Is your Dataone slow lately ? (For BSNL datone USER)

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Cyborg Agent
I am just frustrated now.
But I know that BSNL dataone is the best deal in internet out! Unlike other ISPs .. there network never gets conjusted because they really have too much of bandwidth (Heard that they have around 25GBPS international link) and thats enough for more than a a lakh user using 256 connection at its limits.. means we can have lakhs of user simultaneously on BSNL dataone with any .. bandwidth or network conjstion glitch.
I know it is true as the day since I get the connectino .. there is no problem (apart of service and faulty line but now probs from backbone)

But recently the dataone is real slow..
I started investigating and the result is ::
As you might have read from the press, Internet and Telecommunication services across Asia were disrupted on Wednesday after a 7.1-magnitude earthquake in Taiwan damaged undersea internet cables, leaving much of Asia in a virtual blackout.
The disruption is widespread, hitting China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Hong Kong and elsewhere, with knock-on effects as far away as Australia for companies whose Internet is routed through affected areas.

According to Internet Service Providers, the quake apparently damaged the vast network of underwater cables that enables modern communication. Several of the massive submarine cables running offshore which link countries in Asia with the United States and beyond have been cut.

Rest assured that repairs are currently underway by ISPs with traffic being redirected over other cable systems in the meantime, in an effort to ensure at least some services are available, albeit slower than normal due to the higher traffic.

The regional ISPs have not put a timeframe on when the lines would be fixed, though restoration works will improve on a day to day basis.

And I think its true .. very true.
I was investigating and found tht internal BSNL network is normal means .. no conjestion in internal network. Then next step was to open website whose server are hosted in India.. their pings.. etc.
And it confirmed that International link is really conjusted. India hosted sites are opening just like a charm.. wish if most of the sites in world were hosted in India itself :p lolz

Lastly .. to add more to confirm..
During morning time.. i.e. after 2 am to 10 am .. (ie . before working hrs start). Internet works perfect .. as normal which suggest tht now all international traffic of India is being routed through narrow / slow backbone.. hence our internet (international) is slow .. (which included digit forum too, hosted on verio network .. United States - Colorado) .

Now Why I posted this here ?
Reason: I want to get feedback from other bsnl dataone users that how much they agree with my observation..
Is it true in their region / place too?
If not .. then tell us the situation.
If YES .. then try to explain reason for ur conclusion

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In the zone
Me too got an average 0f 200 KBps during 2am - 8am. But yesterday evening, it was only around 30-80 KBps. I noticed this only yesterday because of the speed increase to 2 Mbps.

techno tublai

Broken In
Yes, my DataOne is slow too here in Kolkata. But the night the day before, I got around 86 KBps or nearly 360 kbps at the peak. I guess you are right.


Cyborg Agent
Guys.. what are you talking about ?
unni just said that he gets 200kBps .. thats 1600 kbps per second ..
Then he says that he is now getting 30-80 kBps (and says thats slow) ..
Unni.. u said that speed is 2 mbps.. ? Are you having 2mbps connection or its just tht you are getting such speeds ?

techno tublai > What plan you are having bcz you too are giving wiered figure!!
I supposed that most of home users hv 256kbps plan !


Wise Old Owl
BSNL has only 1k's portals in its bag .. and they're already full ... so its very obvious for the network to be congested ..

The UL900 users are suffering the most, ,, with very random connection quality .. they've indeed increase speeds upto 2 Mbps for other connections , and its more evident in cities than suburbs ..


Cyborg Agent
What do you mean by 1k's portal ?

BTW, I was too thinking about that lately as in other countries you mostly get connection at maximum data rates possible on the their current technology being used but then they are capped on bandwidth usage.

So I think they can surely increase bandwidth pipe to 2mbps for each user wh o are on capped data transfer plan.

and also they will not increase speed for 256 kbps users UL plan because that could cause disaster to their network. :p
I was once able to have data transfer of 35GB in a month though normal usuage is around 5 GB
I am also on 900 UL .
Also I dont think that the network conjestion can start all of so sudden.
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Wise Old Owl
For the last few days I had slow speeds most of the time and pages opening slow and I think it was due to the cable disruptions caused by the Taiwan quake.
Before that, for more than a year I was having a more or less constant speed of around 30KBps.
But Just now I have downloaded the V 2.1 of Open Office (93MB) and from beginning to end it was downloading at around 65 KBps.

techno tublai

Broken In
@ricky> I am a home 500 user and I heard else where that bsnl was trial testing the upgradation scheme yesterday and the day before. Well 2 mbps is about 256 KBps(kilobytes) and I mentioned 86 KBps. What's weird in that?
yes..even mine...couldnt connect to any page since yesterday..only from saturday evening pages have started opening up..

techno tublai

Broken In
Hey its 6:30 in the morning and the speed is still around 13-16 KBps, even on rapidshare and torrents. Anyone else in such a slow speed?


Commander in Chief
Not slow at all, torrents are still leeching here at 25-35 KBps as ever on an UL 900. I noticed my uploads increased from 7 KBps to 10 KBps overnight.


Cyborg Agent
@ Ricky

Almost same here....Download speed decrease in the afternoon...4-7 kbps.

Torrents are some how ok.

Internal(across India) sites are normal...International hosted sites are opening slow.


Wise Old Owl
Hey its 6:30 in the morning and the speed is still around 13-16 KBps, even on rapidshare and torrents. Anyone else in such a slow speed?

Faced this problem for a whole day .. things are better now .. most probably the servers are still being upgraded ..


Šupər♂ - 超人
yup... techtronic, me too in the 900/- plan and getting highly fluctuating speeds from the last few days... more on 10-20kBps... i thought it might be because of the download servers... but hey... it's repeating for every case and even on µtorrent downloads *

where exactly in the Solar System r u BTW * Me am right now @ [url=*]Visakhapatnam[/URL]
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