Italy Won't Send Accused Marines to India

Extreme Gamer

TBH I don't care even if it does. At the very worst I'll spend a night or two in jail and get another opportunity to take potshots at that idiot. And I'm pretty certain TDF's privacy policies will keep me safe...for some time.


We should take a firm stand and not fall for EU's pressure.
Its funny when the same EU didn't say a single word when their supply line was blocked by pak for months. They paid billions of dollars in additional expenses and had to get the supplies via Kazakhstan and finally agree to Pak's terms but since we are a soft nation anyone can dictate us on their terms.


Back to school!!
Italy Won't Send Accused Marines to India

Italy has decided not to send two marines back to India, where they stand accused of shooting two local fisherman, the Foreign Ministry in Rome said on Monday.

"Italy has always held that Indian authorities violated international law" in the case, the ministry said, adding that Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi had instructed Italy's ambassador in New Delhi to deliver a written note to the Indian government.

The case relates to Massimilano Latorre and Salvatore Girone, who are accused of fatally shooting the fisherman off the coast of Kerala, mistaking them for pirates.

India's Supreme Court in February let the two men return to Italy to vote in general elections. However, the court has ruled that India has the jurisdiction to try the two marines.

The two men, who were being held at the Italian Embassy in India and reported to a local police station once a week, were also allowed to return to their families for Christmas.

Italy has long held the case should be transferred to Italy, arguing that the actual shooting had taken place in international waters.

Rome's request that New Delhi agree to pursue a bilateral dialogue to find a diplomatic solution has gone unanswered, Mr. Terzi's office said.


Just fu#kin great..

> First they send them back to Italy for Christmas.
> Second time our govt. sends them back to vote, couldn't they have emailed their choices? :evil:

Looks like someone wanted to save their Italian brethren, and also maybe settle the latest defense scandal.

Italy - Fool me once (bofors) shame on you, fool me twice (Augusta, those bleeding marines) shame on me (India).
An Italian person is ruling our country, what do you expect, if I was in that "Person's" place, I'd have done the same.


things going more and more interesting:

seems it is really going to be a test of indian political, economical and international capabilities - welcome to the battlegrounds of 21st century.
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Broken In
Italy Won't Send Accused Marines to India

Just fu#kin great..

> First they send them back to Italy for Christmas.
> Second time our govt. sends them back to vote, couldn't they have emailed their choices? :evil:

Looks like someone wanted to save their Italian brethren, and also maybe settle the latest defense scandal.

Italy - Fool me once (bofors) shame on you, fool me twice (Augusta, those bleeding marines) shame on me (India).
the govt should have realised that fascist italians cant be trusted


Wise Old Owl
it has nothing to do with italians being fascist, its pretty clear india cant exert her right as a nation because of a laughing stock it has become. there have been so many instances : like after the 1993 bombay blasts india could catch all accused including tiger-memon and dawood ibrahim, dawood ibrahim even wanted to surrender back to india if all previous cases were dropped against him and he was tried solely on 1993 blasts . but thanks to the incompetent govt, and the hand in glove policy of the Maharashtra MLA / MP's it did not happen.

its very simple : the world will take you for granted if you dont have the balls to stand up and put people in their place, by force or by action.
What you smoking?

yeah i smoke, but try this. India is run by a government headed by an italian.... and the biggest scams which occur when She or her husband are in power are related to Italian companies..
Do you think its coincidence that Lesser known italian companies scam in India when her group(in congress) is heading the government, when ther are bigger and more corrupt companies (like the American companies which run many countries) ??!!

And now the linience given to Italian soldiers....

You need need to start smoking too... :p



Super Moderator
Staff member
yeah i smoke, but try this. India is run by a government headed by an italian.... and the biggest scams which occur when She or her husband are in power are related to Italian companies..
Do you think its coincidence that Lesser known italian companies scam in India when her group(in congress) is heading the government, when ther are bigger and more corrupt companies (like the American companies which run many countries) ??!!

And now the linience given to Italian soldiers....

You need need to start smoking too... :p

many of you are forgetting is the supreme court which gave the final order of sending them back on the assurance of italian ambassador's written statement not the govt.let's say govt,prosecution,defense & ambassador all were together in this it still does not change the fact that supreme court made a some one above already said there is no country(at least where formal rule of law is there) which allow prisoners accused of killing to go home to spend vacation & this case supreme court judges made a wrong judgement & they will learn from this especially after being humbled by diplomatic immunity cover which they like it or not but India has to follow(after all India too has ambassadors in other countries).


Judgement Time!!
Fishermen killings: Italy says it will send back two marines sought by India
wow..i will be damned..never thought this would happen...think some deal has been worked out between india and italy...
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