf, attaching here. Check it and comment on it.
1. The entire first page need not be dedicated for the name of the leaflet. Maybe one-third or half the page for the name.
2. Since we would have atleast half of the first page empty, we could merge the first and last pages. So it could be Name of the leaflet and below it the names/details of the members whose posts have been included in that month's issue. That would leave us with one extra page for contents.
Eg. The tutorial/review sections might require more space.

This is irrelevant if the leaflet is a pdf, but incase its a hardcopy issued with the magazine, a guess as to what would be its dimensions?


Caballero de Real Madrid

get some mods or admins to involve in this..or this is goin down the drain....and a price hike 5r or 1rs... it wil not be implemented by the publishers.. digit sales is not what it used to be..so u think they will do a price hike..as in this forum itself there are parallel threads runs in regard of what i imply...

TBH... even if they implement this.which is highly unlikely...seeing of what u are asking...thsi will not be the form....

so its my suggestion to u is that to avoid the leaflet idea... and yea thats the spelling... not liflet... not the point though... just make it a 1 or 2 pages with....

ahh..i forgot the section name in the mag..i think its the Q&A or something like that...if u guys still read there is a part where u have tear-marks and punch holes..its some kinda a tuts..or shortcuts or something.... make it a 1 or 2 page addition tot that...

i say this... coz implementing a handbook may not be easy or swift as u might think..and the price hike may or will not be acceptable by them...so better to give them a idea or suggestion that they can implement easily...a 1 or 2 page increase is not that tough...they may include 1 or 2 ads in it...oh yea..in ur layout ..give space for a 2"x2" space for ad...the size is just a spec..u do what u like..the idea of giving a ad space is that...if they somehow for ur goodluck implement this or cosider this...u can give them ur first reason that it wont increase the cover price by 5 bucks...which is a pretty much dumb thing to assume they will and ur second reason that u can give them more ad space and make it worth while....

and oh yeah..chuck the current design of ur leaflet..if that is not apparent yet...

Ok, lets not bore u guys. The idea is not totally new, Digit is already implementing it but I want to make it large. How large u want it to be

But there are so many gr8 and good tutorials, Q&A resolutions, hardware troubleshooting guide, programming guide, fight club(where our thoughts are reflected, represents we r not only stuck in tech, but we do seriously think about our environment) n of course chitChat:D. U meant society not environment....and better leave the fight club things like that is never a good idea..can u imagine what if a wrong post is printed.. by wrong not offensive or anything..think it in a personal level...a forum is personal...to a level... not like mag...some know each other...

I want to ask digit to provide us 4-8 pages (not in main mag, but like a liftlet), size would be of fast-track book, color-b/w doesn't matter. Every month it would focus on a part of our forum, will take posts and provide it. What will be provided the next month (section, threads and which posts) would be decided and accumulated by us. As i said not easy..let me correct...consider it will not happen...first thing abt a idea is make it appealing to whom u want it to present..a extra leaflet is more work..editing..responsibility...cost...a lots of things...

------------One thing is for sure hard copy would reach more wanted or unwanted, probable or unprobable, needy or not needy readers. We(means we as a person, not the mag) would be heard, given importance. what are u implying..this is a tech site..wher u congregate...thats it..its not the official revolutionary coupe..what do u want them to hear...heard abt a blog??? i am sure u do.... and by this u do not have a clear idea of the reader demographic..its a mag..ppl buy it...

Cons: SPAMS would increase, Digit as a mag may c dat forum is getting popular than mag and sell is decreasing(could this happen?? I'm just taking worst case scenario), more annoying users mods will be busier. Bas, couldn't find more.

these will not happen for sure..


  1. We already have good Q&A in mag, do we really need another one? (Ans. we'll not only provide Q&A but also programming solution, hardware sol^n, tutorial, poll results, debate issues and results etc.)

    Use???.... coz only forum members will understand it...and they are already buying it or not... ok i will agree to most.. but poll results,debate issues??? most are fanboyism,personal opinions,sex,religion .... no...these cannot be put into a tech mag... chuck the entire gen section..it will be more presentable...
  2. Doesn't Fast Track is already handling tutorial issue? (Yes but only technology related, here we'll provide other sol^n, just look at our tutorial sec^n its full of ideas)

    again...tech magazine buddy..
  3. Is the idea realistic?(Why not, I think its realistic, if u r worry, plz put ur concerns)

    higly unlikely coz we have no editorial or mgmnt support..yet....and some ironing out is needed..so that their work is more easy..already a journalism or publishing job is not that easy.. a lot of work or tension is ther...
  4. Ok, we started, wat if we r not able to run it, like if user 'A' is no longer able to contribute, or user 'B' stopped visiting forum etc? (This could be a real issue, but our forum has faced these already, a lot of good contributors are not present 2day, but someone else has taken his post, we've to discuss it seriously. Bcz if we start it once and Digit agrees to implement it, then we just suddenly can't stop it)

ur ass will be burned..... :lol:

So, guys what do u think, can we do it? Plz put forward ur queries, concerns, lets 'DO' something.

Targeted Reader of this liftlet: The targeted reader of this liftlet are those CASUAL READERS who do not read tech mags enthusiastically like we do, but may have some important points to contribute or good at product reviews etc. and those offline readers who are solely or somehow dependent on Digit for their tech gyan. I want to attract them to our community. Its my moto. We are not here to generate revenue, if digit increases price for additional 6 pages(at max RS 5/-) i don't have any issues paying it. (Does additional RS 5/- matter u???)

once again... forum members who like that mag will buy it..most of the readers are members..but still a lot shld be ther..and by entusiasm..a tech mag how enthusiastic u get??? not playboy... :) ... if its just attraction to forum then this idea will be shelved..make it more appealing... 5 rs..as i said earlier..for some it may be..especially the mgmnt... may be...

The bolded part are just suggestions or adivices to parts that may or will not be practical.read it at ur own will. overall a nice initiative.
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Democracy is a myth
@ madjeri...
Wow buddy, thats how I like to be criticized...thanx for ur precious comments. U've seriously given it a thought.

C first thing first, I wanted to evaluate my idea by all members of this forum bcz its about US. Only people from this member can understand what I'm talking (not d admin or editor people at first time). If I thought that its a gr8 idea and I should contact to admins and wrote to Editor (Like I did once and my letter was posted in Letter of The Month section:D, even my idea was executed as next month's Fast Track)

Ur concern about FightClub is worth of thinking as I, myself was worried about including it, it has lots of controversial subjects. Hmmmmm......so omit it??

U r taking abt extra time and extra effort...ummmmm...thats true, but how about making it a TEST RUN for ONE MONTH and ask user feedback, if its positive then make it continue or once in a quarter.

what are u implying..this is a tech site..wher u congregate...thats it..its not the official revolutionary coupe..what do u want them to hear...heard abt a blog??? i am sure u do.... and by this u do not have a clear idea of the reader demographic..its a mag..ppl buy it...
I'm still trying to understand this part, am I so wrong understanding brilliance?
Use???.... coz only forum members will understand it...and they are already buying it or not... ok i will agree to most.. but poll results,debate issues??? most are fanboyism,personal opinions,sex,religion .... no...these cannot be put into a tech mag... chuck the entire gen section..it will be more presentable...
Why do u think only forum members would understand it, did we unknowlingly developed a out of the world lingo which is used while writing here. Every question is asked, is asked by one of us, every answer is given, is given by one of us.:confused:
ChitChat section and FightClub is ur main problem, and issues are Personal opinion, SEX, Religiion... why don't u want to acknowledge that these are also a part of our life. We all have something to say. Not only high end gfx cards, latest PMPs, processors watever circle our head but we give serious thought to all these to. Wats d issue in expressing them. Yeah, its a tech mag, and thats the reason I've thought about putting ChitChat and FightClub in A SINGLE PAGE(just d glimpse). And reading the words I sensed that "who would read these"( only for ChitChat and FightClub posts) type of thoughts were roaming in ur mind. U r talking like "who reads comics in newspapers", c a light section is added in every mag so why not our leaflet? Plz comment on this. Seek ur valuable opinions.

Ironing of the content...ummmm, right. We are going to do that. We will collect the threads/posts we want to be included in the leaflet, they just need to format (fonts, design, margin etc).

Enthuastic: C enthuastic means those who takes same interest in a tech mag as same as in Playboy. Most of the computer user would get excited to get hold of a HD4870 but only enthuastics will look for the specs first, would search for benchmark results, performance videos/reviews. Did u get my point??

And again thanks for criticizing me (and correcting my "leaflet" spelling). I call them friends who helps me correcting my ideas as, only they show me how to correct my wrong doings.
Be my friend and correct me in every step.;)


Caballero de Real Madrid
@ madjeri...
Wow buddy, thats how I like to be criticized...thanx for ur precious comments. U've seriously given it a thought. Thnx

C first thing first, I wanted to evaluate my idea by all members of this forum bcz its about US. Only people from this member can understand what I'm talking (not d admin or editor people at first time). If I thought that its a gr8 idea and I should contact to admins and wrote to Editor (Like I did once and my letter was posted in Letter of The Month section:D, even my idea was executed as next month's Fast Track) Beginners luck.First time is a charm.lots of things pop into my mind.still if u want to do this its better to include some mod or admin. mods are irrelevant as they cant take decisions abt magazines.so admin it is. and u cant be overconfident coz once they heard ur ply. or can u think that there should have been more ppl who wanted it. think like that. so that if rejected u be cool. coz if failed u may or will be hurt.

Ur concern about FightClub is worth of thinking as I, myself was worried about including it, it has lots of controversial subjects. Hmmmmm......so omit it??

U r taking abt extra time and extra effort...ummmmm...thats true, but how about making it a TEST RUN for ONE MONTH and ask user feedback, if its positive then make it continue or once in a quarter.

i didnt say that.i just said or let me say i advise you that its ur initiative unless u help it grow ppl may grow sick of it.know what i mean?

I'm still trying to understand this part, am I so wrong understanding brilliance?
eh?? ...

Why do u think only forum members would understand it, did we unknowlingly developed a out of the world lingo which is used while writing here. Every question is asked, is asked by one of us, every answer is given, is given by one of us.:confused:

Lots of things. go join a forum.take part in a discussion.one may feel confused that part only.its highly subjective.still not saying useless.it could be fun as hell.

ChitChat section and FightClub is ur main problem, and issues are Personal opinion, SEX, Religiion... why don't u want to acknowledge that these are also a part of our life. We all have something to say.

again tech magazine.think like the editors.there are lots of other mag and publishments for that

Not only high end gfx cards, latest PMPs, processors watever circle our head but we give serious thought to all these to. Wats d issue in expressing them. Yeah, its a tech mag, and thats the reason I've thought about putting ChitChat and FightClub in A SINGLE PAGE(just d glimpse). And reading the words I sensed that "who would read these"( only for ChitChat and FightClub posts) type of thoughts were roaming in ur mind. U r talking like "who reads comics in newspapers", c a light section is added in every mag so why not our leaflet? Plz comment on this. Seek ur valuable opinions.

again.read my post carefully and understand what i heavily said. its not abt idea execution or anything.its just cost factor. it may be a negative point.implementing a 5 rs hike is not as easy as u think.didgit is already suffering from readers from what i presume.maybe its just my city or whatever. so it would be better if u can make it a leaflet.this is not a suggestion.its a practical POV.dont u think? . as i said a extra book is extra work. out of their scope. u have to be working to understand what out of scope work means. i am s/w engineer so know this very well. its applicable to all. ppl dont wanna do more work than they have to. that already they are doing a great job.if its just a 2 page thing they just might....however if u can make them do a leaflet.it would be a first in world.i never seen a mag doing that. that is why i said invlove or ask a admin his opinion.

Ironing of the content...ummmm, right. We are going to do that. We will collect the threads/posts we want to be included in the leaflet, they just need to format (fonts, design, margin etc).

Enthuastic: C enthuastic means those who takes same interest in a tech mag as same as in Playboy. Most of the computer user would get excited to get hold of a HD4870 but only enthuastics will look for the specs first, would search for benchmark results, performance videos/reviews. Did u get my point??

i did.first time. but u didnt.no tech mag = playboy dude.period.ya enthusiasm i understand. so all the best.i thght tech enthusiasts buy the mag. dunno.

And again thanks for criticizing me (and correcting my "leaflet" spelling). I call them friends who helps me correcting my ideas as, only they show me how to correct my wrong doings.
Be my friend and correct me in every step.;)


Thnx. I was carefully in writing each words not as to imply this as idiotic... :lol:..i am answering this para by para so to be easy...

Dont fight guys..chill :)
But the leaflet may raise the costs of the mag..which many think is already overpriced :(
How 'bout a pdf on the CD?
I mean, lets start small..once we get good response (and admins...where are you'll?) maybe we can think of a leaflet....
Yes, we are limiting our reader base
But hey..this a tech-mag right? :wink: I'd expect atleast most of it's buyers to have a suitable PC who can look into it...
We can ask for a better "whats on the CD?" intro to make readers interested in this pdf
My views mate..dont like it? well nobody's got a gun to you head :D


IronMan; Ready to Roll...
Thats what even I thought. Extra leaflet/book means much more work than a bit of extra content within the mag.
And yea, forum talk are to be kept at forum. Putting those(maybe biased, incorrect, provocative, insulting,whatever) things for print isnt exactly what a tech mag does.


What exactly I feel rhitwick; Upon much thought; I just want an extension of what Digit is doing. The forum tutorials are featured once a month. I just want it to be featured the same way; incomplete with just few paras; with link for further reading.. and I want more of it. Say 4 forum tutorials?? and 4 on some other tech discussion? Instead of the paltry 1 that we have currently.
Think about it, will ya? ;)
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